Visit of the icon of St. Nicholas
the 17th to the 23rd of December 2014. Our Orthodox community has
experienced a great spiritual ascent! These days we were visited by the
favorite saint of the Russian people -St. Nicholas, in his miraculous
image, which for already 18 years now, still exudes fragrant myrrh. With
the blessing of our bishop, Bishop Gregory, we had been preparing our
Argentine flock, almost from the beginning of the year, for this event,
having learned that Fr. Ilya, the keeper of the icon, planned to bring
us this pleasure, with the holy image, in spite of his weak health. A
group of parishioners of Holy Trinity Cathedral and of St. Sergius
parish, with the blessing carefully, responsibly, independently and
selflessly took on the organization of the trip and stay of the
miraculous image, which was brought by Father Ilya and his Matushka
Susanna. All those months we were in great excitement, as we did not
know whether or not we will be allowed that Fr. Ilia's health would
permit him [ actually] to come and to bring us the holy icon. To secure
this event, we had to raise the necessary money. Our God-loving
community has responded to the call of this soul-saving effort with
great mental and spiritual generosity and joy! And it came true! We were
granted the arrival of the icon! Hundreds of parishioners
were coming to the holy icon from the first day to the last. Prayers
and hymns were offered! On the first day of the arrival of the Icon,
there was held a public service with an Akathist in the Holy Trinity
Cathedral. Praying before the icon, were the Fathers, Archpriest
Valentin Iwaszewicz and Archpriest Ilya Gvarnki. Serving was prot.
Alexander Iwaszewicz. And on the eve of the feast day of St.
Nicholas, the Icon visited St. Sergius parish in Visha Bashester. During
the liturgy, there prayed and ministered together, Fathers: abbot
Mitred Archpriest Vladimir Shlenov, Archpriest Ilya Gvarnki, and
Archpriest Alexander Iwaszewicz. After the liturgy, a reception was held
in the church hall where a very tasty meal was treated to all, and
everyone sang to Father Ilia and to Matushka Susanna, Many Years. On
Saturday the Icon visited a nursing home in Olivos, where prayers
were served together with Fathers Ilya and Alexander venerating the
icon, were all the brethren of the house. The Icon itself was taken
into the rooms where the sick live, those who cannot walk. Scouts
of our Argentine Young, 'City of Kitezh' met the icon to complete the
elegant form and sang for a prayer service. After the service there had
been arranged a tea in the hall of the Russian school. There was
venerating the icon, all who were present (of which there were many). Saturday
night was committed the Vigil, with the singing of the Akathist to St.
Nicholas. There was a confession. Fr. Ilya decided to leave the altar
and offered to practice his English speaking to parishioners.[ with a
translator]. The liturgy, together served: Frs. Vladimir, Ilya and
Alexander. It was not an ordinary happening, that the litanies were
pronounced in three languages and that the communion was given in two
chalices, (because of the multitude of communicants) given the special
nature of the holiday.After the service, everyone was invited to a feast
where the parishioners were treated to a very tasty meal, thanks to the
generous work of our outcast "chefs" of our parishioners. Here again
was sung to Fr. Ilya and his Matushka, mnogoletie [Many Years!], by all
present. While drinking coffee, there were asked questions to Fr.
Elia, to which the keeper of the icon, kindly answered. On the day of
departure of the Icon, there was served a farewell prayer before it
leaving for the airport where parishioners accompanied the traveling
icon to its departure. These days were given to us, were really a
great grace of God for us sinners. They were greatly uplifting and
prayerful. In these holy days, between us there reigned unanimity,
brotherly kindness and piety. And the mutual hard work! And how often do
we ask this of the Lord by our mouth, but not in our heart! Through the
prayers of Saint Nicholas, the Lord has given us sinners, a feeling
and experience that will be long unforgotten. We lived this ! Let's
hope with the intercession of St. Nicholas and the work which our
Orthodox community has learned, that we always will live as we lived in
the light of these happy days!
( this is the end of the humanly smoothed out machine English, below is the machine-English text)--
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Visiting Choir Sing
Sunday 30th November 2014, visited our parish Choir Sing in San Carlos
de Bariloche. This choir is made up of singers Slavic and Latin origin,
the regent Olga de Lyudkovoy Burda and sang together with our parish
choir for the Liturgy. It was amazingly good to hear how the temple is
filled with their sweet and powerful singing. Then we shared a meal with
him. In the evening, in our church hall, was given a concert of sacred
and secular music with the participation of two choirs: Coral Adrogué
and San Benito. Yes, the Lord will grant their preservation and
edinomyliya us often complicit in such a pleasant event!Fragment ConcertLiturgy fragment Fragment Concert See more photos of this event.
 Dear in Christ, brothers and sisters! We
remind you that every last Sunday of the month following the Divine
Liturgy we conducted a meal for all the congregation, where we not only
delicious lunch, but we get, of course, the spiritual food of our
communication with you, read the teachings of the Holy Fathers and
simple discuss pressing issues of our church. For example, last
Sunday everyone to stay for a meal awaited Russian cabbage soup with
cream, fresh herbs and dumplings with potatoes, pasta nautically and
cabbage pie. A parishioner of our church Pablo gave us interesting
exercises the Holy Father ... We all had a great day also, and most
importantly to good use. The next time you want to view the movie "The
Island" with subtitles in Spanish, which has kindly offered to bring us
to view another parishioner of our church Veronica. But here
following the last Sunday of the month falls on already Advent. And we
are waiting for you, our dear parishioners, diverse and creative
proposals for the Lenten meal. Can someone cook on their own special
recipes for delicious cakes and excellent Ushytsya poppy rolls for tea,
and maybe it will lean hash or grilled vegetables and potatoes can be
cooked with butter and wild garlic, and her pickled mushrooms,
sauerkraut and pickled cucumbers to vodka ... In general, dear
parishioners, show their own initiative in preparing the Sunday meal. To
purchase in advance on your list any products, the main thing - it's
your part in cooking. Let's start with you revive the traditions of
our church, when the spiritual communion and church life was a priority,
rather than secular and worldly communication problems that we separate
from God. Only then can we achieve unanimity in all. And in such a
difficult political issue as Ukraine and Russia now. After all, Russia
is, in fact, this is not the geographical location on the world map and
graph in a particular nationality passport. Russia - this is the spirit! Russia - we are with you! And God is with us!
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Day intransigence
Sunday, November 9, 2014, immediately after the Divine Liturgy on the
occasion of the 97th anniversary of the communist revolution in Russia
was served with the commemoration of white lithium warriors for the
Faith, Tsar and Fatherland on the battlefield stomach put in the world
and deceased, and Many Years proclaimed still alive veterans of the
liberation struggle. The event was held in the parish hall of Holy
Trinity Cathedral in the city of Buenos Aires. Honored guests
gathered in Argentina ranks Russian Corps. The program also had an
artistic installation and meal. Memorable evening was held due to the
Russian Orthodox Association in Argentina, and ORYR newspaper "Our
Country" More photos from the event - look here
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Bishops' visit
 Bishops' visit 13/26
and 14/27 September 2014, the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross,
we visited and served in our church, our ruling bishop, Bishop Gregory
(Petrenko) with accompaniment on. deacon Eugene Bracha Bracha and
servants of Gregory and Philip Trimaylovas of Sao Paulo. Friday 13/26
Bishop celebrated the Divine Liturgy at Holy Trinity Cathedral, where he
was joined by Archpriest Alexander Iwaszewicz, Deacon and Deacon Eugene
Bracha Constantine Burda. Rector, Archpriest Valentin Iwaszewicz
prayed at the altar and professed spiritual children. At the end of the
service performed the rite of the Exaltation of the Lord, who was the
first to serve in our church. Chin Exaltation was gracious and solemn,
the singing of the parish choir and in the presence of a contrite
parishioners of the Cathedral and other parishes in Buenos Aires. It was
touching to see reverent participation of children in front of the
parish of the Holy Cross - servants, as well as those who joined the
chorus repeated a hundred times, and Lord have mercy! This solemn
service spiritually strengthened all the clergy and worshipers. The
next day, at 9 o'clock meeting held bishop before the Divine Liturgy,
which was headed by Bishop Gregory, concelebrated by Fr.. Alexander
Iwaszewicz, d. Eugene Bracha, d. Constantine Burda and reader Ivan
Budarin. Rector, Archpriest. Valentin Iwaszewicz prayed and partook of
the Holy Mysteries at the altar. The Liturgy was attended by all
managers and scouts Yound "City of Kitezh". Also, during the service,
and at its end, the small chorus of young scouts sang the Lord "Isa poll
these Despot." At the end of the service Bishop gave a sermon on the
topic Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, he stressed the
importance of Orthodox Christians not to be afraid to carry his own
cross and follow Christ. After the Liturgy, surrounded by the laity
for their meals Lord answered their questions on church issues. At the
end of the Lenten modest meal, the Lord asked everyone to pray for him.
Then he blessed all the scouts who came to him for his blessing and
thanked them for singing to him, "Is this poll Despot", which in Greek
means "to many of the summer, the Lord." On the same day in the
evening and on Sunday Bishop served in St. Sergius Church in
Vijay-Bazhester, where he was joined by the rector, Mitred Archpriest.
About Vladimir Shlenov, prot. Alexander Iwaszewicz and Deacon Eugene
Bracha. On Sunday, Bishop also shared a meal with a welcoming
congregation. We appreciate the efforts made by our bishop, and we
are deeply grateful for his visit us unworthy. Such cases have
spiritually enrich and reinforce and remind us that we are not alone on
the unseen warfare. Is this poll Despot, dear Lord! All photos can be seen here
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