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Reader Daniel comments on the shared conversation.
Russia needs to revive Soviet-era sense of solidarity – Patriarch Kirill Source
And my personal added comments:
As a life-long Orthodox Christian, and as a loyal patriotic born American, I am deeply dismayed and deeply angered, as to how many of my fellow Orthodox, those of 'Russian personal self-identity', especially those living here, [ with or without formal American citizenship] in my country, are actually quite sympathetic and loyal to neo-soviet bloody dictator, war-mongering Nazi-like Vladimir Putin, and who believe his enormous propaganda-machine endless lies and distortions, and then justify all the immoral and anti-Christian evils he is conducting,[ the prime examples of which, he is now conducting against Ukraine], while...in their hearts, ..and so foolishly too, even with their mouths!...are openly and publically denigrating this country and being, in truth, disloyal to this country, [ traitors and alien enemy agents here], where they actually live, this country!... which took them in.......and to which they prove that they are utterly ungrateful and unworthy to reside here.
Personally, I wish all of them would LEAVE AMERICA, and soon. Too bad, we ever let them in!
Daily my anger with them and my disgust, grows and grows.
Does that make me, a 'Russophobe'? ['phobe' by the way, means, 'fear of', not hate],
No, it makes me a simply truth-seeker and a loyal patriotic American, and a sincere Orthodox Christian.
I have long very much respected, and venerated all those Russians and others who died and suffered fighting the bolshevik takeover of old Russia, the Russian New Martyrs, and all Russians who militarily fought and died, trying to defeat the godless Reds...all of those....RUSSIANS!...I VENERATE and respect
I honour the old ROCOR anti-communist Russians, both the departed noble clergy and laity, -who had to mostly die off, before the current anti-American traitors, first lead by Lavr Shkurla, now under pathetic double-talking Mr. Hilarion Kapral, could steal that church, and submit it under KGB controlled Moscow.
That 2007 deceitful capture and coup of much of the old free diaspora Russian Church Abroad, HEADQUARTERED HERE IN MY AMERICA!, ( which country gave all of those Russian refugees a safe haven), was both a betrayal of real Russian Orthodoxy, genuine Universal Orthodoxy world-wide, and also an act of profound political betrayal of this country.
ROCOR/MP is but a propaganda foreign tool and arm of Putin's KGB run, anti-American, regime in Moscow.
And too, today, I am a warm compatriot with all 'dissident' anti-Putin and pro-democratic Russians.
But those, pro-Putinite 'Russians' ...most especially those of them, living in my country, who are disloyal to and who hate this nation, and who are in fact, only loyal to our international DEADLY enemy, bloody ruthless Putin's Russian Federation, their true 'Russian Motherland'???, I ask you..to PLEASE GET OUT OF MY NATIVE COUNTRY, and SOON!...and never ever come back.
You and I do not belong to the same religion, nor are you my Orthodox Christian brothers and sisters, but simply, my enemies, and the enemies of my country, and indeed, you are enemies of Truth and of God.
Almighty God!, grant total military crushing victory, in the soon
coming world war, with Putin's 'Russia', to my America, and grant a
free Ukraine, and also grant total defeat and devastating ruination to
despicable godless Putin's neo-soviet 'Russia'!
that wicked people, as a whole, [ which many polls tell us, are largely
pro-Putin and who see him as their national hero and their restorer of
their Russian empire, etc.], EVER really repent of their endless
national evils? How much more punishments upon them, must God send,
before they really repent and turn from their wickedness?America is not their enemy, as Putin tells them, but it is THEY THEMSELVES!
No one, especially anyone living here in America, can serve two masters. Either one is loyal to this country, or to Putin's neo-soviet non-free war-mongering still enslaved 'Russia'.
America is already overflowing with KGB agents, mixed in the Russian communities, and with Putin's fellow travelers as it is, as Konstantin Preobrazhensky testifies to. And he should personally know, indeed very well know!
Reader Daniel Everiss
Begin forwarded message:
From: Bishop Chrysostomos <Subject: Re: Russia needs to revive Soviet-era sense of solidarity – Patriarch Kirill SourceDate: 7 February 2015 16:40:26 GMTDear P: Gospod' blagoslovit!
I reacted immediately as you did when I first read this. A friend who used to work in the State Department sent it to me. Her words speak for themselves: "Solidarity with Soviet evil also includes mass starvation, forced labor, murder, and atheism, brain-washing and a loss of civil and human rights. If one plugs in these things, Russia's Patriarch seems to be spreading misinformation himself. The secret police and tyranny served Stalin very nicely. The Patriarch and his comrades seem to have liked the system. It didn't do much for their church members however. A strange call to arms from an unlikely source."You may recall that I distributed her remarks. Sadly, I got a great deal of criticism for being "anti-Russian." I think that I am quite the opposite. So is anyone who looks soberly at what the Soviet sympathizers first tried to erase from memory and now want to glorify (the Patriarch among them).More simply, I think that solidarity is measured by how one achieves unity and with whom one achieves it. I seem to remember that Mao unified China, Hitler unified Germany, and ISIS seeks to unify the Arab world. The Soviet experience fits well into this model. Is that actually what an Orthodox Christian seeks—and especially in the true history of Soviet Russia, where unity was built on the blood of countless Orthodox clergy and faithful?No wonder you are angry. Such things should outrage civilized people and true Russians and Russophiles. But such days seem to have gone the way of barbarity, even in the person, amazingly enough, of the first among equals of the Russian Bishops: the Patriarch.With affection in Christ, † BC*
On Feb 6, 2015, at 9:14 PM, p wrote:
Blagoslovite Vladyka ChrysostomosYour Eminence Vladyka ChrysostomosI haven't read any news about the MP for awhile but I found this article which was published on Jan 22 which Vladyka you may have seen.All I can say is that in answer to the MPs request to look at the achievements of the soviet system. Let's see, the murder of millions of clergy, men woman and children just to name a few. The barbaric ways of the system, to quote the MP, cannot be "falsified or misrepresented" as he has done in this article! I am so angry in reading this that I don't know how to express the words. But here it is just in case you have not seen it Vladyka.Your spiritual son in. ChristP“Whenever we start talking about the Soviet times, some idealize, others demonize them. Yet, was there something that generated those times and that today we can boldly accept and incorporate in our own philosophy of life? There was: solidarity,” the patriarch told the State Duma during its Christmas parliamentary meetings on Thursday. We must never forget the achievement of the Soviet people, “and not just the military,” he said. “What about those Komsomol members (young Communists) who gathered crops, built the BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline railway), without getting awards or privileges in return? It is a sense of teamwork, a sense of desiring to join efforts and do something good for your country,” the Church leader said. The idea of unity and continuity of the historical memory, protecting the national heritage against falsifications, against biased misinterpretation of the past reality “must form a base of values for cooperation among political forces,” the patriarch said.
Source: MP webiste: http://www.pravmir.com/russia-needs-revive- soviet-era-sense-solidarity- patriarch-kirill
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