Saturday, June 20, 2020

"Patriarch" Kyrill 'consecrates' (?) military memorial cathedral

"All is not as it seems"!: in this fallen from God's grace-world of delusions: "Patriarch Kyrill" Gundaev, 'consecrates' (?) massive military memorial cathedral in Moscow


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Dan Everiss

Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 2:18 PM

​"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom!"
 Here we witness theatrical  atheist actors, dressed as Orthodox clergy, using our rituals and prayers -well practiced, pretending to be worshiping believing genuine Orthodox Christians.  
And this is what Stalin's 1943 creation, his enslaved non-canonical and apostate  "Moscow Patriarchate" is all about. It has not changed one-iota, since Stalin created it, in 1943,  on the blood and suffering of millions of martyrs. And this fraud-communist puppet 'church', is what the OCA, "Orthodox Church of America",  and ROCOR/MP, "Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia/Moscow Patriarchate branch", (BOTH of which church organizations are centered in America!) have SO FOOLISHLY subjugated  themselves to, and its 'patriarch', of them both: special KGB agent Kyrill Gundaev, righthand  servant of Vladimir Putin and his neo-soviet kremlin gangsters- who are still bent on world domination and the destruction of America. 

In this revealing though disgusting video, just look at the angry hate-filled faces of many of those attending this horrible 'holy' event. It tells  a lot about what is really in their hearts and minds, and it is not humble reverence before God and His saints.

They are theatrically -as on a stage, performing and witnessing and being a part of blasphemy, a mocking of God and His saints and of everything that is truly holy.

"The fool has said in his heart, there is no God!"

This is a gathering of just such God-hating fools!

Woe to anyone, especially any sincere Orthodox Christians,  who foolishly honors or who trusts them.

They are the Sanhedrin of the Ungodly, servants of Antichrist.

Reader Daniel Everiss


Sent:Saturday, June 20, 2020 3:02 PM<>
Subject:Military Memorial Cathedral

Dear Reader Dan,

I've just viewed the Youtube video to which you linked.  Of course, I had heard something of this, and seen some construction footage, before the fact of the "consecration."

Towards the end of the video is an impressive panoramic shot of the grounds with the cathedral as centerpiece.  Dare I say?  If Orthodoxy aspired to its own -- may Our Lord forbid it -- Bate's Motel,  I fear it would look to an uncomfortable degree like this edifice.  It is a little worrisome to me that gazing at a Russian Cathedral should call to my mind a particular scene from a Hitchcock film.  It's a first for me!

(My commenter)


SHARING: My reply to dark but humorous commenter: Re: Military Memorial Cathedral


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Dan Everiss

Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 7:12 PM
Cc: Joanna Higginbotham <>, .... (+ 1 other)

Well, you have given me some on-going chuckles (when I have had little to be humorous about lately)  from your unexpected clever reply, likening this monstrosity Moscow Military Memorial  'Megachurch' to the Bates Motel in the 1960 Psycho movie, mainly, I assume, as regarding what happened/ or happens  inside of both  buildings.

Yes, the Bates Motel and this sinister structure – both, have evil and dark negative  modalities and ...purposes.

I would never have made that comparison, but you are not far off.

In the Orthodox Church, our sacred temples are built and decorated to be, little & bright inspiring places of heaven on earth.

When we step inside of our churches, (no matter what century they were built) we feel as if we are in a foretaste of heaven, surrounded by images of Christ and His life and His saints-  HOLY places, inspired places wherein to restore our faith and to encourage us towards THEOSIS, union with God (which is the whole aim of Orthodox Christian spirituality and life).

Light festive shapes and colours are normal, and Byzantine shapes -or other local ethnic cultural variations on that style, also normal.

Icons festoon the insides and often the outsides of our holy places for worship.

But this building is trying to proclaim a big lie to the world: that God & His servants and  the Devil and his servants, are equal, and that those who served the Devil-and who died (from Lenin thru the Second World War till now), in that service-bringing communism into Russia and the world, are EQUAL to God's saints!

And this horrible church, makes visible, V. Putin's atheistic  fantasy dream of uniting Communism and his captive form of Russian Orthodoxy, under one combined control: HIS.

His thesis is: GOD blesses whatever Putin wants to do, with Russia or the whole world.

Originally, the original communist scheme (Marxist/Leninism) was to eliminate all religion, and replace it with the communist utopian plans for mankind, starting in Russia.

BUT, dear Stalin was thwarted in those plans, as Hitler's mighty army was invading and conquering Russian territory, -and the Russian peasants were welcoming the invading Germans, with bouquets of flowers and praises, as they were so very disgusted by the mass murder and brutality of the Bolsheviks, that they looked to Hitler to save them!

Hitler's mighty military machine and army was wining.

 So then, Stalin devised his false puppet  church, in 1943, to inspire the common Russians ( who were mostly very deeply religious for centuries-the ancestral  Orthodox faith was a daily part of their very normal lives), to fight 'for Mother Russia and the Orthodox faith', etc.

Most Russians, wanted the communists to loose and be wiped out.  LATER on, the Germans could not possibly hold all of vast Russia, and THEN the common people would defeat and throw them out.

Over 3 million Russian men joined Hitler's army, to help defeat the Bolsheviks.  Because to save the communists, the Russian people  would not fight for or die for.

But I will have to stop here, as otherwise I will try to recount all Russian history, and that is too much for me now.

But, NO!, no normal Orthodox church looks like this morbid and depressing temple, nor could it be built in order to honor the memory of those who blew up churches and mass murdered the clergy and laity, as did many of those commemorated within this darkly hued  structure- which is a mockery of a Russian many many ways.

But, your DARK humour has lifted my spirits, thanks!

Our Metropolitan Agafangel has labeled it, as the new center for Putin's new Pagan Religion.

Indeed, it is a pagan temple, not an Orthodox church – either in its twisted and corrupt and deceitful purpose or in its physical appearance.

And by the way, other similar mega-temples are being planed for some of the Russian Federation's 'republics', such as a  one for their Ural region.

Putin styles himself as sort of a ersatz new Russian Czar, so he needs a 'Russian Church' (one under his complete control) to validate his fantasies. – so that 'he gains the blessings of heaven' for his demonic world domination schemes.

Putin and his KGB network WITH the worldwide  LEFT, are behind the organized chaos in our country now – he must destroy America, by turning us all against each other, to realize his end-dream of returning Russia and the world to his hero – Joseph Stalin's goals.  Of course, Putin is a typical self-worshipping dictator, as was Hitler and Stalin and them all.

Forgive any typing or spelling errors, but I am in a hurry.

Rd. Daniel in Oregon


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