Metropolitan Agafangel: On Soviet Globalism
Author: Metropolitan Agafangel. Date of publication:02 February 2021... Category: Author's column .

Globalists are those who strive to unite the whole world under their rule.
One of the principles of the old Freemasonry was the struggle with personal power. Such a task faced the free masons because one can come to power only after the removal of the one who possesses this power, and in those days it was mainly kings and monarchs. Masons declared the secret "collective" power of the "chosen" lodge (these "chosen ones", as a rule, were not far from the current "personal" power) and, in their documents, wrote that by all (i.e., by any) ways get rid of dictators in power, even if such a dictator appears inside the lodge itself. Examples and models of the struggle against the dictatorship for them were various "antiheroes" (that is, antiheroes for the ignorant crowd).
By the beginning of the 20th century, such a collective Masonic form of government was established in almost all leading states (especially in the former European monarchies). But, since there are many Masonic lodges, and they compete with each other, the cause of globalization was not progressing as rapidly as they might have liked.
USSR - the world's first globalist state
The first who really made progress in the implementation of the plans of globalization- longed for by the Freemasons, moreover, in its most terrible and inhuman form, was the USSR, which, having abandoned Masonic anti-dictatorial principles, globally united entire countries under its own strict control. It is known that at the beginning of the Bolshevik regime there were Free Masons, though of a low "degree" and subordinate to the higher-ranking organizers of their activities outside, but they, nevertheless, under the guidance and with the material help of their older brothers, managed to seize and retain power and, as a result, to completely subjugate huge territories and spread their "values" into it - a common atheistic "state-forming" ideology, a regime of repression, surveillance and denunciations, a system of suppressing dissent.
Feeling their successes, the "little" Freemasons from the USSR at the beginning of the last century completely got out of the control of their older brothers, and, having changed the basic principles of Free Masons, even deploying a struggle with them, turned into a kind of anti-Freemasonry - combining anti-Orthodox Christian, unrestricted dictatorial power with methods of control and subjugation of ordinary people by the methods of classical Freemasonry, while keeping silent about their true origins, and they pitted Masonic "equality" (i.e. universal poverty) against wealth (bourgeoisie and capitalism) in all varieties as their main slogan.
The leadership of the USSR has never concealed that it seeks to seize power in the whole world - the world victory of communism. Even Soviet schoolchildren were told that if as a result of the First World War a socialist state was formed, then, as a result of the Second World War- a socialist camp, then as a result of the Third World War the whole world would finally become socialist-communist. Hence the open and purposeful preparation of the USSR for a (new) offensive world war.
The entire Soviet state worked for the victory of communist globalism all over the world, from top to bottom - within the country - starting from the preschool education system and further: via science, culture, industry - in general, the entire Soviet state system without a single exception in it. Outside the borders of the USSR, in the subject-satellite states, various leftist movements, corrupt politicians and simply terrorists financed and directed from the Kremlin worked for a world victory. The USSR constantly planned, provoked, and supplied money and weapons to many various armed conflicts around the world.
The main principles of communist globalism were developed and implemented in the USSR
1. Ideological slavery... For successful control over the very thoughts of people, the only admissible doctrine allowed in the USSR was atheistic Marxist-Leninist ideology, which was promoted to the masses of the people, and a one-party system was introduced, in which the Communist Party was the only party in the entire space of the USSR (all other "ideologies" were declared false and were prosecuted as anti-scientific and dangerous for the USSR - their main crime, which was: "dissent"). Any persons making statement that called into question the course of the Communist Party (including sharing historical anecdotes) were supposed to be arrested and imprisoned. For the youths’ upbringing in Soviet thinking, from from early childhood, ideological organizations for children and youth were created - the Octobrists, Pioneers and Komsomol members (there were no other children's organizations which could exist). Throughout the country, on all streets and in Soviet institutions, the same slogans and portraits of leaders were hung. Even in kindergartens, every room had an image of the main leader. In the USSR, it was strictly forbidden to criticize the current government and speak critically about Soviet ideology. The only version that was allowed of the interpretation of world history, was (exclusively from the angle of its materialistic understanding), and everywhere in the USSR, was the official Soviet propaganda dominated monopoly: - one newspaper, one radio and one television (in its communist essence) - the differences were only in insignificant details.
2. Suppression of dissent. In the USSR, denunciation of unreliable people (even children of their parents) was encouraged. Universal military conscription and the cult of an early military victory over the whole world, a huge number of prisons and concentration camps, zones of residence for the unreliable (in Siberia), total control over all of entire human life - all this together guaranteed the 100% suppression of the individual and, with full control over the electoral system, almost absolute dependence of each person on the state. Those who disagreed were often declared mentally ill and placed in closed psychiatric hospitals for life (Soviet punitive psychiatry). The concept of the "socialist International" also served to suppress the individual’s personality , that is, the systematic leveling of the characteristics of the peoples (national, traditional, religious and others) that were part of the territory of the USSR - the obligatory dissemination of the official state language, a common curriculum of Marxist-Leninist content and a common atheistic Soviet culture for all. People were suppressed by the creation of special laws, according to which it is possible to label any person a criminal (without exception), this also includes the control tool of allowing mass alcohol drinking of people, with low-quality cheap state alcohol - every citizen of the USSR had to feel, consciously or unconsciously, as if they were a criminal before the state, and every person could go to jail at any moment. Everywhere the KGB, police and party members monitored the political correctness of every Soviet citizen.
3. Cut off all outside information of non-Soviet content . So that the citizens of the USSR did not doubt the correctness of the communist ideology, they were forbidden, under the threat of criminal punishment (up to imprisonment), to use any sources of information that did not pass the Soviet censorship, to listen to foreign radio stations or to read, as secretly published by anti-soviet, "samizdat" (typed) materials produced from abroad-(and the number of prohibited literature also included the Bible and the Gospel). For the same purpose, it was also forbidden for Soviet people to travel abroad (with a few exceptions, after a thorough check for of their ‘reliability’). Any information that did not pass the Soviet censorship was considered criminal, and its authors and distributors were subject to criminal prosecution.
4. Social slavery... The USSR was a slave state. On the basis of the complete elimination of private property in the USSR, "social equality" was achieved - universal poverty and complete dependence on the state in absolutely all spheres of life - in the use of preschool institutions, education, housing, food and medical care. There was no entrepreneurial activity – but work only in state institutions. To maintain the slave system in the USSR, there was an institution of registration, each person was attached to one specific place of residence and, accordingly, to a local clinic, school, place of work, etc., and he or she was under constant control and could not freely move around the country. Universalization of household items - all clothes and shoes must be the same, typical houses must be the same, and in 1-2-3-room apartments - the same furniture, sockets, dishes and toilets, standard schools and kindergartens, cars and agricultural machinery - from the Far East to the Far West of the USSR,- everything! had to be the same. One plant throughout the country produces linoleum, another - light bulbs, etc. - one gigantic plant for the entire USSR for producing one or another type of product (with attached villages of "workers" at each of them) - without competition and with very a low quality/quantity of production. A single currency and payment system (with a complete ban on the circulation of any other money.
As a result, in the USSR, in the era of developed socialism, even all people were, according to Soviet times , “the same”.
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This was created, of course, not for the benefit of the people, but for the welfare of the ruling class in the USSR - the "elite stratum" of the party nomenklatura with its own hierarchy, which, like a superstructure over Soviet society, did not obey the national laws and had all sorts of special privileges. Therefore, the main person in the USSR was the General Secretary of this ruling party nomenclature.
The Russian Federation is trying to repeat the USSR
For many years the USSR was the leader of world globalism and the main contender for world domination. Now the modern Russian Federation is the remnant of the USSR, which has lost its former strength, but, nevertheless, is striving to restore the lost power. The Russian Federation today is trying with all its might to influence world processes, using the political and espionage skills gained in the past. But, the successes are small. Even in Ukraine, the globalism of the Russian Federation is successfully supplanted by another global system - the "Soros" system, by introducing rulers dependent on the "West" into the government of the country and pushing back those dependent on the "East", gradual and consistent isolation of the Russian Federation in all spheres of culture and economy, distorting history, eliminating the ruble and its replacement by the dollar, the displacement of the Russian language, the destruction of transport and information links, the gradual replacement of markets and laws, etc. The maximum that the Russian Federation is currently managing is the creation of controlled territories by its military force (South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Transnistria, Donetsk and Lugansk, Crimea) and states that are "under its influence" (Belarus, Chile, Cuba and others), instead of the former creation of completely controlled socialist states.
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Unfortunately, we, Orthodox Christians, no longer have hopes for the creation of an Orthodox state - it is clear that the Russian Federation (and even more so Ukraine) will never return to or become an Orthodox monarchy, because if the mentality of the people as a whole allowed the overthrow of the tsar at a time when Orthodoxy was strong, the more so that Orthodox power is impossible now (not only in the Russian Federation, but in general), when the thoughts and deeds of the bulk of people are infinitely far from the Kingdom of Heaven. The only correct way would be to revive true Orthodoxy among the people, which is completely excluded under the leadership of the soviet controlled ‘Moscow Patriarchy’ (or, moreover, also by the OCU/’Orthodox Church of Ukraine’, in Ukraine) which is controlled by the secular authorities. The Moscow church, unfortunately, only outwardly resembles a religious structure - as it was a faithful and obsequious executor of the will of the God-fighters, and to this day they are guided by this evil will. The next king which the Moscow Church will accept and recognize, can only be the Antichrist. It remains for us to trust in God and take care of our personal salvation in the bosom of the True Church.
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From all the Soviet past we experienced, we can conclude that the USSR was the most disgusting example of a globalist project ever invented. And those who sympathize with such folly and who want the revival of this terrible totalitarian system in any form (even presented, falsely, to the world as: "Orthodox") are, at best, unfortunate people, too susceptible to the effects of communist propaganda.
Modern world globalism
Unfortunately, modern world globalists are inherently no better than the communist ones, and today they hope to adopt the "good sides of the Soviet experience." This can be seen, for example, from the deliberate and systematic collapse of the strong institutions of the Western world and even the collapse of a country like the United States (which is being successfully carried out with the help of the removal of patriotic rulers from power, as well as by uncontro0lled migration, drugs, debauchery, thoughtless anarchist spectacles, etc.), following the example of how, after the unconstitutional coup of 1917 in the USSR, strong independent institutions of the Russian Empire were mercilessly destroyed - the wealthy, middle, educated and bureaucratic classes, the nobility, the peasantry, all political parties, national and public organizations, and most importantly, the Orthodox Church, which has as its head, not an earthly ruler, but the Heavenly King. The same collapse in Western countries now includes the artificially stimulated development in the modern world of dubious global projects, such as the World Health Organization together with the current global pandemic, the global climate organization, feminist and anti-racial movements, etc. Also nowadays, a course is being taken in "advanced countries" for the prospect of introducing universal free education and medical care, other social benefits and other projects that put people, as it was in the USSR, in complete dependence on the state apparatus.
The USSR was too obviously a slave-owning community, besides with it, an atheistic ideology. Therefore, the new system of globalism should, taking into account the "best" that was in the USSR (that is, what little ‘really worked’), - and discard the harmful total control over the population and dissent.- what all that made this system unviable.
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I think that the future of the world (of course, if there is one?), in the eyes of the architects of globalism, looks like a kind of Soviet Union, but with a more "human face" - for example, without intolerance to dissent, which is safe for a dictatorship. In the world of the future, according to my hypothetical global projecting, the number of the world's population (and, possibly, the outer-space “settlements” surrounding the earth) will be “optimized” from above, so that all those living, comfortably “in cash” will certainly be happy, for this the elite class will take care of people in no worse a manner than a kind owner takes care of his animal pets. For this great plan to become true and to live, all who will interfere with the general happiness must, unfortunately, be neutralized by the authorities by ‘various humane ways”. The government will be headed not even by the President, but by the Father of Nations,- modeled on the one painted by artists in the USSR, surrounded by children. (i.e. The Father of Our Nation, Joseph Stalin”). Approximately to such bright perspectives, we are led, as I suppose, by the new builders of our (and everyones) earthly global great future.
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The commonplace in these "world governments" is the same as in the CPSU - their top leadership consists of not the best, but ordinary mediocre people, moreover, without moral restrictions, who are just lucky to be somewhere near at the right time (for example - George Soros). Hiding behind collective responsibility and not giving their names, it is easier for them to hide themselves from an objective assessment of the thinking part of society. But this, unfortunately, does not exclude the colossal harm they inflict by the very fact of their "collaboration".
"When you see all this, know that it is close at the door."
Remembering the words of the Savior: "When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?" (Luke 18.8), we understand that for the globalists all this struggle they wage exclusively against Christ, on the side of Satan - may the Scripture come true. Perhaps the time is right to supplement the rite of the Triumph of Orthodoxy with a new anathematization-of the heresy of globalism, which is widespread today, especially since all large and patronized by states (and deep superstates) "churches" are fully involved in this worldwide process of mass-worldwide apostasy, the direct and only ultimate goal of which is the preparation of mankind for the arrival and acceptance of the Antichrist.
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Everything that I write about here, should not have any worrisome spiritual significance for a Christian, and those who attach too much importance to this are mistaken - these are just signs of the end of this temporary world and the coming of the eternal Kingdom of God. Signs that we must see and know in order not to be tempted by them.
For Orthodox Christians, the main thing is that the Heavenly Kingdom is coming close to us, the Second Coming of Christ is near! The Lord Himself testifies to this: "Look, I will come soon!" Amen, come Lord!
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all!
+ Metropolitan Agafangel
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