Saturday, August 9, 2014

Typical results of Catholic priest's scandalous sexual child-molestations

Subject: The typical result of Catholic priest's sexual molestations, court settlements, and the Carthoic church, via its bishops,  in the US selling off valuable properties to pay for it all, etc....then publically denying the truth-
Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2014 09:35:36 -0600

Comment: Thus, today, many US Catholic dioceses are near bankruptcy, or already bankrupt, due to a torrent of lawsuits which are usually won in court cases against their corrupt perverted priests...and bishops.
Their laity must pay the price for this all, which more and more, means that they loose their local parish church.
And since all church properties are legally owned in the name [ the 'corporation sole'] of their diocesan bishops, those all-powerful haughty bishops, can sell off any and all church properties, as they wish, [and use that sale money for whatever purposes they wish too],  irregardless of the wishes of their laity. Thus many many US Catholic local parish churches,[ many huge and beautiful & greatly beloved buildings],  schools, hospitals, nunneries, etc.  have been closed and sold off. In the US, the Catholic church seems to be going down the sewer, due to its impious priests and corrupt bishops. That church, for centuries cares only about power and money,[ from the Pope in the Vatican, "Christ's Vicar" !, down to their local levels],  in its arrogant impious worldly leadership, not even seeming to care that by so doing, it is offending and loosing millions of Catholic laity, loosing SOULS!
The massive world-wide Roman Catholic Church is in reality, one big corporate financial/business profit making  empire. Where does Christ and his Gospel fit into that?
And this is the corrupt and impiously heretical form of Christianity, that EP Bartholomew and other Orthodox ecumenists, want to JOIN our Orthodox church to!!!...and which entity too, the Moscow Patriarchate also is trying to unite with......on obvious orders from its KGB masters, for its own world domination and power politics purposes....Sergianism in action.
Rd. Daniel....
....feeling sorry for the many disillusioned and dispirited sincere Catholics, fellow Americans, who wonder what has happened to their church, which they grew up respecting and serving and deeply believing in and trusting....and in giving their time and labour and monies to. Their priests and bishops, have stabbed them in the back.

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