Monday, July 31, 2017

Russia's Catacomb Saints

General Sharing from I.M. Andreyev's "Russia's Catacomb Saints": by our canonical ROCA Bishop of Australia and New Zealand, Vladyka John in Melbourne

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Dan Everiss

Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 2:41 PM
An Added Note: The hardbound texts ("Is the Grace of God Present in the Soviet Church?", and "Russia's Catacomb Saints") many other translated into English valuable solidly Orthodox and anti-MP texts are available from  Archpriest Andrew Kencis' MONASTERY PRESS in Alberta, Canada:
Monastery Press is a publishing and printing house of Traditional Christian Literature. From our site many other products besides books are offered. Documents in ...




Sunday, July 30, 2017

Orthodox Christians should be ready for self-sacrifice and even martyrdom

…In order to pray one had to be ready at any minute for a martyr’s death. And we were ready for it…
…everyone who entered [the one remaining church that did not accept the Declaration of 1927 by Metropolitan Sergius] was registered and later arrested. This was the time when the atheist Soviet power demanded of believers that they go to the Churches of the official Church.
I, too, was arrested and banished for five years. At Solovki I encountered many hierarchs of the true Church. And there we already had our Catacomb church.
In the concentration camps the persecution against faith was completely open: priests were shorn and shaved, forbidden to wear cassocks and crosses. For making the sign of the Cross a new term of imprisonment was given. Of course there was no question of any open services. (…) In order to pray one had to be ready at any minute for a martyr’s death. And we were ready for it, always carrying with us, like the first Christians, a Particle of the Holy Gifts. I brought such a Particle abroad and gave it to Metropolitan Anastassy.
what terror overwhelmed me when, fairly recently, I managed to come abroad and found that some people here ’spiritually’ recognize the Soviet Church. Spiritually!
And not only were we ready to die, but many did die, confident that somewhere there, outside the reach of the Soviet authorities, where there is freedom - there the Truth was shining in all its purity. There people were living by it and submitting to it. There people did not bow down to Antichrist. And what terror overwhelmed me when, fairly recently, I managed to come abroad and found that some people here ’spiritually’ recognize the Soviet Church. Spiritually! Many of us there fell, ‘for fear of the Jews’, or giving in to the temptation of outward cooperation with the authorities. I knew priests of the official Church who, at home, tore their hair out, who smashed their heads making prostrations, begging forgiveness for their apostasy, calling themselves Cain - but nonetheless they did not have the strength to decide upon martyrdom. But even they spiritually did not recognize the Red Church. But these others abroad - it is precisely spiritually that they submit to it. What good fortune that our priest-martyrs, in dying, did not find out about this betrayal!

…even they spiritually did not recognize the Red Church. But these others abroad - it is precisely spiritually that they submit to it. What good fortune that our priest-martyrs, in dying, did not find out about this betrayal!
I. M. Andreyev: Russia’s Catacomb Saints

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Children in Church

Sharing for thought: One Orthodox oriented view & contribution to the subject: "Children in Church"

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Dan Everiss

Sat, Jul 29, 2017 at 5:42 PM

From: Saint Edward Brotherhood <>
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2017 7:07 AM
Subject: children in church

From: delevoryas
Subject: children in church
Date: 28 July 2017 11:54:25 GMT+01:00

I found this on a Greek site - which has some good points in it.  I’m going to try to circulate it in our church, where the behaviour of children (or rather, the behaviour of parents)  continues to be a problem.

In Christ,


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Met. Agafangel's comment on unlawful schism

& ENGLISH and RUSSIAN: What unlawful and impious schism and heresy produces!: Met. Agafangel's comment: His revelation of SOME of the smaller recent wrong-doings and lies of under-ban in schism, Andronik Kotlaroff-

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Dan Everiss

Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 5:47 PM
WAKE UP! all who are now a captured hypnotized part of this anti-ROCA and anti-Orthodox mindless and moronic power oriented schism! It is the joy of the Moscow KGB ruled MP, and of all enemies of genuine Orthodoxy, around the world. It is based on lies and slanders and many many falsehoods.
May God grant MANY YEARS!  MNOGAYA LETA!  to our worthy and always under assault Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel and to our world-wide ROCA HOLY SYNOD and to all of our faithful and loyal clergy and laity!

A clarifying English rendition from the Russian:
Shared in the hope, that all who are presently in thralldom and held in delusion by this totally unjustified schism, may wake up, leave it, and return repentant to our ROCA, our canonical ROCA!

+ 1 # RE: ROCOR: Bishops  Roman and Melchizedek visited Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel in Odessa: 27.07.2017 13:01

Vladyka Melchizedek told me the sad story of his communications with the banned-Archbishop Andronik. He, living in the United States, in March of last year, wishing to join our Church, appealed to Vl. Andronik with a request, for him to arrange his personal meeting with myself. Vl. Andronik  advised him to not meet with me, since I, upon receiving him into my church,  [allegedly, as he told him,]  that I would demand that I must have signed  over, to my personal ownership,  all of his property. Nevertheless, he, knowing about my expected arrival in the US, Bp.  Melchizedek again in May of last year, again  turned to Vl. . Andronik,  for him to  help us to meet together. Vl. Andronik said that the specific conditions for such a meeting would be, allegedly, that he must  gift me [personally] with 50 acres of land, and a house, and a temple and even more money. Vl. Melchizedek then refused to meet with me. Already this year, as of a few months ago, banned in the ministry Vl. Andronik,  himself phoned Bishop Melchizedek and suggested that he [i.e. Vl. Andronik] could receive  him into his sect 'for free'. Only thanks to a personal acquaintance of our ROCA Vladyka Roman of Haifa, Vl. Melchizedek, nevertheless, still managed to meet with me.

Taking into account also the recent sad fact that our Synod of Bishops needed to receive through the bank a return payment on insurance, in the amount of  US dollars, $398.50, but the check was sent accidentally to the postal address of Vl. Andronik, which was to a bank, and Vl. Andronik received this check and cashed it. That is, he appropriated  to himself, money which did not belong to him. We learned about this accidentally, from the information which came from  the bank.  Vl. Andronik did not tell us anything about it.

By resorting  to such wrongful actions,-those  of  Vl. Andronik, who is forbidden in the priesthood [under ban], the conclusion of these matters, suggests that the direct result of heresy and schism is, first of all, SPIRITUAL damage - deception, theft and meanness. May the Lord  correct him!
 In this case, his actions are not just his  personal wrongs, but they have  been done  in the good name of our Church, which we all have to protect from "all uncleanness."
Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel

Original Russian comment, found on, under the article of Bishops Roman and Melchizadek  visit Vl. Metropolitan Agafangel in Odessa:

*Found on this article: 

+1#RE: РПЦЗ: Одессу посетили епископы Роман и МельхисидекМитрополит Агафангел27.07.2017 13:01
Владыка Мелхиседек поведал печальную историю своего общения с запрещённым архиепископом Андроником. Он, проживая в США, в марте прошлого года, желая присоединиться к нашей Церкви обратился к вл. Андронику с просьбой, организовать его встречу со мной. Вл. Андроник ему не посоветовал со мной встречаться, так как я при присоединении, якобы, требую переписывать на себя всё имущество. Тем не менее, зная о моём приезде в США, вл. Мелхиседек ещё раз в мае прошлого года обратился к вл. Андронику, чтобы он помог нам встретиться. На это Андроник сообщил, что условием такой встречи должно быть, якобы то, что он подарит мне 50 акров земли, дом, храм и ещё большую сумму денег. Вл. Мелхиседек тогда отказался со мной встречаться. Уже в этом году, несколько месяцев назад, запрещённый в служении вл. Андроник сам позвонил вл. Мелхиседеку и предложил, что он может принять его в свою секту бесплатно. Только благодаря личному знакомству с владыкой Хайфским Романом, вл. Мелхиседеку, всё же, удалось со мной встретиться.

Учитывая также случившийся недавно печальный факт, заключающийся в том, что наш Архиерейский Синод должен был получить через банк возврат по страховке в сумме $398.50, но чек был послан случайно на почтовый адрес вл. Андроника, который имелся у банка, а вл. Андроник этот чек получил и обналичил. То есть, присвоил себе деньги, ему не принадлежащие. Мы узнали об этом случайно из информации банка, он нам ничего не сообщал.

Гладя на такие действия запрещённого в священнослужени и Андроника, напрашивается вывод, что прямым следствием ереси и раскола есть, прежде всего, духовное повреждение - обман, воровство и подлость. Да вразумит его Господь! В данном случае дело не в нём лично, а в добром имени нашей Церкви, которое мы все обязаны защищать от "всякой нечистоты".

TWO GOC related articles: Abbess Kypriane + New Missions in Cuba

Sharing: TWO GOC related articles: First: Life of the holy nun, Abbess Kypriane of the Holy Angels Womens Monastery in Aphidnai, Greece, and Second: The GOC of Greece: Two New Missions in Cuba


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Dan Everiss

Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 3:25 PM

"Grant me O Lord, the homeland of my heart's desiring, making me again, a citizen of Paradise!" Alleluia!

"In that blessed life, which is with Thee.......!"

Shared by Archimandrite Alexius in the UK:

From: CTOS 
Date: 26 July 2017 18:28:05 GMT+01:00

Clergy, Faithful, and Friends of the 
Diocese of Etna and Portland

May God bless you.

The following is an inspiring video about the life of Abbess Kypriane of the Convent of the Holy Angels in Aphidnai (Athens), Greece. Mother Kypriane was one of the most dedicated disciples of the late Metropolitan Cyprian of Oropos and Phyle and the spiritual Mother of Abbess Elizabeth of the Convent of St. Elizabeth here in Etna, who trained at the Convent of the Holy Angels.

We offer this video for your spiritual edification.

Γερόντισσα Κυπριανή: της Μονής των Αγίων Αγγέλων ο επίγειος Άγγελος.

Two new GOC missions in Cuba: 

From: Saint Edward Brotherhood <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 10:47 PM
Subject: Two New Missions in Cuba

> From the GOC in America website today :
> Pray for them, please.

Revealing Comment by Vladyka Agafangel

(NEEDS an ENGLISH Translation!)-Informational Sharing: FIRST: Revealing Comment by Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel : & Bishops Roman and Melchizadek visited Odessa

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Dan Everiss

Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 1:25 PM

Important  Comment of Metropolitan Agafangel about the current tentative situation of Bp. Melchizadek, and the pathetic and deceiving lies to him, of banned bp. Andronik Kotlaroff to trick him into joining his deranged  uncanonical and destructive UNJUSTIFIED schism from our ROCA, etc. This particular matter is so very revealing about just how false and unprincipled , 'who love lies more than the truth', are these self-deceived and deceiving of others, POWER HUNGRY schismatics, and that they use every contrived lie or exaggeration to gain more power [and monies]  for their pretended legitimacy for their new 'church', their counterfeit ROCA.
SHAME! on pathetic and unstable Andronik Kotlaroff and all those who are so foolishly  loyal to him [many, especially of the laity,] simply out of total ignorance of the facts, and in a blind FALSE-piety of 'obedience to their beloved popular smiling bishop' and to his fellow schismatic leadership.!...Dupes and the  joy of the MP and the Kremlin!...aimed to destroy our ROCA and its opposition to them. The KGB run MP, will be the only victor in this concocted schism.
*THIS needs to be put into machine-English translation, or better yet,  a good human translation,  for all to read!

*Found on this article: 

+1#RE: РПЦЗ: Одессу посетили епископы Роман и МельхисидекМитрополит Агафангел27.07.2017 13:01
Владыка Мелхиседек поведал печальную историю своего общения с запрещённым архиепископом Андроником. Он, проживая в США, в марте прошлого года, желая присоединиться к нашей Церкви обратился к вл. Андронику с просьбой, организовать его встречу со мной. Вл. Андроник ему не посоветовал со мной встречаться, так как я при присоединении, якобы, требую переписывать на себя всё имущество. Тем не менее, зная о моём приезде в США, вл. Мелхиседек ещё раз в мае прошлого года обратился к вл. Андронику, чтобы он помог нам встретиться. На это Андроник сообщил, что условием такой встречи должно быть, якобы то, что он подарит мне 50 акров земли, дом, храм и ещё большую сумму денег. Вл. Мелхиседек тогда отказался со мной встречаться. Уже в этом году, несколько месяцев назад, запрещённый в служении вл. Андроник сам позвонил вл. Мелхиседеку и предложил, что он может принять его в свою секту бесплатно. Только благодаря личному знакомству с владыкой Хайфским Романом, вл. Мелхиседеку, всё же, удалось со мной встретиться.

Учитывая также случившийся недавно печальный факт, заключающийся в том, что наш Архиерейский Синод должен был получить через банк возврат по страховке в сумме $398.50, но чек был послан случайно на почтовый адрес вл. Андроника, который имелся у банка, а вл. Андроник этот чек получил и обналичил. То есть, присвоил себе деньги, ему не принадлежащие. Мы узнали об этом случайно из информации банка, он нам ничего не сообщал.

Гладя на такие действия запрещённого в священнослужени и Андроника, напрашивается вывод, что прямым следствием ереси и раскола есть, прежде всего, духовное повреждение - обман, воровство и подлость. Да вразумит его Господь! В данном случае дело не в нём лично, а в добром имени нашей Церкви, которое мы все обязаны защищать от "всякой нечистот

+ 1 # RE: ROCOR: Bishops of Roman and Melchizedek visited Bishkek Metropolitan Agafangel 27.07.2017 13:01

Lord Melchizedek told a sad story of his communication with the banned Archbishop Andronicus. He, living in the United States, in March last year, wishing to join our Church, appealed to ow. Andronik with a request, organize his meeting with me. Vl. Andronik did not advise him to meet with me, since I, upon accession, allegedly demand that I rewrite all property. Nevertheless, knowing about my arrival in the US, ow. Melchizedek again in May last year turned to ow. Andronicus, so he helped us to meet. Andronic said that the condition for such a meeting should be, allegedly, that he will give me 50 acres of land, a house, a temple and even more money. Vl. Melchizedek then refused to meet with me. Already this year, a few months ago, banned in the ministry of owls. Andronic himself called ow. Melchizedek and suggested that he can take him to his sect for free. Only thanks to a personal acquaintance with Vladyka Haifa Roman, ow. Melchizedek, nevertheless, managed to meet me.

Taking into account also the recent sad fact that our Synod of Bishops had to receive through the bank a return on insurance in the amount of $ 398.50, but the check was sent accidentally to the postal address of ow. Andronicus, which was a bank, and ow. Andronicus received this check and cashed it. That is, I appropriated the money that does not belong to him. We learned about this accidentally from the information of the bank, he did not tell us anything.

By turning to such actions forbidden in the priesthood and Andronicus, the conclusion suggests that the direct result of heresy and schism is, first of all, spiritual damage - deception, theft and meanness. May the Lord teach him! In this case, it's not in him personally, but in the good name of our Church, which we all have to protect from "all uncleanness."

From: Dan Everiss <>
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 11:26 AM
Subject: Sharing: ROCOR: Bishops Roman and Melchizadek visited Odessa
ROCOR: Bishops Roman and Melchizedek visited Odessa
Автор: Митрополит Агафангел вкл. Author: Metropolitan Agafangel inc. 27 Июль 2017 27 July 2017 . . Опубликовано в РПЦЗ (Просмотров: 88) Posted in ROCOR (Views: 88)
Одессу посетили епископы Роман и Мелхиседек, которые прибыли со Святой Земли.

Odessa was visited by the bishops Roman and Melchizedek, who came from the Holy Land.

Владыка Мелхиседек проживает в США и давно желал присоединиться к нашей Церкви, но встретил на этом пути немало препятствий.

 Vyadyka  Melchizedek lives in the United States and has long wanted to join our Church, but he encountered many obstacles along the way.

Наконец, ему удалось встретиться с Митрополитом Агафангелом и провести переговоры по этому вопросу.

to Finally, he managed to meet with Metropolitan Agafangel and hold talks on this issue.

Вопрос о воссоединении вл. The question of reuniting ow. Мелхиседека с нашей Церковью будет рассматриваться на ближайшем Архиерейском Соборе, который пройдёт в октябре.

Bishop Melchizedek's joining  our Church, will be considered at the nearest Bishops' Council, which will be held in October.

666 is Allah

And FOR THOUGHT: One!-interesting contribution [among many!- on You-Tube] to our better understanding of Islam: "The number 666, the Mark of the Beast, is the name of 'Allah'"

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Dan Everiss

Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 1:52 AM

Why should we Orthodox Christians [of any and all nationalities]  study and learn the full meaning of the religion of false-Messiah and false Prophet Muhammad's... Islam-['Submission'] and what are its disastrous  Influences [historically recorded for those who want to read it] upon its slavish soul-dead adherents, through its entire terrible oppressive and bloody history and even today, as Muslim  individuals, and as with whole Islamic captive nations, and indeed upon all of mankind which Islam is  today harming and about  its many countless specific evils it has perpetrated  upon mankind  for the approximately 1400 plus years since Muhammad of Thrice Cursed Memory, founded it?

Who has suffered more than Orthodox Christians from Islam? Our fellow Orthodox believers were its first victims and remain so today.

We, and all people of every nation, need to fully understand what it is really all Islam attempts  to take over the entire world, and to enslave us all.

On you-tube alone, are many many personal and sincere video testimonies of converted x-Muslims, who give their personal and truthful heartrending  accounts of what it does to individuals and to whole societies, and why so many of them, [millions] world-wide,  are fleeing and leaving it, [both publically but more so, in secret],  and many  are becoming  Christians or even total atheists after all the damage it has done to them. When many Muslims even just  read the Bible, our Orthodox Holy Book,  for the first time, their hearts are touched and they  decide to join themselves to Christ, as their True and real God. Many too, Christ Himself,  has visited and revealed Himself to them, directly....[-view the many you-tube conversion accounts....and then decide if they are telling the truth. Some are Islamic scholars, highly educated, while others are simple people of lower classes, both men  and women, the young and the elderly of many various Muslim dominated ethnic groups and nations.

Islam is anti-human and anti-True God. It darkens and oppresses the mind and the soul and the heart.

Even our western secular humanists, it persecutes. It has zero toleration of any divergence from its soul and mind numbing dictates. Obey or die! is its  normal rule of activity.

Islam means ..'submission'... to Satan, the heathen and false demonic-god they call, 'Allah'. pure and simple.

ALL NEED TO READ THE TRUTHFUL...and rotten, HISTORY!... not only of what teaches... but what it has ACTUALLY DONE.... in its 1400 years plus. And as best any of us can, we need to try to convert Muslims to our Holy Orthodox Christian Faith, for their good and ours. BECAUSE, God hates the sin, but He loves the sinner!, and wishes that all be saved and come to Him.....which is why Our Lord JESUS CHRIST THE GOD-MAN, became Incarnate and came to earth.  And He created  all of mankind in His pure and holy image.

GOD LOVES ALL MUSLIMS!....whereas merciless 'Allah' hates humans, which is among the chief signs of 'who' he really is....the fallen angel, Lucifer, 'the destroyer of worlds'.

"By their fruits shall ye know them", said Our Lord.

And we are called to be 'wise as serpents , but harmless as doves'.

CLICK onto this link for the best viewing of this video:

When the AntiChrist comes to earth, he will make everyone submit to him and take his mark on their foreheads and right hands. Without this mark you will not ...

MP cleric refuses to commemorate the heretic Kiril

A Sharing: A valuable testimony: Another MP cleric refuses to commemorate the heretic Kiril Gundyaev ( KGB-MP false "Patriarch of Russia")

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Dan Everiss

Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 12:54 PM


MP: Another cleric refused to commemorate the heretic Kirill Gundyaev Автор: Интернет Собор вкл. Author: Internet Sobor  incl. 25 Июль 2017 25 July 2017 . . Опубликовано в Московская Патриархия (Просмотров: 43) Published in The Moscow Patriarchate (Views: 43)

Письмо клирика Тихвинской епархии МП протоиерея Артемия Скрипкина, опубликованное им на своей странице ВКонтакте

The letter of the cleric of the Tikhvin Diocese of the MP of Archpriest Artemy Skripkin, published by him on his page VKontakte (to his diocesan bishop and to 'Pat.' Kyril Gundaev)-

Митрополиту РПЦ МП Варсонофию, СПб и Ладожскому

Metropolitan ROC MP Varsonofia, of St. Petersburg and Ladoga
Письмо. Letter.
16 апреля сего года, в день Св.Пасхи, патриарх РПЦ МП Кирилл Московский, при посещении ДКБ г.Москвы выступил с важным заявлением, касающимся вопроса о сущности Бога.

On April 16 of this year, on the Holy Pascha Day, the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, Kirill Moskovsky, made an important statement on the issue of the essence of God,  when he visited the DCC of Moscow.

В своём скандальном выступлении первоиерарх РПЦ МП, публично, при исполнении своих пастырских обязанностей, признал ТОЖДЕСТВЕННОЕ ЕДИНСТВО Бога-Троицы и т.н.

In his scandalous speech, the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church MP, publicly, while fulfilling his pastoral duties, recognized the TRUE UNITY of the Trinitarian  God and the so-called "Trinity"., with -

 бога мусульман Аллаха, тем самым подвергнув РЕВИЗИИ важнейший догмат христианской Веры - догмат о Св.Троице.

the 'god' of the Muslims of Allah, thereby subjecting the most important dogma of the Christian Faith to a revision - the dogma of the Holy Trinity.

На ваше имя, а также на имя патриарха РПЦ МП Кирилла Московского и епископа РПЦ МП Мстислава Тихвинского, два месяца назад, я направил письма с просьбой прояснить официальную богословскую позицию РПЦ МП по данному вопросу.

Two months ago, I sent letters asking you to clarify the official theological position of the Russian Orthodox Church on this issue in your name, as well as in the name of the Patriarch of the Moscow Patriarchate, MP Cyril of Moscow and the bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, MP Mstislav of Tikhvin..

 За прошедшие два месяца я не получил НИКАКИХ ответов и разъяснений.

Over the past two months I have not received ANY answers or explanations.

В связи с этими обстоятельствами уведомляю Вас о следующем:

 In connection with these circumstances, I will notify you of the following:

1. Пользуясь данным мне правом (15 правило КП Двукратного Собора), я разрываю каноническое общение с патриархом РПЦ МП Кириллом (Гундяевым В.М.) в связи совершенными им тяжкими каноническими преступлениями: Проповедь ереси МАГОМЕТАНСТВА (осуждена КП Собром 1180 г.) Проповедь ереси ЭКУМЕНИЗМА (осуждена Моск.собором 1948 г.)

1. I use the right given to me (Rule 15 of the Orthodox Ecumenical Council of the Double Council):  I break  canonical communication with the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Kirill (Gundyaev VM) in connection with his grave canonical crimes: Preaching the heresy of the MAGOMETHANISM (condemned by the Council of  1180) the Heresy of EKUMENISM (condemned by the Moscow Council of 1948)

Проповедь ереси ЛАТИНСТВА (осуждена множеством соборов и отец)

The preaching of the heresy of LATINITY (condemned by a multitude of Councils and by the Holy Fathers.

2. Я также, разрываю каноническое общение с Вами, епископом РПЦ МП Мстиславом и прочими епископами РПЦ МП, поддерживающими и разделяющими вышеуказанные лжеучения еретика и богохульника Гундяева В.М., как СОУЧАСТНИКАМИ (вольными или невольными) его преступлений против Бога и Св.Церкви.

 2. I also, break canonical communion with you, the bishop of the ROC MP, Mstislav and the other bishops of the ROC MP, who support and share the abovementioned false teachings of the heretic and blasphemer VM Gundyaev, as partisans (free or unwilling) of his crimes against God and the Holy Church..

3. Распоряжения и прещения Ваши и прочих вышеуказанных архиереев РПЦ МП вменяю ни во что.

3. Orders and reprimands of yours and other above-mentioned bishops ROC MP imputed in anything.

Оставаясь верным обетам данным мною перед принятием св.

Remaining faithful to the vows I made before the receiving of my Holy Baptism

. Крещения, и присяге данной перед рукоположением в священный сан,

and the oath I gave before ordination to the Holy Priesthood,

протоиерей Артемий Скрипкин.

Archpriest Artemy Skripkin.