From Sister Seraphima in Australia-
a good Non-Russian English translation, which I found at:
Russian original text, found on<<
Machine English translation below, followed by the numerous old photos:
TRAVEL ZEVULFA in the Holy Land
below Balandin treated in accordance with the modern Russian
orthography text was taken from the "Orthodox Palestinian Collection",
vol. 9, Vol. Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society S-Pb)
Origin and biography Zevulfa we are little known. His publisher Wright assumed on the basis of name and some hints on a journey that was Anglo-Saxon Zevulf that his name was simply Wulf (wolf), and for his voyages and dangers to which he was subjected, he was nicknamed Seawulf (sea wolf). Tobler considers him a merchant, later a monk in Malmesbyuri.
Another of his publisher d'Avezak very accurately determine the time of his pilgrimage, for what it is used by the following considerations. Zevulf mentions stay in Palestine King Baldwin of Jerusalem and Raymond of Toulouse, which causes attributed his journey to the era of the First Crusade, more precisely to the period between December 25, 1100 - the day of entry to the throne Baldwin and February 28, 1105 - the day of death of Raymond. In addition Zevulf says that belonged to Raymundo Tortosa, Acre and are at the mercy of the infidels. Consequently, he was in Palestine, after the conquest of Tortosa, t. E. March 12, 1102 and before taking Acre, t. E. 26 May 1104. In 1104 Zevulf could be in Palestine, because he went to the opposite way at Pentecost, and Pentecost in 1104 accounted for June 5 trail. after the capture of Acre. Thus, our traveler could return home only at Pentecost in 1102 or 1103
According to some other data can be more precisely timed journey Zevulfa; He said that left Italy on Sunday, the day of St. Mildridy, whose memory is honored on July 13, which comes into Sunday only in 1102 Consequently, Pentecost, which Zevulf went way back, there is a Pentecost in 1103, really come on May 17, and therefore the journey Zevulfa refers to the 1102-1103 biennium .
Description Zevulfa, preserved only in the manuscript collection of the twelfth century? located in the library of Corpus Christi College of the University of Cambridge under the number 111, and received by the judges of the library apxiepiskopa Cambridge Matthew Parker († 1572). It was published for the first time in the Relations des voyages de Guillaume de Rubruk, Bernard le Sage et Saewulf, publieys par Fr. Michel et Th. Wright. Paris, 1839, 4 °, pp. 237-274.
In the same year, with the corrected text reading, preface and notes issued profit d'Avezakom (d'Avezac) in Recueil de voyages et de memoires de la Society de Gyographie de Paris. 1839, T. IV, pp. 817-854. This latest edition has a separate print, we have adopted a base in the present translation. Presenting travel Zevulfa in English placed in Th. Wright, Early travels. pp. 31 sqq, and German - in the magazine: das Heilige Land. Köln. Jahrg. XX, pp. 121-126, 144-149, 179-183 and Jahrg. XXI, pp. 6-10. September 4, 1885
PA Ugliness.
Text translation
Begins accurate description of the situation in Jerusalem. I Zevulf unworthy sinner, went to Jerusalem to worship the Holy Sepulchre, but somewhat dejected weight of sin, and partly due to lack of a good ship, I could not follow a straight path along with other go there and sail the high seas, and therefore decided to celebrate only those islands, which I passed, or some of their names.
Some sit on the Court in Bar, in other Barlet, others in Siponto or Tran, some finally cross the sea from Otrento, last harbor in Apulia; and we boarded the ship in Monopoli, at a distance of days' journey from Varo, is the resurrection of the feast of St. Mildridy virgins. At the third mile, happen to us in an unfortunate time such a case, we would have all drowned, if not divine mercy defend us; on the very day when we went out of the harbor and were already far out to sea, we are of the strong emotion shipwreck, but by the grace of God back into the harbor without any damage.
Then we went to Brando. We again got into a miserable day on the same ship, but somehow corrected and thus on the eve of St. James the Apostle landed on the island in Greece, the city which, as well as the island was called Kurfo.
With great storm forced out, we landed on the first day of August to the island, called Kafalaniey; Robert Guiscard died there; died there, and ours, which caused us great grief. Then we sailed thence, we landed on the Polipoli. Then we arrived at the beautiful island of Patras and went to his town to worship St. Apostle Andrew, who suffered there, and was buried, but later moved to Constantinople.
From Patras we on the eve of St. Lawrence arrived in Corinth, a city in which the blessed Apostle Paul preached the word of God and the people whom he wrote a letter: it happened to us a lot of trouble .. From there we sailed into the harbor Ost; and then someone on foot, on donkeys who arrived two days before Thebes, the city used to be called Steve.
Then we came to the island, which is called Petalion. Then to Andros, which produces precious sandals, woven fabrics of pure silk and other fabrics, woven from silk. From there we came to Tinos, then at Sura, then Micon finally to Naxos, near which is the famous island of Crete. Thence Kareyu, Omarg, Samos, Chios and Metelin. Then we arrived at Patmos, where the blessed Apostle and Evangelist John, who was exiled by Caesar Domitian, wrote the Apocalypse; and Ephesus is located on the side of the island near Smyrna, at a distance from her days there (in Ephesus), the Apostle lived later and was buried; Paul also wrote a letter to the Efeseyam. Then we arrived at the island of Leros and Kalymnos, thence Anho birthplace Galien, medic, enjoys great reputation among the Greeks. From there, we came through the ruined city harbor Lido, where he preached Titus, a disciple of St. Apostle Paul.
From there we came to Asuma, which means "silver."
Then we arrived at the famous island of Rhodes, where, they say, was one of the seven wonders of the world, idol, is a colossus, which had a length of 125 feet, which is destroyed by the Persians almost the whole province of Romagna, when they went to Spain; Colossians this blessed apostle Paul wrote an epistle. At the distance of the day there is the town of Patera, the birthplace of Blessed Archbishop Nicholas and where we arrived late due to a large storm.
Bowing to the sacred tomb of the Holy, we approached full sail to the island, called Ksindakopo that in Latin, mean 60 small paddles (shock paddles sexaginta remulae), the name given because of the stormy sea; next to the harbor island, which, together with the adjacent land it is called Phoenicia. And from there, swim the widest place of the Adriatic Sea, in three days we arrived in the city Puff, which lies on the island of Cyprus; in this city after the ascension of the Lord gathered all the apostles and kept there Cathedral of dispensation cases and sent out to preach St. Barnabas the Apostle; at his death arrived St. Peter from Joppa there and spread the seeds of the Word of God, before he took the episcopal see of Antioch.
Leaving the island of Cyprus, we wore the storm, and within seven days we could not get into the harbor; The storm was so strong that one night a strong contrary wind stole us back to Cyprus; but by the mercy of God, which is given to all who call upon him in truth, and that was begged us with great diligence, we are back to where desired; However, seven nights we were subjected to a 6ure and dangers that we have lost almost all hope of salvation; Nevertheless, early in the morning at sunrise, before our eyes appeared the harbor of Joppa and after despondency and despair into which plunged us a huge risk of sudden and unexpected sight, seemed to us a hundred times happier. So, exactly thirteen weeks after the Sunday we boarded the ship in Monopoli and then continued steadfastly in the waves of the sea, the islands and destroyed huts and tents, as the Greeks did not hospitable, we with great joy and gratitude retribution approached, However, on Sunday the harbor of Joppa.
I implore us, courtesy of my friends, raising his hands up applauding; God exclaim with me the voice with joy, for the Almighty gave me mercy in all my ways: blessed be his name, now and forever! Hearken, dearest, and find a charity that has divine goodness me, the last his servant, and mine. For the very day on which we landed, someone said, I think at God's command: Sir, come on shore, lest the storm tonight or tomorrow at dawn and you could not land. When I heard this, I was seized with a sudden desire to hit the beach, I hired a small boat and landed with all my. While I went on shore, the sea began to worry, excitement grew, and a violent storm, but the grace of God I reached the shore unharmed. What's next? We went into the city to find shelter somewhere, and exhausted and tired continuous voltage regained their strength and rest. Early in the morning, while we were returning from church, we heard the sound of the sea, the cry of the people, see how everything came running and were surprised hitherto unprecedented spectacle; and we ran with fright, along with other came ashore. Once there, they saw the waves, which were higher than the mountains; noticed a lot of bodies of drowned people of both sexes, lying in a pathetic! on the shore; At the same time we saw was of the sea ships, broken to pieces. Nothing was heard except for the roar of the sea and ships cod. Noise that drowned out even the cry of the people and the cries of the crowd. Our ship is very big and strong, and many other ships, loaded with bread and other goods, as well as the ship, brings and takes fans somehow still clung to the sea, thanks to the anchors and ropes, but they throw the waves! How evil people were killed as if in fear! Disposing goods! Who, in spite of this, it would be so cruel and with a heart of stone not to cry? Short time we looked at this spectacle, soon on the strength of the waves of the storm anchors broke off; ropes exploded; and ships, torn by the power of the waves, without any hope to save, then climbed up, then went down into the depths, and little by little they were carried from the bottom in the shallows or on the rocks; there they miserably bumped side by side, there pieces carry the storm; force of the wind did not allow them to return unharmed to the sea, and the height of the rocks were not allowed to reach the shore without damage. Cost whether to tell how pitiable sailors and fans who clutched for ships, who is behind the mast, who is behind the bench for rowers who for yards, and all without any hope of salvation. What should I tell next? Some affected horror, immediately drowned; others grasping the logs of your own ship, they were killed, that many may seem incredible, but what I saw; some, knowing how to swim, threw themselves into the sea, and many of them died; Only a few, trusting their own forces reached the shore intact. So, out of thirty very large ships, some of which used to be called dormundy, others gulafry, others Catto, all of which were loaded with returning pilgrims or goods remains intact no more than seven when I left the shore. And people of both sexes were killed that day more than a thousand; nobody saw greater misfortune in one day; but from all that saved me the grace of his Lord, to whom be honor and glory century, Amen. From Joppa we climbed into the city of Jerusalem for two days on a hilly, very steep and dangerous road; For the Saracens, who constantly ambush Christians hiding in the mountain gorges and rocky caves, watching day and night, constantly guard, is it possible to attack anyone who does not have satellites; you see them everywhere around, and then after they've never come across, this can make everyone who goes on that way.
Countless human bodies, it is torn by wild beasts, are on the road and the road. Maybe it would be surprising that the body of Christians there are no burial; but this is not surprising, because there is absolutely no land and excavate the rock is not easy; but even if there was a land, who would be so stupid that would leave his companions and began to dig a grave to someone if someone did this, I would have prepared the grave, more to herself than to someone. Really die on this road not only the poor and weak, but even the rich and powerful that many are killed by the Saracens, many die of heat and thirst, many from a lack of drinking, a lot of that drink too much. But we are all companions arrived without damage to the desired point; Blessed be God, who has not rejected my prayer, nor take away from me His grace, amen.
Entrance to the city of Jerusalem is located in the west side, under the tower of David, through the gate, called the gate of David. First of all, we should go to the church of St. Coffin; which is called the Martyrium, and it is not only consistent with the location of streets, but also because the church is the greatest of all other churches; and in all fairness it is worthy of such glory, for all that the Holy Prophet predicted the world and that they had previously written about our Saviour Jesus Christ, it's all there really is fulfilled. Most church on acquiring Cross, built by Archbishop Maxim royally and magnificently, on the initiative of the Emperor Constantine and his mother Helena. In the midst of this same church is the tomb of the Lord, surrounded by very strong walls and covered top to rain could fall on St. Grave, because the church is not covered by a roof.
This church is located on the slope of Mount Zion, as well as the city. When the Roman emperors Titus and Vespasian in the vengeance of the LORD destroyed before the foundation of the entire city of Jerusalem, fulfilled the prophecy of the Lord, the LORD hath spoken, when approached Jerusalem and looking at him crying about it and said, "Oh, and if you know ..... For the days will come upon you when your enemies will build trenches, and keep thee in on every side, and shall lay thee to the ground, and thy children within thee, and shall not leave in thee one stone upon another, "and so on. d. We know that the Lord suffered without the gate. But the Emperor Hadrian, called Eliem newly built city of Jerusalem and the temple of the Lord and the city extended to the tower of David, which used to be a far cry from the city; Everybody can see the Mount of Olives, where they were used to the extreme western wall of the city and how it was later expanded; emperor named the city after his own name Elia, which mean "house of God." But there are people who say that the city was rebuilt by Emperor Justinian, as well as the temple of the Lord in the form as it is now; but that they talk to the legend, and those who disagree with truth, for assiryane, whose ancestors were settlers in this country, from the first persecution, say that after the crucifixion of the Lord, Jerusalem was taken and destroyed seven times together with all the Church, but that he did not was razed to the ground.
In the atrium of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is the holy place, it is a prison, which was concluded in our Lord Jesus Christ, after he was betrayed, according to assiryan; then slightly higher is the place where by the Holy Cross and other crosses which was also built a large church in the name of Queen Helena, but then thoroughly demolished by the Gentiles; slightly lower near the prison, there is a marble pillar, which was tied in Pretoria our Lord Jesus Christ and strongly bit whips; next - a place where soldiers take off their clothes with our Lord; then the place where the soldiers put on him a purple robe and put it on her head a crown of thorns, and divided his garments, casting lots. Then you enter the mountain Calvary, where the patriarch Abraham built an altar, according to the commandment of God wanted to sacrifice his son; then there is the Son of God, the prototype of which was the one (Isaac), for the redemption of the world, was sacrificed to God the Father; rock on this mountain, witness the suffering of the Lord, lying near the pit, in which has been strengthened cross of the Lord Russell in many places, because it is, without having to sit down did not, could not bear the death of the Creator, as stated in the passions, "and the rocks rent ". At the bottom of a place called Golgotha, where, they say, Adam, from the spilled blood flow to it the Lord rose from the dead, as it says in the Gospel of the Lord's passion, "and many bodies of the saints which slept arose," but in the writings of Blessed. Augustine read that he was buried in Hebron, where he was buried, and three patriarchs and their wives: Abraham and Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob and Leah, as well as the bones of Joseph, which the children of Israel brought with them from Egypt. Near the site of the frontal is the Church of St. Mary in the place where the body of the Lord, Descent from the Cross, was namascheno before burial and entwined with a cloth or shroud.
As head of the Church of St. Coffin in the wall from the outside, not far from the place of execution is a place called Compass on which our Lord Jesus Christ have his own hand as the center of the world and is measured according to the testimony of the psalmist: God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth (* Ps. 73: 12 *); but others say that this place for the first time Lord Jesus Christ appeared to Mary Magdalene, while she sought him crying, and thought he was the gardener, says the Evangelist. These holy places are located in the atrium of the Holy Sepulchre on the east side. On the sides adjacent to the church magnificent chapel with one and the other, as if the former member of suffering Lord. On the western wall of the chapel of St. Mary is visible all painted icon of the Mother of God, which called for help once dejected extremely Mary of Egypt, and that (icon) miraculously through the Holy Spirit spoke, and comforted her, as is read in the Life of a saint.
And on the other side of the church of St. John is a magnificent Monastery of St. Trinity; it has a baptistery, which is adjacent to the chapel of St. Apostle James, who first received episcopal Jerusalem: all these churches so constructed and arranged that, standing in the last church, you can clearly see all five churches from door to door.
Outside the gates of the church of St. Coffin to the south is the church of St. Mary, who is called in Latin, because there is always the monks served the Lord in Latin, and assiryane say that the very blessed Mother of God stood at the crucifixion of His Son our Lord, on the very spot where the altar of the aforementioned church. This church is adjacent church of St. Mary, called Minor, where the nuns live, reverently serve her and her son. Next to it is a house, which houses the famous hospice in the name of John the Baptist.
From the Holy Sepulchre converge at a distance of two hops from the throwing machine, the temple of the Lord, in the possession of the east side of St. Coffin; its atrium, a very long and wide, has a lot of goal, but the main gate, which are before. front of the church are called: red for craftsmanship and a variety of colors; where Peter healed a lame man, while he and John went up together into the temple at the ninth hour of prayer, as we read in the Acts of the Apostles.
The place where Solomon built the Temple of the Lord, was called in ancient times Bethel; Jacob went there at God's command, where he lived there saw a ladder that reaches the end of the heaven, and the angels ascending and descending, and said, "Truly this place is holy," as we read in the book of Genesis; there he erected a stone as a monument, built an altar, and he poured oil. There you later Solomon built a temple for God's commandment of the Lord and the incomparable beautiful work, and wonderfully decorated it with all sorts of ornaments, as we read in the Book of Kings; he towered over all the neighboring mountains and surpassed all structures and buildings splendor and glory.
In the middle of the church shows the high, large and carved rock bottom, which was the Holy of Holies; Solomon put there the ark containing the manna, and Aaron's branch that blossomed there, turned green and produced almonds, put it there too and the two tables of the covenant; there our Lord Jesus Christ, tired scurrilous Jews usually rested; there is a place where students have recognized him; where the angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah the priest, saying: "zachni son in her old age." In the same between the temple and the altar was killed Zechariah the son Vary; there was circumcised baby Jesus on the eighth day, and was named Jesus, which means Savior; there was brought to the Lord Jesus relatives and his mother the Virgin Mary in the day of atonement, and met her elder Simeon; there when Jesus was twelve years old, found him sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions, as we read in the Gospel; from there he later drove oxen and sheep and doves, saying: "My house is the house of prayer" (* Luke. 19: 46 *); there he said to the Jews: "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up" (* Jn. 2: 19 *). There upon the rock are still visible traces of the Lord, when he hid and went out of the temple, as it is written in the Gospel to the Jews did not stoned him with stones, that was seized. The Jews brought to Jesus a woman taken in adultery, in order to find something to accuse him.
There is also a city gate in the eastern part of the temple, called golden, where Joachim, the father of blessed Mary, at the behest of an angel of the Lord met his wife Anna; through the same gate, going from Bethany, Jesus, sitting on a donkey, went on Palm Sunday in Jerusalem, while the boys saying, Hosanna to the Son of David. In this gate entered the Emperor Heraclius returning victorious from Persia with the Cross of the Lord; but the stones fell and rallied the gate and the gate became an impenetrable wall, while he, humble angelic exhortation not dismounted I discovered se6e thus input. In the atrium of the temple of the Lord on the south side of the Temple of Solomon is an amazing value on the eastern side of which is placed a chapel, which is the cradle of Jesus Christ, his bath and bed his mother Mary, according to assiryan.
From the temple of the LORD go north to the church of St. Anna, mother of the blessed Mary, where she lived with her husband; There she gave birth to her daughter Maria kindly, savior of all Christians. There have close pond, called in Hebrew Bethesda, having five porches, as we read in the Gospel. Is slightly higher than the place where the woman who for twenty years had suffered bleeding and could not be cured by doctors, was healed by the Lord touching the edge of his clothes while on the street it surrounded the crowd.
From St. Anna through the gate leading to the valley of Jehoshaphat, you come to the church of St. Mary in the same valley, where, after the Assumption of it with honor was to bury the apostles; Tomb reverence believers with the greatest honor as it is meet and right: there day and night monks serve our Lord Jesus Christ and His Mother. There's also the brook Kidron; there and Gethsemane, where the Lord came with his disciples before the hour from Mount Zion tradition through the brook Kidron; there is a chapel prayer, where he released Peter, James and John, saying, "Stay here and watch with me", and otoshed fell on his face, and prayed, and came to the disciples and found them sleeping; there are still visible place where students fall asleep every man for himself, Gethsemane is located at the foot of the Mount of Olives, and the brook Kidron below, between the mountain of Zion, and the mountain of Olives, as if sharing the mountains with one another; valley between two mountains called the valley of Jehoshaphat. Slightly higher on the Mount of Olives there is a chapel, where he prayed the Lord, as we read in the Passion: and he withdrew from them about a stone's cast being in an agony he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. Then Akeldemah, the land was bought at the cost of the Lord is just at the foot of the Mount of Olives, near the valley to the south, a distance of three or four flights from catapults from Gethsemane, where you can see countless monuments; This land is next to the tomb of the saint's father: Simeon and Joseph, the breadwinner of the Lord. These two tombs made of old like towers, carved into the very foot of the mountain. Before heading next to Akeldemah to the source, called the Pool of Siloam, where, according to the commandment of the Lord, born blind washed his eyes, after the Lord, and made clay of the spittle of his, the clay has anointed his eyes.
From the aforementioned church of St. Mary climbs the steep road almost to the top of the Mount of Olives, towards the east, to the place where our Lord in the eyes of the students received up into heaven. There is a place where the turret is built and beautifully decorated inside and on this place put the altar, and it is with all sides surrounded by a wall. And in the place where the apostles were blessed with Mary, his mother, surprised by his ascension, there is an altar in the church of St. Mary; there appeared to them, two men dressed in white, and said, Ye men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? "and so on. d.
There beside a stone's throw, our Lord, according to assiryan wrote on marble in Hebrew own fingers the Lord's Prayer; there was built a magnificent church, but it was later completely destroyed by pagans. Like all churches are outside the walls, so the Church of the Holy Spirit on Mount Zion is outside the walls, namely, to fly boom to the south; there apostles received the promise of his father, that is. e. Comforter Holy Spirit at Pentecost; there they have made the Creed. In this church there is a chapel in the place where she died the blessed Mary; on the other side of the church - a chapel on the spot where our Lord Jesus Christ was risen for the first time appeared to the apostles, and this is called the Galilee Chapel, as he said to the apostles: when will rise again, before you into Galilee; the place is called Galilee, because there often remained the apostles, called the Galileans.
Galileo is a large area near Mount Tabor at a distance of three days from Jerusalem. On the other side of the mountain Tabor - a city called Tiberias, Capernaum and then Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee and the Sea of Galilee, where Peter and the other apostles went fishing after the resurrection of the Lord, and then where the Lord appeared to them in the sea. Near the city of Tiberias is a field where the Lord Jesus blessed the five loaves and two fishes, and they saturated the four thousand men, as it says in the Gospel (Matt. 14: 14-21). But back to the beginning.
In Galilee, Mount Zion, where the apostles hid in one alone, became Jesus in the midst of them, when the fear of the Jews - the doors were locked, and said to them, "Peace be with you!" and the second was there when Thomas put his finger into his side, and the nails. He was lying there for the evening with his disciples before his suffering, and washed their feet; there is still a marble table at which he sat at meat.
There St. Patriarch John buried with honor the relics of St. Stephen, Nicodemus, Gamaliel and Abibona by finding them; St. Stephen was stoned outside the wall, at a distance of two or three flights of throwing machines, there later on the north side was built a magnificent church; this church is completely destroyed by the pagans. Similarly, the Church of St. Cross is located to the west of Jerusalem, a distance of about a billion of the place where the Holy Cross was cut, the venerable church and beautiful, but the pagans destroy it, but not completely destroyed, except for buildings around and cells. Under the city walls from the outside, on the slope of Mount Zion, is the church of St. Peter called Petloglashenie where he renounced the Lord disappeared into a very deep cave, as can be seen, and grieved his guilt. To the west of the church of St. Cross on the distance of three billion of the stunning and very large monastery, in the name of St. Sava, one of the 72 disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ; there once lived in a hostel more than 300 Greek monks and serve the Lord and the Holy; the majority of monks were slaughtered by the Saracens, and some reverently serve the Lord in another monastery of the same Holy inside the city walls, close to the Tower of David; and the first monastery abandoned and completely empty.
Bethlehem in Judea lies south of Jerusalem at a distance of six miles; Saracens there is not left a single building, but all ruined, as in all other holy places that lie outside the city walls of Jerusalem, except for a large and magnificent monastery of the blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of our Lord. In the same church has a choir cave, about in the middle, which can be seen on the left side is the birthplace of the Lord; and on the right side, slightly lower near the site of the Nativity of the Lord - the stall where the ox and the ass stood before which was laid in a manger Divine infant, and the stone on which reclined in the tomb glory of our Lord, and which was brought here from St. Jerusalem. Presbyter Jerome, can be seen in a manger. St. Jerome himself buried in the same church under the northern altar. Innocent babies who were beaten there by Herod for the Christ child, buried under the altar on the south side of the church; there lie two holy women Paul and her daughter virgin Eustochius. There is a marble table, behind which lay the Blessed Virgin Mary with the three wise men who had brought their gifts. There's a church there is a pond. near the cave of the Nativity of the Lord, which speak fallen star. There, they say, was bathing the Blessed Virgin Mary.
And Bethany, where the Lord raised Lazarus from the dead, is on the other slope of the mountain of Olives to the east of the city at a distance of approximately two billion of; there - the Church of St. Lazarus, which contains his tomb and many bishops of Jerusalem. Under the altar is the place where Mary Magdalene bathed in tears feet of the Lord Jesus, and wiped her hair and kissed his feet, and anointed the world. Bethphage, where the Lord has sent students to the city, located on the Mount of Olives, but almost none where not visible. Jericho came from Abraham, separated from Jerusalem for ten leagues in the country and is very fertile, where many trees, palm trees and all kinds of fruit; where the source of the prophet Elisha, the water which was very bitter to the taste and producing infertility, but bless her and threw salt into it, he turned it into sweet: there from all sides most magnificent plain. From there, a distance of about three billion of sunrise on the high mountain, to the place where the Lord fasted forty days and then where Satan tempted Him.
The Jordan River is to the east of Jericho, a distance of four leagues. On this side of the Jordan up to the Adriatic Sea, it is up to the harbor, called Joppa, stretches country called Judea; and on the other side of the Jordan is a country of Arabs hostile to the Christians and the worst enemy of all honor God, it is a mountain, from which Elijah was abducted to heaven in a fiery chariot. 18 days from the Jordan to Mount Sinai, where God appeared to Moses in the burning fire of booths, and which subsequently became Moses by the commandment of God and fasting, spent forty days and as many nights; there he received from the Lord the two tables of stone, written with the finger of the Lord, to teach the children of Israel to the laws and commandments inscribed on these tables.
Hebron, where lie the holy patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their wives as well as the rest buried here pervosozdanny Adam lies on four leagues to the south of Bethlehem; there he reigned seven years, King David, before he received from the family of King Saul the city of Jerusalem. But now a very large and beautiful city of Hebron devastated by the Saracens; in the eastern part of the holy patriarchs monuments erected in ancient times, surrounded by a strong castle; each of the three sites is made like a big church and every honorable placed inside two sarcophagi, that husband and wife; until now still smell ointments, and precious fragrances that have been anointed with the holy body on the basis of the tombs, very pleasant way fills the nostrils close standing. And the bones of Joseph, which the children of Israel, he commanded them, brought with them from Egypt, buried almost to the outskirts of the castle, below the others. And the oak tree standing in the shadow of which Abraham saw three young men walking along the road, still growing, according to local residents, and green, is located near the aforementioned castle.
Nazareth, a town in Galilee, where the Blessed Virgin Mary received from the angel of the gospel of Christ, Jerusalem is at a distance of approximately four days; way there is through Shechem, the city of Samaria, called now Naples, where St. John the Baptist was from Herod's sentence to be beheaded. There Jacob's well, Jesus, tired of the way, thirst and sat in this well, and deign to ask for water from it at the Samaritan woman, who came there to draw water, as it is written in the Gospel. From Shechem path leads to Caesarea in Palestine, from Caesarea to rush from the buzz Ekron; from Ekron Nazareth approximately 8 billion of the east. Nazareth completely ruined and devastated by the Saracens; nor yet very beautiful monastery indicates the place of the Annunciation of the Lord. And near the town has the cleanest key, surrounded on all sides until now, as before, marble columns and slabs: boy Jesus there with the other boys used to draw water for his mother.
About four billion of east of Nazareth is Mount Favorskaja by logging onto which the Lord was transfigured in the eyes of Peter, John and James; it is covered with thick grass and flowers, and so rises perfectly smooth and green plain of Galilee, which significantly exceeds the height all the neighboring mountains. Three monasteries built on top of it in ancient times, there are still one in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the other in the name of Moses, and the third is some distance away in the name of Elijah, according to the words of Peter: "Master, it is good for us to be here; let us make three tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Moses and one for Elijah.
From Mount Tabor Sea of Galilee or Tiberias is located at a distance of about six billion of between east and north, with 10 billion of long and five wide. And the city of Tiberias is located on the seafront on the one hand, and on the other side, Corozal and Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. About four millliriya north of the city of Tiberias is Genesaret castle, where the Lord, according to the Gospels, was present at the fishing disciples. Approximately two billion of east of Gennesaret is the mountain on which the Lord Jesus saturated the five thousand with five loaves and two fishes; This mountain is called by locals: the Lord's table; at the foot of the mountain beautiful church of St. Peter, although it abandoned. About six billion of north of Nazareth is located on Mount Cana of Galilee, where the Lord during the marriage turned water into wine; there is nothing left except the monastery called Arhitrikliniem. Almost halfway between Nazareth and Galilee is a castle called Rome, where all stop going from Ekron to Tiberias, Nazareth with the right hand and on the left Galilee.
From Tiberias on the day of the distance to the north lies the mountain Livanon, from the foot of which flows the River Jordan in the form of two sources, one of which is called Iorom and another Dan; these flows to their merger to form a very rapid river called Jordan; it flows near the city of Caesarea Tetrarch Philip; came to this city, Jesus asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that the Son of man? It tells the Gospel.
The Jordan River fast flowing, starting from the source, flows into the Sea of Galilee, on the one hand, and on the other hand, high-pressure water makes its channel flows so at a distance of eight days' journey and empties into the Dead Sea. The waters of Jordan whiter any other water and just more like milk, so it can be seen for the Dead Sea at a great distance.
So, as far as possible by visiting some holy places of Jerusalem and its immediate vicinity, and worshiped them, the day of Pentecost, we boarded a ship in Joppa with the intention of returning home; but fear of the Saracen fleet we decided not to go with the open sea Adriatic as profit and therefore passed on coastal cities, some of which are occupied by the Franks, others are still at the mercy of the Saracens; the names of these cities are: near Joppa called in the vernacular Atsuf and Latin Nitrogen. Next Kesareya Palestinian, then Kaifa; these cities owns Baldwin, the color of kings. Next Acre is a very strong city, called Ekron; Sur and then Sagete, t. e. Tyre and Sidon; then Yubelet; then Baruf; just Tartuza owned by Count Raymond. Next Jibal, where the mountains Dzhelboe; then Tripoli and the Lich. Here the city, by which we sailed.
But on the fourth day after Pentecost, when we sailed between the buzz and Ekron, suddenly appeared before, our eyes twenty-six Saracen ships belonging to Admiral cities of Tyre and Sidon, which were sent with an army to Babylon to the aid of the Chaldeans to war with the king of Jerusalem. Two ships that came with us from Joppa and transported pilgrims leaving our ship were saved at the oars in Caesarea, because they were easier to ours. And the Saracens, surrounded our boat from all sides and set up an ambush within the flight boom enjoyed such a good production. Our own, ready to die for Christ, grabbed their weapons and, as circumstances permit, fortified castle of our ship armed men; our dromon was about two hundred people who could defend himself. Approximately an hour later the chief (of the enemy) troops, members of the Board, ordered one of the men to climb the mast of his ship, as it was the biggest, in order to find out exactly so our position; when he learned from a sailor on the persistence of our protection, they set sail, sailed into the sea; so the mercy of God has saved us that day from the enemy. And our later seized in Joppa three of these ships and enrich their prey.
We, as they could swim along the shore of the Syrian Palestine, through the eight days docked to the harbor of St. Andrew on the island of Cyprus. Leaving the next day towards the novels and passing by the harbor of St. Simeon and St. harbor. Mary, through many days we arrived in Malaya Antioch. During this way to us often attacked by pirates; but under the cover of divine grace, we suffered no damage from any attack enemies, nor of the storm. Then, pointing the way to the bank of a wide novels, passing through the city of Blessed Nicholas Stamiru and Patras, the day before the eve of the day of St. John the Baptist barely reached the island of Roda; For within the city Sataluma swallowed us up if we did not protect the Divine Providence.
Rhode we hired a smaller ship to move faster and are back in the novel. Then we arrived in the beautiful city Stromlo, but absolutely devastated by the Turks; where we were detained for several days strong contrary winds. Then we landed on the island of Samos and there zapasshis necessary victuals, stuck as they have done in all the islands, the island Hyo. After leaving there, and our ship and satellites, we went to Constantinople to worship the holy places; then sailed past the big city of Smyrna, we arrived to the island Metelin, thence to Tenitu: There is an ancient land of Romagna and the famous city of Troy, the ruins of its buildings in the space of several billion of seen so far, according to the Greeks.
And from thence we came into the narrow sea, called St. sleeve. George, which separates the two lands, namely novels and Macedonia; swim through him we came to the holy Femiyu, with Greece right and left of Macedonia; City of St. Femiya bishop in Macedonia lies on one side of the sleeve and the other city called cAMP, lies on the other side in Greece, so that two or three flights of catapults could get from city to city; they are called keys Constantinople.
From thence, we sailed past Callipolis Agios Georgios, Paniady and other fine Macedonian fortresses, and arrived in the city Rofostoku next day the feast of Holy. Michael. Then from thence came to a squeegee, a beautiful city, where, according to the Greeks, was abducted by Paris Helen Alexander. Editorial text Sergey Balandin,
source: "Orthodox Palestinian Collection" 1885
Machine English translation below, followed by the numerous old photos:
Zevulfa's journey to the Holy Land (1102-1103 A.D.) with PHOTOS of Jerusalem, 19-20 centuries.
Author: Vera nun incl. February 1, 2015. Posted in from various sources (Views: 16)
1102-1103 gg.
Origin and biography Zevulfa we are little known. His publisher Wright assumed on the basis of name and some hints on a journey that was Anglo-Saxon Zevulf that his name was simply Wulf (wolf), and for his voyages and dangers to which he was subjected, he was nicknamed Seawulf (sea wolf). Tobler considers him a merchant, later a monk in Malmesbyuri.
Another of his publisher d'Avezak very accurately determine the time of his pilgrimage, for what it is used by the following considerations. Zevulf mentions stay in Palestine King Baldwin of Jerusalem and Raymond of Toulouse, which causes attributed his journey to the era of the First Crusade, more precisely to the period between December 25, 1100 - the day of entry to the throne Baldwin and February 28, 1105 - the day of death of Raymond. In addition Zevulf says that belonged to Raymundo Tortosa, Acre and are at the mercy of the infidels. Consequently, he was in Palestine, after the conquest of Tortosa, t. E. March 12, 1102 and before taking Acre, t. E. 26 May 1104. In 1104 Zevulf could be in Palestine, because he went to the opposite way at Pentecost, and Pentecost in 1104 accounted for June 5 trail. after the capture of Acre. Thus, our traveler could return home only at Pentecost in 1102 or 1103
According to some other data can be more precisely timed journey Zevulfa; He said that left Italy on Sunday, the day of St. Mildridy, whose memory is honored on July 13, which comes into Sunday only in 1102 Consequently, Pentecost, which Zevulf went way back, there is a Pentecost in 1103, really come on May 17, and therefore the journey Zevulfa refers to the 1102-1103 biennium .
Description Zevulfa, preserved only in the manuscript collection of the twelfth century? located in the library of Corpus Christi College of the University of Cambridge under the number 111, and received by the judges of the library apxiepiskopa Cambridge Matthew Parker († 1572). It was published for the first time in the Relations des voyages de Guillaume de Rubruk, Bernard le Sage et Saewulf, publieys par Fr. Michel et Th. Wright. Paris, 1839, 4 °, pp. 237-274.
In the same year, with the corrected text reading, preface and notes issued profit d'Avezakom (d'Avezac) in Recueil de voyages et de memoires de la Society de Gyographie de Paris. 1839, T. IV, pp. 817-854. This latest edition has a separate print, we have adopted a base in the present translation. Presenting travel Zevulfa in English placed in Th. Wright, Early travels. pp. 31 sqq, and German - in the magazine: das Heilige Land. Köln. Jahrg. XX, pp. 121-126, 144-149, 179-183 and Jahrg. XXI, pp. 6-10. September 4, 1885
PA Ugliness.
Text translation
Begins accurate description of the situation in Jerusalem. I Zevulf unworthy sinner, went to Jerusalem to worship the Holy Sepulchre, but somewhat dejected weight of sin, and partly due to lack of a good ship, I could not follow a straight path along with other go there and sail the high seas, and therefore decided to celebrate only those islands, which I passed, or some of their names.
Some sit on the Court in Bar, in other Barlet, others in Siponto or Tran, some finally cross the sea from Otrento, last harbor in Apulia; and we boarded the ship in Monopoli, at a distance of days' journey from Varo, is the resurrection of the feast of St. Mildridy virgins. At the third mile, happen to us in an unfortunate time such a case, we would have all drowned, if not divine mercy defend us; on the very day when we went out of the harbor and were already far out to sea, we are of the strong emotion shipwreck, but by the grace of God back into the harbor without any damage.
Then we went to Brando. We again got into a miserable day on the same ship, but somehow corrected and thus on the eve of St. James the Apostle landed on the island in Greece, the city which, as well as the island was called Kurfo.
With great storm forced out, we landed on the first day of August to the island, called Kafalaniey; Robert Guiscard died there; died there, and ours, which caused us great grief. Then we sailed thence, we landed on the Polipoli. Then we arrived at the beautiful island of Patras and went to his town to worship St. Apostle Andrew, who suffered there, and was buried, but later moved to Constantinople.
From Patras we on the eve of St. Lawrence arrived in Corinth, a city in which the blessed Apostle Paul preached the word of God and the people whom he wrote a letter: it happened to us a lot of trouble .. From there we sailed into the harbor Ost; and then someone on foot, on donkeys who arrived two days before Thebes, the city used to be called Steve.
next day, on the eve of St. Bartholomew the Apostle, we arrived at
Nigrepont; there we hired another ship. Athens is where the Apostle Paul
preached, is only two days' journey away from Corinth; a native of this
city was blessed Dionysius, a scientist, which was later blessed Paul
turned to God; there is the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in her
lamp, in which the oil is steady, but never decreases in quantity.
Then we came to the island, which is called Petalion. Then to Andros, which produces precious sandals, woven fabrics of pure silk and other fabrics, woven from silk. From there we came to Tinos, then at Sura, then Micon finally to Naxos, near which is the famous island of Crete. Thence Kareyu, Omarg, Samos, Chios and Metelin. Then we arrived at Patmos, where the blessed Apostle and Evangelist John, who was exiled by Caesar Domitian, wrote the Apocalypse; and Ephesus is located on the side of the island near Smyrna, at a distance from her days there (in Ephesus), the Apostle lived later and was buried; Paul also wrote a letter to the Efeseyam. Then we arrived at the island of Leros and Kalymnos, thence Anho birthplace Galien, medic, enjoys great reputation among the Greeks. From there, we came through the ruined city harbor Lido, where he preached Titus, a disciple of St. Apostle Paul.
From there we came to Asuma, which means "silver."
Then we arrived at the famous island of Rhodes, where, they say, was one of the seven wonders of the world, idol, is a colossus, which had a length of 125 feet, which is destroyed by the Persians almost the whole province of Romagna, when they went to Spain; Colossians this blessed apostle Paul wrote an epistle. At the distance of the day there is the town of Patera, the birthplace of Blessed Archbishop Nicholas and where we arrived late due to a large storm.
early in the morning we approached the city completely destroyed, which
is called the Holy. Maria Mogronissi that mean "long island"; in this
city lived Christians, who were expelled by the Turks from Alexandria,
as indicated by the church and other buildings. Then we came to the city
of the world, where Saint Nicholas ruled the Archdiocese; this city is
the harbor of the Adriatic Sea, just as Constantinople - the harbor of
the Aegean Sea.
Bowing to the sacred tomb of the Holy, we approached full sail to the island, called Ksindakopo that in Latin, mean 60 small paddles (shock paddles sexaginta remulae), the name given because of the stormy sea; next to the harbor island, which, together with the adjacent land it is called Phoenicia. And from there, swim the widest place of the Adriatic Sea, in three days we arrived in the city Puff, which lies on the island of Cyprus; in this city after the ascension of the Lord gathered all the apostles and kept there Cathedral of dispensation cases and sent out to preach St. Barnabas the Apostle; at his death arrived St. Peter from Joppa there and spread the seeds of the Word of God, before he took the episcopal see of Antioch.
Leaving the island of Cyprus, we wore the storm, and within seven days we could not get into the harbor; The storm was so strong that one night a strong contrary wind stole us back to Cyprus; but by the mercy of God, which is given to all who call upon him in truth, and that was begged us with great diligence, we are back to where desired; However, seven nights we were subjected to a 6ure and dangers that we have lost almost all hope of salvation; Nevertheless, early in the morning at sunrise, before our eyes appeared the harbor of Joppa and after despondency and despair into which plunged us a huge risk of sudden and unexpected sight, seemed to us a hundred times happier. So, exactly thirteen weeks after the Sunday we boarded the ship in Monopoli and then continued steadfastly in the waves of the sea, the islands and destroyed huts and tents, as the Greeks did not hospitable, we with great joy and gratitude retribution approached, However, on Sunday the harbor of Joppa.
I implore us, courtesy of my friends, raising his hands up applauding; God exclaim with me the voice with joy, for the Almighty gave me mercy in all my ways: blessed be his name, now and forever! Hearken, dearest, and find a charity that has divine goodness me, the last his servant, and mine. For the very day on which we landed, someone said, I think at God's command: Sir, come on shore, lest the storm tonight or tomorrow at dawn and you could not land. When I heard this, I was seized with a sudden desire to hit the beach, I hired a small boat and landed with all my. While I went on shore, the sea began to worry, excitement grew, and a violent storm, but the grace of God I reached the shore unharmed. What's next? We went into the city to find shelter somewhere, and exhausted and tired continuous voltage regained their strength and rest. Early in the morning, while we were returning from church, we heard the sound of the sea, the cry of the people, see how everything came running and were surprised hitherto unprecedented spectacle; and we ran with fright, along with other came ashore. Once there, they saw the waves, which were higher than the mountains; noticed a lot of bodies of drowned people of both sexes, lying in a pathetic! on the shore; At the same time we saw was of the sea ships, broken to pieces. Nothing was heard except for the roar of the sea and ships cod. Noise that drowned out even the cry of the people and the cries of the crowd. Our ship is very big and strong, and many other ships, loaded with bread and other goods, as well as the ship, brings and takes fans somehow still clung to the sea, thanks to the anchors and ropes, but they throw the waves! How evil people were killed as if in fear! Disposing goods! Who, in spite of this, it would be so cruel and with a heart of stone not to cry? Short time we looked at this spectacle, soon on the strength of the waves of the storm anchors broke off; ropes exploded; and ships, torn by the power of the waves, without any hope to save, then climbed up, then went down into the depths, and little by little they were carried from the bottom in the shallows or on the rocks; there they miserably bumped side by side, there pieces carry the storm; force of the wind did not allow them to return unharmed to the sea, and the height of the rocks were not allowed to reach the shore without damage. Cost whether to tell how pitiable sailors and fans who clutched for ships, who is behind the mast, who is behind the bench for rowers who for yards, and all without any hope of salvation. What should I tell next? Some affected horror, immediately drowned; others grasping the logs of your own ship, they were killed, that many may seem incredible, but what I saw; some, knowing how to swim, threw themselves into the sea, and many of them died; Only a few, trusting their own forces reached the shore intact. So, out of thirty very large ships, some of which used to be called dormundy, others gulafry, others Catto, all of which were loaded with returning pilgrims or goods remains intact no more than seven when I left the shore. And people of both sexes were killed that day more than a thousand; nobody saw greater misfortune in one day; but from all that saved me the grace of his Lord, to whom be honor and glory century, Amen. From Joppa we climbed into the city of Jerusalem for two days on a hilly, very steep and dangerous road; For the Saracens, who constantly ambush Christians hiding in the mountain gorges and rocky caves, watching day and night, constantly guard, is it possible to attack anyone who does not have satellites; you see them everywhere around, and then after they've never come across, this can make everyone who goes on that way.
Countless human bodies, it is torn by wild beasts, are on the road and the road. Maybe it would be surprising that the body of Christians there are no burial; but this is not surprising, because there is absolutely no land and excavate the rock is not easy; but even if there was a land, who would be so stupid that would leave his companions and began to dig a grave to someone if someone did this, I would have prepared the grave, more to herself than to someone. Really die on this road not only the poor and weak, but even the rich and powerful that many are killed by the Saracens, many die of heat and thirst, many from a lack of drinking, a lot of that drink too much. But we are all companions arrived without damage to the desired point; Blessed be God, who has not rejected my prayer, nor take away from me His grace, amen.
Entrance to the city of Jerusalem is located in the west side, under the tower of David, through the gate, called the gate of David. First of all, we should go to the church of St. Coffin; which is called the Martyrium, and it is not only consistent with the location of streets, but also because the church is the greatest of all other churches; and in all fairness it is worthy of such glory, for all that the Holy Prophet predicted the world and that they had previously written about our Saviour Jesus Christ, it's all there really is fulfilled. Most church on acquiring Cross, built by Archbishop Maxim royally and magnificently, on the initiative of the Emperor Constantine and his mother Helena. In the midst of this same church is the tomb of the Lord, surrounded by very strong walls and covered top to rain could fall on St. Grave, because the church is not covered by a roof.
This church is located on the slope of Mount Zion, as well as the city. When the Roman emperors Titus and Vespasian in the vengeance of the LORD destroyed before the foundation of the entire city of Jerusalem, fulfilled the prophecy of the Lord, the LORD hath spoken, when approached Jerusalem and looking at him crying about it and said, "Oh, and if you know ..... For the days will come upon you when your enemies will build trenches, and keep thee in on every side, and shall lay thee to the ground, and thy children within thee, and shall not leave in thee one stone upon another, "and so on. d. We know that the Lord suffered without the gate. But the Emperor Hadrian, called Eliem newly built city of Jerusalem and the temple of the Lord and the city extended to the tower of David, which used to be a far cry from the city; Everybody can see the Mount of Olives, where they were used to the extreme western wall of the city and how it was later expanded; emperor named the city after his own name Elia, which mean "house of God." But there are people who say that the city was rebuilt by Emperor Justinian, as well as the temple of the Lord in the form as it is now; but that they talk to the legend, and those who disagree with truth, for assiryane, whose ancestors were settlers in this country, from the first persecution, say that after the crucifixion of the Lord, Jerusalem was taken and destroyed seven times together with all the Church, but that he did not was razed to the ground.
In the atrium of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is the holy place, it is a prison, which was concluded in our Lord Jesus Christ, after he was betrayed, according to assiryan; then slightly higher is the place where by the Holy Cross and other crosses which was also built a large church in the name of Queen Helena, but then thoroughly demolished by the Gentiles; slightly lower near the prison, there is a marble pillar, which was tied in Pretoria our Lord Jesus Christ and strongly bit whips; next - a place where soldiers take off their clothes with our Lord; then the place where the soldiers put on him a purple robe and put it on her head a crown of thorns, and divided his garments, casting lots. Then you enter the mountain Calvary, where the patriarch Abraham built an altar, according to the commandment of God wanted to sacrifice his son; then there is the Son of God, the prototype of which was the one (Isaac), for the redemption of the world, was sacrificed to God the Father; rock on this mountain, witness the suffering of the Lord, lying near the pit, in which has been strengthened cross of the Lord Russell in many places, because it is, without having to sit down did not, could not bear the death of the Creator, as stated in the passions, "and the rocks rent ". At the bottom of a place called Golgotha, where, they say, Adam, from the spilled blood flow to it the Lord rose from the dead, as it says in the Gospel of the Lord's passion, "and many bodies of the saints which slept arose," but in the writings of Blessed. Augustine read that he was buried in Hebron, where he was buried, and three patriarchs and their wives: Abraham and Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob and Leah, as well as the bones of Joseph, which the children of Israel brought with them from Egypt. Near the site of the frontal is the Church of St. Mary in the place where the body of the Lord, Descent from the Cross, was namascheno before burial and entwined with a cloth or shroud.
As head of the Church of St. Coffin in the wall from the outside, not far from the place of execution is a place called Compass on which our Lord Jesus Christ have his own hand as the center of the world and is measured according to the testimony of the psalmist: God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth (* Ps. 73: 12 *); but others say that this place for the first time Lord Jesus Christ appeared to Mary Magdalene, while she sought him crying, and thought he was the gardener, says the Evangelist. These holy places are located in the atrium of the Holy Sepulchre on the east side. On the sides adjacent to the church magnificent chapel with one and the other, as if the former member of suffering Lord. On the western wall of the chapel of St. Mary is visible all painted icon of the Mother of God, which called for help once dejected extremely Mary of Egypt, and that (icon) miraculously through the Holy Spirit spoke, and comforted her, as is read in the Life of a saint.
And on the other side of the church of St. John is a magnificent Monastery of St. Trinity; it has a baptistery, which is adjacent to the chapel of St. Apostle James, who first received episcopal Jerusalem: all these churches so constructed and arranged that, standing in the last church, you can clearly see all five churches from door to door.
Outside the gates of the church of St. Coffin to the south is the church of St. Mary, who is called in Latin, because there is always the monks served the Lord in Latin, and assiryane say that the very blessed Mother of God stood at the crucifixion of His Son our Lord, on the very spot where the altar of the aforementioned church. This church is adjacent church of St. Mary, called Minor, where the nuns live, reverently serve her and her son. Next to it is a house, which houses the famous hospice in the name of John the Baptist.
From the Holy Sepulchre converge at a distance of two hops from the throwing machine, the temple of the Lord, in the possession of the east side of St. Coffin; its atrium, a very long and wide, has a lot of goal, but the main gate, which are before. front of the church are called: red for craftsmanship and a variety of colors; where Peter healed a lame man, while he and John went up together into the temple at the ninth hour of prayer, as we read in the Acts of the Apostles.
The place where Solomon built the Temple of the Lord, was called in ancient times Bethel; Jacob went there at God's command, where he lived there saw a ladder that reaches the end of the heaven, and the angels ascending and descending, and said, "Truly this place is holy," as we read in the book of Genesis; there he erected a stone as a monument, built an altar, and he poured oil. There you later Solomon built a temple for God's commandment of the Lord and the incomparable beautiful work, and wonderfully decorated it with all sorts of ornaments, as we read in the Book of Kings; he towered over all the neighboring mountains and surpassed all structures and buildings splendor and glory.
In the middle of the church shows the high, large and carved rock bottom, which was the Holy of Holies; Solomon put there the ark containing the manna, and Aaron's branch that blossomed there, turned green and produced almonds, put it there too and the two tables of the covenant; there our Lord Jesus Christ, tired scurrilous Jews usually rested; there is a place where students have recognized him; where the angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah the priest, saying: "zachni son in her old age." In the same between the temple and the altar was killed Zechariah the son Vary; there was circumcised baby Jesus on the eighth day, and was named Jesus, which means Savior; there was brought to the Lord Jesus relatives and his mother the Virgin Mary in the day of atonement, and met her elder Simeon; there when Jesus was twelve years old, found him sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions, as we read in the Gospel; from there he later drove oxen and sheep and doves, saying: "My house is the house of prayer" (* Luke. 19: 46 *); there he said to the Jews: "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up" (* Jn. 2: 19 *). There upon the rock are still visible traces of the Lord, when he hid and went out of the temple, as it is written in the Gospel to the Jews did not stoned him with stones, that was seized. The Jews brought to Jesus a woman taken in adultery, in order to find something to accuse him.
There is also a city gate in the eastern part of the temple, called golden, where Joachim, the father of blessed Mary, at the behest of an angel of the Lord met his wife Anna; through the same gate, going from Bethany, Jesus, sitting on a donkey, went on Palm Sunday in Jerusalem, while the boys saying, Hosanna to the Son of David. In this gate entered the Emperor Heraclius returning victorious from Persia with the Cross of the Lord; but the stones fell and rallied the gate and the gate became an impenetrable wall, while he, humble angelic exhortation not dismounted I discovered se6e thus input. In the atrium of the temple of the Lord on the south side of the Temple of Solomon is an amazing value on the eastern side of which is placed a chapel, which is the cradle of Jesus Christ, his bath and bed his mother Mary, according to assiryan.
From the temple of the LORD go north to the church of St. Anna, mother of the blessed Mary, where she lived with her husband; There she gave birth to her daughter Maria kindly, savior of all Christians. There have close pond, called in Hebrew Bethesda, having five porches, as we read in the Gospel. Is slightly higher than the place where the woman who for twenty years had suffered bleeding and could not be cured by doctors, was healed by the Lord touching the edge of his clothes while on the street it surrounded the crowd.
From St. Anna through the gate leading to the valley of Jehoshaphat, you come to the church of St. Mary in the same valley, where, after the Assumption of it with honor was to bury the apostles; Tomb reverence believers with the greatest honor as it is meet and right: there day and night monks serve our Lord Jesus Christ and His Mother. There's also the brook Kidron; there and Gethsemane, where the Lord came with his disciples before the hour from Mount Zion tradition through the brook Kidron; there is a chapel prayer, where he released Peter, James and John, saying, "Stay here and watch with me", and otoshed fell on his face, and prayed, and came to the disciples and found them sleeping; there are still visible place where students fall asleep every man for himself, Gethsemane is located at the foot of the Mount of Olives, and the brook Kidron below, between the mountain of Zion, and the mountain of Olives, as if sharing the mountains with one another; valley between two mountains called the valley of Jehoshaphat. Slightly higher on the Mount of Olives there is a chapel, where he prayed the Lord, as we read in the Passion: and he withdrew from them about a stone's cast being in an agony he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. Then Akeldemah, the land was bought at the cost of the Lord is just at the foot of the Mount of Olives, near the valley to the south, a distance of three or four flights from catapults from Gethsemane, where you can see countless monuments; This land is next to the tomb of the saint's father: Simeon and Joseph, the breadwinner of the Lord. These two tombs made of old like towers, carved into the very foot of the mountain. Before heading next to Akeldemah to the source, called the Pool of Siloam, where, according to the commandment of the Lord, born blind washed his eyes, after the Lord, and made clay of the spittle of his, the clay has anointed his eyes.
From the aforementioned church of St. Mary climbs the steep road almost to the top of the Mount of Olives, towards the east, to the place where our Lord in the eyes of the students received up into heaven. There is a place where the turret is built and beautifully decorated inside and on this place put the altar, and it is with all sides surrounded by a wall. And in the place where the apostles were blessed with Mary, his mother, surprised by his ascension, there is an altar in the church of St. Mary; there appeared to them, two men dressed in white, and said, Ye men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? "and so on. d.
There beside a stone's throw, our Lord, according to assiryan wrote on marble in Hebrew own fingers the Lord's Prayer; there was built a magnificent church, but it was later completely destroyed by pagans. Like all churches are outside the walls, so the Church of the Holy Spirit on Mount Zion is outside the walls, namely, to fly boom to the south; there apostles received the promise of his father, that is. e. Comforter Holy Spirit at Pentecost; there they have made the Creed. In this church there is a chapel in the place where she died the blessed Mary; on the other side of the church - a chapel on the spot where our Lord Jesus Christ was risen for the first time appeared to the apostles, and this is called the Galilee Chapel, as he said to the apostles: when will rise again, before you into Galilee; the place is called Galilee, because there often remained the apostles, called the Galileans.
Galileo is a large area near Mount Tabor at a distance of three days from Jerusalem. On the other side of the mountain Tabor - a city called Tiberias, Capernaum and then Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee and the Sea of Galilee, where Peter and the other apostles went fishing after the resurrection of the Lord, and then where the Lord appeared to them in the sea. Near the city of Tiberias is a field where the Lord Jesus blessed the five loaves and two fishes, and they saturated the four thousand men, as it says in the Gospel (Matt. 14: 14-21). But back to the beginning.
In Galilee, Mount Zion, where the apostles hid in one alone, became Jesus in the midst of them, when the fear of the Jews - the doors were locked, and said to them, "Peace be with you!" and the second was there when Thomas put his finger into his side, and the nails. He was lying there for the evening with his disciples before his suffering, and washed their feet; there is still a marble table at which he sat at meat.
There St. Patriarch John buried with honor the relics of St. Stephen, Nicodemus, Gamaliel and Abibona by finding them; St. Stephen was stoned outside the wall, at a distance of two or three flights of throwing machines, there later on the north side was built a magnificent church; this church is completely destroyed by the pagans. Similarly, the Church of St. Cross is located to the west of Jerusalem, a distance of about a billion of the place where the Holy Cross was cut, the venerable church and beautiful, but the pagans destroy it, but not completely destroyed, except for buildings around and cells. Under the city walls from the outside, on the slope of Mount Zion, is the church of St. Peter called Petloglashenie where he renounced the Lord disappeared into a very deep cave, as can be seen, and grieved his guilt. To the west of the church of St. Cross on the distance of three billion of the stunning and very large monastery, in the name of St. Sava, one of the 72 disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ; there once lived in a hostel more than 300 Greek monks and serve the Lord and the Holy; the majority of monks were slaughtered by the Saracens, and some reverently serve the Lord in another monastery of the same Holy inside the city walls, close to the Tower of David; and the first monastery abandoned and completely empty.
Bethlehem in Judea lies south of Jerusalem at a distance of six miles; Saracens there is not left a single building, but all ruined, as in all other holy places that lie outside the city walls of Jerusalem, except for a large and magnificent monastery of the blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of our Lord. In the same church has a choir cave, about in the middle, which can be seen on the left side is the birthplace of the Lord; and on the right side, slightly lower near the site of the Nativity of the Lord - the stall where the ox and the ass stood before which was laid in a manger Divine infant, and the stone on which reclined in the tomb glory of our Lord, and which was brought here from St. Jerusalem. Presbyter Jerome, can be seen in a manger. St. Jerome himself buried in the same church under the northern altar. Innocent babies who were beaten there by Herod for the Christ child, buried under the altar on the south side of the church; there lie two holy women Paul and her daughter virgin Eustochius. There is a marble table, behind which lay the Blessed Virgin Mary with the three wise men who had brought their gifts. There's a church there is a pond. near the cave of the Nativity of the Lord, which speak fallen star. There, they say, was bathing the Blessed Virgin Mary.
And Bethany, where the Lord raised Lazarus from the dead, is on the other slope of the mountain of Olives to the east of the city at a distance of approximately two billion of; there - the Church of St. Lazarus, which contains his tomb and many bishops of Jerusalem. Under the altar is the place where Mary Magdalene bathed in tears feet of the Lord Jesus, and wiped her hair and kissed his feet, and anointed the world. Bethphage, where the Lord has sent students to the city, located on the Mount of Olives, but almost none where not visible. Jericho came from Abraham, separated from Jerusalem for ten leagues in the country and is very fertile, where many trees, palm trees and all kinds of fruit; where the source of the prophet Elisha, the water which was very bitter to the taste and producing infertility, but bless her and threw salt into it, he turned it into sweet: there from all sides most magnificent plain. From there, a distance of about three billion of sunrise on the high mountain, to the place where the Lord fasted forty days and then where Satan tempted Him.
The Jordan River is to the east of Jericho, a distance of four leagues. On this side of the Jordan up to the Adriatic Sea, it is up to the harbor, called Joppa, stretches country called Judea; and on the other side of the Jordan is a country of Arabs hostile to the Christians and the worst enemy of all honor God, it is a mountain, from which Elijah was abducted to heaven in a fiery chariot. 18 days from the Jordan to Mount Sinai, where God appeared to Moses in the burning fire of booths, and which subsequently became Moses by the commandment of God and fasting, spent forty days and as many nights; there he received from the Lord the two tables of stone, written with the finger of the Lord, to teach the children of Israel to the laws and commandments inscribed on these tables.
Hebron, where lie the holy patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their wives as well as the rest buried here pervosozdanny Adam lies on four leagues to the south of Bethlehem; there he reigned seven years, King David, before he received from the family of King Saul the city of Jerusalem. But now a very large and beautiful city of Hebron devastated by the Saracens; in the eastern part of the holy patriarchs monuments erected in ancient times, surrounded by a strong castle; each of the three sites is made like a big church and every honorable placed inside two sarcophagi, that husband and wife; until now still smell ointments, and precious fragrances that have been anointed with the holy body on the basis of the tombs, very pleasant way fills the nostrils close standing. And the bones of Joseph, which the children of Israel, he commanded them, brought with them from Egypt, buried almost to the outskirts of the castle, below the others. And the oak tree standing in the shadow of which Abraham saw three young men walking along the road, still growing, according to local residents, and green, is located near the aforementioned castle.
Nazareth, a town in Galilee, where the Blessed Virgin Mary received from the angel of the gospel of Christ, Jerusalem is at a distance of approximately four days; way there is through Shechem, the city of Samaria, called now Naples, where St. John the Baptist was from Herod's sentence to be beheaded. There Jacob's well, Jesus, tired of the way, thirst and sat in this well, and deign to ask for water from it at the Samaritan woman, who came there to draw water, as it is written in the Gospel. From Shechem path leads to Caesarea in Palestine, from Caesarea to rush from the buzz Ekron; from Ekron Nazareth approximately 8 billion of the east. Nazareth completely ruined and devastated by the Saracens; nor yet very beautiful monastery indicates the place of the Annunciation of the Lord. And near the town has the cleanest key, surrounded on all sides until now, as before, marble columns and slabs: boy Jesus there with the other boys used to draw water for his mother.
About four billion of east of Nazareth is Mount Favorskaja by logging onto which the Lord was transfigured in the eyes of Peter, John and James; it is covered with thick grass and flowers, and so rises perfectly smooth and green plain of Galilee, which significantly exceeds the height all the neighboring mountains. Three monasteries built on top of it in ancient times, there are still one in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the other in the name of Moses, and the third is some distance away in the name of Elijah, according to the words of Peter: "Master, it is good for us to be here; let us make three tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Moses and one for Elijah.
From Mount Tabor Sea of Galilee or Tiberias is located at a distance of about six billion of between east and north, with 10 billion of long and five wide. And the city of Tiberias is located on the seafront on the one hand, and on the other side, Corozal and Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. About four millliriya north of the city of Tiberias is Genesaret castle, where the Lord, according to the Gospels, was present at the fishing disciples. Approximately two billion of east of Gennesaret is the mountain on which the Lord Jesus saturated the five thousand with five loaves and two fishes; This mountain is called by locals: the Lord's table; at the foot of the mountain beautiful church of St. Peter, although it abandoned. About six billion of north of Nazareth is located on Mount Cana of Galilee, where the Lord during the marriage turned water into wine; there is nothing left except the monastery called Arhitrikliniem. Almost halfway between Nazareth and Galilee is a castle called Rome, where all stop going from Ekron to Tiberias, Nazareth with the right hand and on the left Galilee.
From Tiberias on the day of the distance to the north lies the mountain Livanon, from the foot of which flows the River Jordan in the form of two sources, one of which is called Iorom and another Dan; these flows to their merger to form a very rapid river called Jordan; it flows near the city of Caesarea Tetrarch Philip; came to this city, Jesus asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that the Son of man? It tells the Gospel.
The Jordan River fast flowing, starting from the source, flows into the Sea of Galilee, on the one hand, and on the other hand, high-pressure water makes its channel flows so at a distance of eight days' journey and empties into the Dead Sea. The waters of Jordan whiter any other water and just more like milk, so it can be seen for the Dead Sea at a great distance.
So, as far as possible by visiting some holy places of Jerusalem and its immediate vicinity, and worshiped them, the day of Pentecost, we boarded a ship in Joppa with the intention of returning home; but fear of the Saracen fleet we decided not to go with the open sea Adriatic as profit and therefore passed on coastal cities, some of which are occupied by the Franks, others are still at the mercy of the Saracens; the names of these cities are: near Joppa called in the vernacular Atsuf and Latin Nitrogen. Next Kesareya Palestinian, then Kaifa; these cities owns Baldwin, the color of kings. Next Acre is a very strong city, called Ekron; Sur and then Sagete, t. e. Tyre and Sidon; then Yubelet; then Baruf; just Tartuza owned by Count Raymond. Next Jibal, where the mountains Dzhelboe; then Tripoli and the Lich. Here the city, by which we sailed.
But on the fourth day after Pentecost, when we sailed between the buzz and Ekron, suddenly appeared before, our eyes twenty-six Saracen ships belonging to Admiral cities of Tyre and Sidon, which were sent with an army to Babylon to the aid of the Chaldeans to war with the king of Jerusalem. Two ships that came with us from Joppa and transported pilgrims leaving our ship were saved at the oars in Caesarea, because they were easier to ours. And the Saracens, surrounded our boat from all sides and set up an ambush within the flight boom enjoyed such a good production. Our own, ready to die for Christ, grabbed their weapons and, as circumstances permit, fortified castle of our ship armed men; our dromon was about two hundred people who could defend himself. Approximately an hour later the chief (of the enemy) troops, members of the Board, ordered one of the men to climb the mast of his ship, as it was the biggest, in order to find out exactly so our position; when he learned from a sailor on the persistence of our protection, they set sail, sailed into the sea; so the mercy of God has saved us that day from the enemy. And our later seized in Joppa three of these ships and enrich their prey.
We, as they could swim along the shore of the Syrian Palestine, through the eight days docked to the harbor of St. Andrew on the island of Cyprus. Leaving the next day towards the novels and passing by the harbor of St. Simeon and St. harbor. Mary, through many days we arrived in Malaya Antioch. During this way to us often attacked by pirates; but under the cover of divine grace, we suffered no damage from any attack enemies, nor of the storm. Then, pointing the way to the bank of a wide novels, passing through the city of Blessed Nicholas Stamiru and Patras, the day before the eve of the day of St. John the Baptist barely reached the island of Roda; For within the city Sataluma swallowed us up if we did not protect the Divine Providence.
Rhode we hired a smaller ship to move faster and are back in the novel. Then we arrived in the beautiful city Stromlo, but absolutely devastated by the Turks; where we were detained for several days strong contrary winds. Then we landed on the island of Samos and there zapasshis necessary victuals, stuck as they have done in all the islands, the island Hyo. After leaving there, and our ship and satellites, we went to Constantinople to worship the holy places; then sailed past the big city of Smyrna, we arrived to the island Metelin, thence to Tenitu: There is an ancient land of Romagna and the famous city of Troy, the ruins of its buildings in the space of several billion of seen so far, according to the Greeks.
And from thence we came into the narrow sea, called St. sleeve. George, which separates the two lands, namely novels and Macedonia; swim through him we came to the holy Femiyu, with Greece right and left of Macedonia; City of St. Femiya bishop in Macedonia lies on one side of the sleeve and the other city called cAMP, lies on the other side in Greece, so that two or three flights of catapults could get from city to city; they are called keys Constantinople.
From thence, we sailed past Callipolis Agios Georgios, Paniady and other fine Macedonian fortresses, and arrived in the city Rofostoku next day the feast of Holy. Michael. Then from thence came to a squeegee, a beautiful city, where, according to the Greeks, was abducted by Paris Helen Alexander. Editorial text Sergey Balandin,
source: "Orthodox Palestinian Collection" 1885
Photographs of the Holy Land, made in the late 19th - early 20th century
Golden Gate of Jerusalem
Damascus Gate in Jerusalem
Temple Mount and Al-Sahra Kubbat (Dome of the Rock) in winter
Panorama of winter Jerusalem
British soldiers at the Western Wall in Jerusalem
The streets of Jerusalem under the snow
The Temple Mount in winter
Lions Gate in Jerusalem
Market in Jerusalem
Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem
Golden Gate inside
Solomon's Stables
Christian pilgrims
Street in Nazareth
Tomb of Lazarus
Franciscan monks
Women of Bethlehem
Family of Bethlehem
Family of Ramallah
"Good Samaritan"
Tomb of Absalom
Jews from Jerusalem
Fishermen in Galilee
Bedouin warrior
The Jewish quarter of Jerusalem
Wailing Wall in Jerusalem
Guardian of the mosque in Jerusalem
"Optical effect" in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem
Church of the Nativity
The British Army scours Muslims in Jerusalem
Street in Jerusalem
Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount
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