Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Rdr. Daniel Greeting and Comments on His Name Day

Reader Daniel Sharing

From: Dan Everiss

Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2021 11:58 AM

Subject: Internal Russian faithful opposition to Putin's blasphemous ‘Military Cathedral Of The Ressurection of Christ"-where those villains who tortured & murdered the New Martyrs, are honorably depicted as 'Soviet HEROES' next to images of those they killed: 

*On The eve of my Names-Day Festal Celebration: The Holy Prophet Daniel And The Three Holy Youths

- Reader Daniel in Oregon

Commentary regarding this post:



About ONE BRAVE & Outspoken FORMER MP clergy, This Hieromonk John,  who courageously and openly speaks the truth about this monstrosity of Putin’s fanciful “Russian World” related  nightmarish creation, - his expression of his preposterous myth of a supposed  harmony of all those who were instrumental in creating his wonderful and glorious current STILL SLAVISH & MARXIST & SOVIET, Russian Federation ….. and which, brave openly fearless protestor, Hieromonk John has fled from being a priest inside of Stalin’s 1943 creation, the graceless uncanonical “Moscow Patriarchy”- KGB controlled ‘church’,  and fled to our anti-communist and truly canonical Russian Orthodox Church Abroad remnant, lead by our Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel (Pashkovsky) - MAY GOD HELP AND DEFEND Hieromonk John, FROM apostate and servant of Satan, Vladimir Vladimirovich PUTIN, and His demonic WRATH and RETRIBUTION.

May Almighty God! Remove the wicked Marxist -“Progressive” God-fighters from power, in Russia and America, and everywhere!: ... my daily prayer.

These global deluded ignorant of history, pro-Marxist servants of Satan, are now taking over my America too.  May God defeat them and convert them, or take them away!

Godless bloodthirsty dictator “Democratically and freely elected president” (???)   President For Life -Vladimir Putin is trying to create his own twisted and propaganda constructed, past IMAGINARY recent Russian history, one which glorifies the HEROIC (?) Bolshevik-Communist mass murderers, THE BUTCHERS OF THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE, and himself with his  phony official make-believe ‘Russian Church’: the mythic lie - that his current non-free KGB controlled Russian Federation, has 100% healed (really corrupted & rewritten!) its past terrible history, and is now … as if by magic … ‘unified’ and is on a glorious road to more!...‘ progress’, etc.: THE BIG LIE!  This horrible and dark sinister enormous massive vile gloomy-hued building, this Military Cathedral, while built in the general shape and style of a normal Russian-Byzantine style (monumentally huge in size) Orthodox Cathedral, expresses this big propaganda lie… especially in its interior’s massive wall frescoes and icon panels, .i.e. that God and His martyric saintly servants -  AND!....  Satan and his God-Fighting vile servants - those who persecuted, imprisoned and tortured to death, i.e.  murdered God’s saints, can NOW TODAY!... be united!..: THAT NOW WE THE LIVING CAN AND SHOULD EQUALLY PRAISE… BOTH!.... GROUPS!..... a fanciful unbelievable to accept by any sane person anywhere, NIGHTMARE myth that only a total  pagan atheist like MOCKER OF GOD…. Vlad  Putin could possibly invent or push on the world as historical reality.  But where is there any expression of REPENTANCE? - that is what is totally missing from Putin’s concocted propaganda vision of recent post-communist Russian history, since its terrible “PROGRESSIVE” Communist takeover..

Clearly many Russian people or other ethnic people living in the Russian Federation, do not agree with this fantastic historical myth or Putin’s EVERYDAY repression of their God-given human freedoms, or have full  or trusting full faith in Putin’s  phony KGB “Official Russian Orthodox Church” - the Stalin created in 1943, in the dark of night behind  closed doors, foul non-canonical “Moscow Patriarchy,” (which currently blesses every evil and lying word and action of Putin’s enslaved government and his captive servile military! - which seeks Satanic WORLD DOMINATION - i.e Putin’s “RUSSAIN WORLD”) yet few dare to express publically what they truly believe in their hearts.  May God bless and protect those who do!


Grant this to us, O Lord!

Retired Rd. Daniel Everiss…who  knows nothing on my own, but only what the birds of the air chirp to me, and what the winds blowing through the fir trees whisper ….or what the very stones of the field-which cannot be made to be silent, loudly proclaim:… GOD’S TRUTH CANNOT BE SILENCED!: ..HE, “WHO IS EVERYWHERE PRESENT AND WHO FILLEST ALL THINGS!”



And in the end, God Alone will be the winner!  ALLELUIA!


AMEN! and AMEN!!

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