Absurd and very biased, but Interesting!-: 'travel report' (all Kremlin scripted anti-American pure baloney Putin's propaganda)- of an MP 'priest' visiting America
From: Bishop ChrysostomosSubject: "St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco: a Soviet Monk Whose Relics are in San Francisco"Date: 12 January 2015 22:16:09 GMTForgive me: Here is the link to the article in question (in Russian):(Note the wonderful clerical dress of the Priest!)------Dear Clergy, Faithful, and Friends:May God bless you!In this several days of some freedom from my normal schedule, I have tried to distribute materials more frequently, as I did in the past. I hope that I have not inundated you with matters of no interest. But again, the "erase" feature is closely available, if this is the case.I believe that this item will (and should) be of interest to you.In response to my earlier note about "post-Soviet" religious studies, an erudite recipient of our mailings (and a kind friend of our monastery) at Stanford University just now sent me an article about a Russian Priest travelling in the U.S. Among his travel notes is the following regarding San Francisco: "Зато там есть и места паломничества—к мощам святого Иоанна Шанхайского и Сан-Францисского, монаха из СССР." Asking forgiveness for my limited abilities in Russian, which do not go far beyond some basic reading, this comment, following various denigrating remarks about San Francisco, reads in translation: "But there is a place for pilgrimage—to the Relics of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco, a monk from the U.S.S.R."St. John, the world renowned Archbishop and ascetic Saint, and a refugee from the Russian Revolution, becomes a "monk from the U.S.S.R." If that is not a perfect example, in the ecclesiastical realm, of the Soviet legacy, i.e., transforming the ugly stool of dictatorial Marxism into the easy chair of a supposedly "post-Soviet" Russia (comfortable seating stuffed with the suffering of untold victims of the Soviet past), what is? The man cannot even admit that a dissident Hierarch in exile, as well as a victim of Soviet propaganda at many points in his life, was anything more than a monk; indeed, a monk from the U.S.S.R. What has really changed since Stalin called the murderous starvation of so many people a triumph of the massive surpluses of agricultural collectives?One wonders which is more pitiful: Russians being deprived of the truth about Soviet horrors, or westerners, who know perfectly well what those horrors were, pretending that all is well in post-Soviet Russia. I remember, with regard to such westerners, showing a magazine photograph to a visitor to our monastery. I was explaining in some detail the reason that we ceased communion with those Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad who restored communion with the Moscow Patriarchate in 2007. I told him about the legacy of the KGB ties of the Bishops in Moscow, after the fall of the U.S.S.R., and the privileged status that they enjoyed under Mr. Putin.In the photograph in question, I pointed out that the Patriarch of Moscow was wearing a wrist watch worth tens of thousands of dollars and that, when the Patriarch denied wearing it, a clever investigator had uncovered a clear reflection of the watch, in this photograph, on the table at which His Holiness was sitting. This confirmed that he was wearing the valuable watch and that it was an astoundingly expensive time piece. Our visitor, without making a single comment about the watch, immediately began commenting to me about the finish on the table and what a skilled craftsman had worked on it. …Soviet man in western pants!Least Among Monks, † BC
Russian language original report:
Sorry-this is the rough machine translation:
Father Andrey Tkachev: "The United States has turned into a non-free country" (Photo) 
Famous protopriest
- about America, like today on the eve of the collapse of the USSR, our
diaspora of Pavlik Morozov, about how same-sex marriages are dangerous
and why the States have ceased to be a country of dreams.
Father Andrew. "For America skyscraper - it features. But we always
have temples built higher than the houses. And they - the house above
the temples. " Photo from the personal archive
Father Andrew, we have heard that you have been in the US and many were
amazed by what you saw there. In fact, for you were dispelled many
myths present about the Ukrainians against the country ...
I first visited in the United States. Route of my travels coincided
with "a place of glory" Al Capone. In Chicago, he began his work, and
finished in San Francisco, Alcatraz prison. My journey began in Chicago,
too, and ended in San Francisco. However, not in jail, thank God, and
at Fort Ross, a former Russian settlement, sung in the opera "Juno and
Avos". I went to the United States with some fear and trembling. The
world today is very Americanized and gollivudizirovan, walks in jeans
and chews the cud. Therefore, to understand the world, you need to
understand and America itself. Mighty Christian empire, a kind of new
Rome, which took place during the republican freedom and entered the
stage of imperial decay. Owns everything and slowly dying. Still missing
legions at the borders, but not smart enough in their heads. The main
conclusion - America has ceased to be a country-magnet. She no longer
attracts people serious scale. Previously, she was attracted to all the
most powerful, fun, free, intelligent. Yes, it can, still young and
eager to go whatever their motives marginal, but it's not. America is
becoming more and more like the Soviet Union later time.
- That is, the United States - on the eve of the collapse, as once the Union?
I can not make such conclusions. US still continues to be a great
country. Inertia of its greatness even enough for a while. Locomotive
braking distance is longer than the bike. But the timing is not here.
All could collapse very quickly. I do not want to fall. Because if a
"closet" collapse, the wave will pohlesche tsunami, and it will cover us
including ...
- You will immediately feel this threat?
I'm with the first steps being there felt sadness. A kind of "Autumn of
the Patriarch." At first I could not understand - where is it? Perhaps
because America has lost its foundations, its primacy. Take the same
skyscrapers. In Abu Dhabi, they are now higher than in Chicago. And it
was in Chicago were the first skyscrapers. For America skyscraper - it
features, type. Forms that made them the spirit. I went there in the
temple: inside is struck, it is huge. A way out - and terrifying: on the
background of skyscrapers and it is not visible! Thus, the box stands
among the cabinets. We always have temples built higher than the houses.
And they - the house is higher than the temples. All blurred by human
pride. Yes, and good old American millionaire anymore. It is now an
endangered species. Millionaire in America can become. If you work 24
hours a day, do not buy expensive cars and do not divorce his wife. This
old American has hurled money, it saves even stingy. But it was good.
Today, however, these millionaires budget is getting smaller. Changes
occur in all. And from the people often heard the phrase: "Who is
destroying our country!"
America has
covered the "karma empires" that struck and Rome, and the USSR. Empire
can not sit still - and this is her curse. Switzerland may, Sardinia can
and empire can not, even if it is no longer the old forces. As soon as
she sits quietly - from her immediately begin to bite off pieces. For
example, Alaska or the southern states. Because America needs to annoy
the world and to quarrel with him, proving to everyone that she is still
strong. But it falls ...
- What has been this fall?
In America started in life are very powerful innovations that are
beginning to blur her own people. The base of society - this is not the
wealth of mineral resources, not geography, and people - with their
morals, principles, a way of life. If a person is morally healthy - he
will invent moral health laws. If ill, it will "mutate" and adjust the
old laws or create new ones. Otherwise he will not survive. But the
question is not the economy, and that is mutated man himself. He no
longer needs to nepotism, Puritan austerity, saving money and resources.
Before America was hard to find a man who would not go to church on
Sundays. They dressed in ceremonial clothes, then sat at the festive
table. Now, who dresses as he wants, the church might not go, no common
family dinners, and if there is, each comes with its gadgets and solves
its problems. Generation cut in communication with each other.
Antisemeystvennost America is critical, because it grew out of nepotism.
A feeling of change in the human psychotype very noticeable, especially
after legalizing same-sex marriage. On this occasion I was even invited
to the Chicago Russian radio. The transfer was scheduled for 20
minutes, in the end, we talked for over an hour. Phone is broken.
- And what students say? Agreed with this law?
Only one call was "yes". The reasoning listener struck his logic: "The
Church burned Giordano Bruno, so now people do not climb into bed!" The
remaining callers were against it, thought it was a sin. But the Supreme
Court has handed down its verdict. A law in the United States can not
argue. Especially because headed columns are gay mayors and senators -
people declaring that power
them. Democracy - a majority rule, but here it turns out that
aggressive minority declares his ideas. Can not criticize them publicly.
It is a criminal offense. You hear the law everywhere and always. And
then adopted a law that does not need to eat bread and dog feces, and just try to violate!
- That is to say that you're against gay marriage, speak openly banned?
Yes I Am. It would seem that I came from a non-free country Ukraine in a
free country America. But it is not so! I left with the feeling that
leaving out the non-free America in free Ukraine. That is the paradox! A
tenth of a word to say about same-sex marriage, I would sit for a long
time in this "free" country life! This lack of freedom is evident even
in the little things. For example, refused to sell me a sandwich for
cash dollars. No cache, only the electronic map. This is also a factor
in the lack of freedom. In Ukraine, a lot of problems, no doubt. Look at
home - and obrydaeshsya. But it turns out, we have things that put us
in a much freer conditions than in a "free" America ... The presence of
the "regime" in the USSR, the United States was very helpful. Against
the background of our godlessness they "stoker" their faith: you have no
faith, and we have, you pursue believers, and we - no, and so on. Our
godlessness strongly support them. And now it turns out that not only
we, but they are atheists, and even what! Refined!
some human experiments. This process is laid out and has enough
features bright. This substitution of the term in one of the basic
pillars of the Christian world. According to Roman law, the family - is a
voluntary union of a man and women and equal participation in the
divine and human affairs. And in this formula, the ancient Roman "Code"
shall be replaced only one component: from the "voluntary union of a man
and a woman" family turned into "voluntary union of two people." Soon,
perhaps, to make a correction, "the union of two beings," and then we
come to the nightmare of all ... Imagine that in the formula of laying
the foundation to replace one of the variables. House hold out? Likely
to fall. And the legalization of gay communities.
- The main thesis of the defenders of gay: "Who cares who's sleeping with whom?"
On the one hand, yes, well, sleep itself, and on the other - why hold
parades and shout to the whole world? I was on the radio bombarded with
questions like: "My son is gay. What do I do? I'm afraid for my child!"
And this fear is understandable. Perverted sexuality is a terrible force
that changes the brain of man, his world view. Man irreversibly
changed. It is believed that it is difficult to recover from alcoholism
is even more difficult - from drug addiction, and from distorted
sexuality are not healed. At least, so say the psychologists. This
mutation leads to a person. There is a new man-mutant. Homosexual will
not work in the fields. This film about cowboys-homosexuals, "Cold
Mountain" - all "Tales from the Vienna woods". Gays will not graze the
cows, work the land. Forget! Perhaps it will do lesbians ... In short,
it is a different reality in which we become so sick that we are likely
to either refuse to live, if any, to accept. And who knows what would be
In American schools have been
told that your floor is not defined. Your external sexual
characteristics do not mean anything. Gender is not given to you from
birth, you choose it myself as a free man. And even as a boy in the
flesh, you can change the floor. Or marry a man, or being bisexual.
Children bring it all home, talk, after which parents are on the ears.
Do what they can not do anything. If Dad would get the belt and say,
"I'll show you!" - The child immediately poke you telephone services to
combat violence and will give you on the court. These phones hang on all
the fences, like 911. Pavlik now lives in America. He moved there.
There's dad gave him a mobile phone, and now he knocks on it as the
- And what people see output?
Someone did not lead the child to school and studying at home. It is
now very common in the United States. Or give to Catholic schools, which
is very prestigious. And even non-believers. But there is strict
discipline, and not every child can stand it. Law-abiding and tolerance
turned into a concentration camp. Passed laws prohibiting
antigeypropagandu. The fact that it is a sin - we can not speak outside
the temple, and in the temple. Everywhere there snitches. Not only
Pavlik Morozov left Russia with him, it seems, the whole team left.
They're also knock, convey and so may pinch your life that do not
obradueshsya. Again, as in the good old USSR ...
- Protestant country. And on the Rights of the "owners" Protestants
allow us to say that against the legalization of same-sex unions. But
there are a number of precedents, when the priests for preaching that
the gay community - it is a sin, prosecuted. There are many cases when
our move to America with teenage children, and in a year or two discover
that the children - homosexual.
- What are opening a new gay talents?
Real Talent Show! Of course, parents are crazy. Children suffer, and
then under pressure of society, which says: "You're what? Everything's
cool!" - Start to lead a different life. That's all. Disaster. Such
freedom is morally corrupt and eventually kills. So do not bow before
any freedom.
Another of the features
of the current America - is "zauzhivanie" person. Turning it into a
moss has no roots. Shrub break it - but the roots will still be allowed
processes. A moss Scratch - and is not. Pizza dough flat - good, but for
a man cultural subtlety disgusting. But who wants to turn a man into a
pizza. It may, born from the depths of a free man who suddenly decided,
"Why do I think? Why do I need all this metaphysics?"
- How this all acquired our diaspora?
In Chicago, a huge Ukrainian diaspora. By the way, they can at you sue
if you say something bad about Ukraine. On the radio, there was an
incident, someone said something about the monument Bandera, so ten
minutes lined up around the building team of local nationalists with
banners. Even had to call the armed police. By the way, the song "in
Lviv dosch" on Chicago radio bought Russian daily! You are the same as
"Murka" Taganka. And in Chicago, and in San Francisco, I, for the sake
of interest, came in Ukrainian restaurants. Caricature rare. This game
is in Ukraine under heaven Illinois - such vulgarity, no words! Went
there, and then went with grief to drink beer in a Chinese restaurant.
To wash away the aftertaste. And their Ukrainian language with an
American accent - is something unhealthy! Initially, they behind your
back bend terrible mats in Russian, and then turn to you with a smile
and say: "Ken ah HELP th?" And then your task - not to give you all
understand. Generally emigration - is a sad phenomenon. Thinking
emigrant is one: "Now, a little sit still and leave. Still a little bit.
Still a little bit," And in the end, as long as he lived "a little
more" - did not do anything, and life is over. No ideology in staying in
America is not. There is a habit. Emigrant - is insulting, humiliating,
and the worst - a barren phenomenon.
the way, on the contrary, Americans have been migrating to other
countries. In San Francisco, one of the priests spoke about his son, who
met a girl from Belarus and went there for Easter. Returning this
American guy who grew up on hamburgers, basketball and other American
goods, told the parents: "I live here anymore I do not. I want to
Belarus, because there is only the beginning. But here is boring. It all
ends." My mother was shocked, and my dad said, "Well, if he wants, let
him take the trouble." But this story is already in San Francisco, and
is the other side of the Atlantic.
- What remember San Francisco?
It is often possible to find such a little apocalyptic signs "The end
of land" (Land's End). There is a sharp break without fences, with which
you can drop directly into the ocean. Generally, CA – most freedom-loving
staff, the mother all the abominations of the earth. Alma Mater of all
disgusting. And there was also quite sad. The city in its old short,
nothing exciting there. Many Chinese. I always thought they were sober
nation, and there they drink in a black, cafe just crawling, often on
one another. Wild spectacle. But there is also a place of pilgrimage – to the relics of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco, a monk from the
USSR. On it you can talk for hours. His power – a place of pilgrimage.
- And that you are a good surprise in America?
Surprised Fort Ross - the extreme western point of the Russian stay on
the continent. When our mastered Alaska, then went down to the Pacific
coast to the Spanish border. There is a place with a Russian place
names, for example, Russian River (Russian River). And now there are a
lot of Russian churches, the truth is no longer valid because the old
emigrants died. One of the few places where Russian love. The local
Indian tribe kishayya and Aleuts always said Americans have been raped,
tortured Spanish, Russian and we were paid. Because Russian loved. It's
such a recreation area. But SCC better than California. We have much
more beautiful nature, milder climate, and in a mixture of warmth,
natural scents and herbal beauty Crimea definitely better. And it is an open mind.
- So we are so different from Americans?
We have our own striking features that make us unique free people. We
are in the fields of science, culture, thinking, values of the
Christian world to a more favorable pole. We have fewer civil liberties
and wealth, but to preserve the moral code. We are still "chord". Path
to jellyfish without a moral backbone, which carries the current, we
still hampered by the presence of the chord.
- While many dream to pull themselves out of this chord to quickly become a jellyfish ...
They want to, do not argue. The more useful we experience this "bulwark
of democracy", which will drive the worms in perfectly. We just need
more thriftily relate to their place of work, place of residence and to
the people who live near us. Do not need anything from anybody wait.
Wait - not a reason to do nothing. You can not be immigrants in their
country. And do not mimic or copy. We need to create their own.
Father and publicist
Andrew - known missionary, TV presenter, writer. Rector of the church
of st. Agapito Caves in Kiev, a member of the Missionary Department of
the UOC. One of those who boldly says what he thinks. Leading television
"bedtime", "Garden of Divine Songs" magazine writer Jonah Monastery, a
columnist for the newspaper "Today". He is married and the father of
four children.
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