A topos or commonplace in the Lives of the Saints is the conversions of non-believers at the execution of martyrs, ...converts who also then die for their confession of Christ.This report from the 'Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church' about the Coptic Christians who were beheaded by ISIS last week is about a non-believer who chose to die with them, saying "Their God is my God."
http://bombayorthodoxdiocese.org/what-made-a-non-believer- chadian-citizen-die-for- christ-along-with-his-20- coptic-christian-friends/
If true, we have an end times echo and image from the first centuries of the Christian Era, when the Apostles, their disciples, and all the faithful faced such godlessness -- and non-believers joined the martyrs in Christ's victory over death.
What made a non believer Chadian citizen; die for Christ, along with his “20 Coptic Christian friends”?
announced the execution of 21 Copts but only 20 names were confirmed,
most of them were from the province of Minya(Upper Egypt). There was an
inaccuracy in the number of Egyptian Hostages; there were only 20
Egyptians(Copts). Then who was this remaining one non-Coptic victim?

Ahram-Canadian News was able to gather information about this man. He was a Chadian Citizen (Darker skin shown in picture) who accepted Christianity after seeing the immense faith of his fellow Coptic Christians to die for Christ. When Terrorist forced him to reject Jesus Christ as God, looking at his Christian friends he replied, “their God is my God“ so the terrorist beheaded him also.
Think about the faith, shining through those 20 Christians who made a non believer, a true believer in Christ, even at the point of death. In Bible, Gospel of Luke describes about two thieves, being on either side of Jesus as they were crucified. At that very point of death by Crucifixion, one of the thief accepted Christ saying, ‘LORD, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.’ Here this Chadian citizen showed the same faith in Christ.
Can we put ourselves into his place? The faith he showed was not a mean faith, at such a moment, he could believe in Jesus as Lord and King.
May God help us to strength our faith so that the world may see our good works, and glorify our Father which is in heaven. (Mathew 5:16)
(News referred from Ahram-Canadian news)
Ahram-Canadian News was able to gather information about this man. He was a Chadian Citizen (Darker skin shown in picture) who accepted Christianity after seeing the immense faith of his fellow Coptic Christians to die for Christ. When Terrorist forced him to reject Jesus Christ as God, looking at his Christian friends he replied, “their God is my God“ so the terrorist beheaded him also.
Think about the faith, shining through those 20 Christians who made a non believer, a true believer in Christ, even at the point of death. In Bible, Gospel of Luke describes about two thieves, being on either side of Jesus as they were crucified. At that very point of death by Crucifixion, one of the thief accepted Christ saying, ‘LORD, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.’ Here this Chadian citizen showed the same faith in Christ.
Can we put ourselves into his place? The faith he showed was not a mean faith, at such a moment, he could believe in Jesus as Lord and King.
May God help us to strength our faith so that the world may see our good works, and glorify our Father which is in heaven. (Mathew 5:16)
(News referred from Ahram-Canadian news)
*AND, More about the martyric deaths of these Coptic Christians:
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