Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Forgotten American History about Abraham Lincoln

X1-About Abraham Lincoln, And Our Current America, ETC.

Dan Everiss <>Thu, Sep 16, 2021 at 7:32 PM

“O Lord! Save The God-fearing, and Hear US!”


And yes, to those many of us Americans who don’t know our own national history: the Democrat Party, was officially pro-slavery before and during the Civil War. …and indeed during “Re-Construction” it fought to restrict the new legal freedoms of the former Black slaves.  It was the Republican Party, led by Abraham Lincoln which was Abolitionist/Anti-Slavery, and which FREED THE SLAVES, and which SAVED THE UNION.  Way over  600,000 white soldiers, on both sides,  (but also many freed-black Union soldiers too) gave their lives in that massive bloody internecine war, which ended with Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, (—guaranteed by Union victory), freeing  the former black slaves, and which saved  the Union.  Plus after that terrible war, in addition to all of the dead, many thousands were physically severely wounded & disabled for life, (from both the Union and Confederate) sides and they could not function any longer in normal lives, in an age when if one did not have one’s full physical health, …it was hard to even survive at all, with only their  caring families to help them to exist, and when subsistence farming was the normal survival occupation of most Americans, or anyway a time when hard physical labor tasks were the daily norm for most, in both  north and south.

[One of my own] ancestors, an immigrant, my great-grandfather,  — my Mother’s Mother’s Father, Johan Peter Kochems, a Prussian German of a large Prussian family, born in ”The Kingdom of Prussia, " in about 1832 or so, who in June of 1861 in Cleveland, Ohio, at his age of 29, SWORE HIS PERSONAL LOYALTY TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN, & he joined the “18th OHIO Volunteer Regimen” of the Union Army, as a blacksmith, to save the Union and to free the slaves: — he barely survived that war, and he returned with life-long severe physical injuries…. which negatively affected  his family, and kept them in degrees of poverty and a hard struggling existence for much of their lives.  Times back then, were hard in America.

After our very bloody & tragic American Civil War, the Democrat Party was pro-Segregationist, and they corrupted the tragic & largely failed, post-Civil War, Reconstruction Era, (in which blacks actually lost many formerly gained, rights and freedoms),  and the Democrats and their allies, worked …for about 100 years or so, to continue to subjugate and to stop black people from having any civil liberties, including to vote or to hold public office, to own property,  to live where they wanted to, or to even learn how to READ and WRITE or to get any high quality education.  “Separate but Equal!” was the later pro-Segregationist Democrat Party’s phony disingenuiness motto in the 1950’s, and also, their leaders trumpeted: “Segregation Forever!”

The terrorist organization, the despicable KKK was founded and operated by Democrats… in case anyone forgets that little fact of American history.  The all-white plutocrat smug Democrat politicians from southern states, were nicknamed, “Dixicrats!”….and they all worked to keep black Americans in a virtual slavery, and devoid of the right to vote or to prosper economically.

Today, we are supposed to believe the massive fiction, that the Democrat Party is… NOW! Miraculously!... pro-black, and pro-minorities.  The evidence tells us very much otherwise.  Once, in the northern states, it was called, “The Party of the Working Man!” …which even back then, was a big lie.  It was always run by the fat-cat super rich class…. who are the people who CONTROL ALL WORLD ECONOMIES and ALL GOVERNMENTS!.. and these are the ones who run the American Democrat Party…. not.. “American Voters!”  We American masses have lost any and all control of our own government… long ago, and it seems unlikely that we can ever recover our once-control of it, or perhaps… of our own former freedoms.


This turns out to be true of our current American corrupted political elections NOW, HERE!

It is indeed, what the Democrat Party foisters and ALLOWS: TODAY!: Anarchist-pro-terrorist, and pro-leftist criminal violence: of  rioting, looting and robbing, arsonist burnings, and uncontrolled endless murders, drugs, and violence in our cities…. all of which cities… and many states too, are headed by “FAT-CAT” Democrat corrupt lying politicians.  When they face elections, they routinely STEAL and MAKE up false votes, as we saw they did in our last presidential stolen elections, and which they do IN ALL LOCAL ELECTIONS ALSO.


Donald Trump got in their way, so… he had to go!..  They said and still say of him: “He was CRAZY!”

“Family Planning Centers,” the darling projects of the Democrats,  are mostly located in or near black or other minority neighborhoods of our bigger cities, as they are intended to encourage black & other minority women, to ABORT their babies, so as to “improve the genes of the human race”: EUGENICS!… and this anti-Christian and anti-Human movement also, is OPENLY! strongly supported by the MORALLY BANKRUPT  Democrat Party!... in fact, abortion has been rightly labeled, “The Sacrament of the Democrat Party”; AND, this pro-abortion organization was founded and is aimed, mainly at BLACK women, not white women.

And yet, we are fed the LEFTIST CONTROLLED propaganda news network’s fake news, that: “The Democrat Party CARES ABOUT BLACK and MINORITY PEOPLE!”-???

These same Democrat  totalitarian DICTATORS, — as half-brain dead Joe Biden, a total mindless confused parrot puppet of the left, — are using this pandemic to further ENSLAVE us all, and to destroy our economy, and our lives, and to capture and twist or totally END our CHRISTIANITY.   They seek to demoralize us, to IMPOVERISH US, into our total subjugation, so that we just resign ourselves to SLAVE-DOM, under their direction.  This is the recorded historic record, of what Communism has done to every nation it has taken over!

Karl Marx, would be proud of our American Democrat Party!... it is carrying out his utopian NIGHTMARE plan for mankind, beginning  with “Divide and Conquer”:..  His “Class-Warfare” formula for turning our different “social and racial classes against each other.”

And also, today, we see… (those of us who care about learning and knowing THE TRUTH!) much clear evidence in front of our faces, that, over these past many recent years, the exceedingly corrupt Democrat Party of the WORLD-WIDE… SUPER-RICH, is actually anti-our American Constitutional egalitarian freedoms and rights,… for all of us Americans, and opposed to our Free-Enterprise Capitalist Economic System, and in fact has become very PRO-LEFTIST, PRO-MARXIST, PRO-COMMUNIST…. PRO-TOTALITARIAN! and a big friend … and indeed, supporter! of all of our globalist leftist enemies…indeed, how many fat and smug VERY WEALTHY! Democrat politicians embedded in office for years and years, actually are paid employees of our foreign enemies, and very much in the dirty slimy mud SWAMP of what our American corrupt political system has sunk to.

History seems to repeat itself, doesn’t it?

Abraham Lincoln, today, would not support our current Democrat Party, just as he did not support it in his life.  It was evil and immoral then, and it still is now…. though now it is far more evil than it ever was in past years.

It was the party of injustice and vested pro-privilage, and it still is.

Just my simple honest testimony, of a ”white American”  person who once was a long-termed registered Democrat voter, but who now repents of that foolish and ignorant mistake,  and who has woken up! — PRAISE THE LORD!


That is why, I fully support the true American Patriot, Donald J. Trump, and what ALL he has been working for: OUR AMERICAN ECONOMIC PROSPERITY and OUR AMERICAN FREEDOMS…. for ALL AMERICANS!... in truth, OUR SURVIVAL AS A FREE AMERICA!

If this current exceedingly corrupt and power drunk, FAT-CAT yet MARXIST Democrat Party is not overturned and defeated, …on all levels of our American life, our America is lost.  I hope to see it outlawed, as a foreign enemy organization…. which it really is, in all truth.  Let all Democrat politicians …and their unrepentant and ignorant hypnotized mindless voters, move to Putin’s neo-soviet still non-free, KGB run Russia, or wonderful Red China… or how about to the comfortable and wonderful Marxist Paradise, The Peoples Democratic Republic of North Korea? (for those who like eating grass, and where people have ZERO civil rights).  Cuba too is a possible other & tropical destination selection.  Go and SEE what utopian societies exist, under Communism… which hells-on-earth you want to foist on us here.  Try it for yourselves, but go far away from our American shores, PLEASE!

The Republican Party, also, does need massive reformation and cleansing—which President Trump has started to lead.


Retired Orthodox Christian Psalm-Reader, Daniel Everiss

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