Current news articles on Nun Vera's Blog, 'In the Beginning Was the Word'., with machine-English translations
Category: A ROCA affiliated blog, with news about many Orthodox people and events, past and present. Nun Vera keeps up on current events, very well.
Found on: http://inokinya-fakel.
The original text, is in Russian, as this is a Russian language blog, but of course,
this text can be put through an English machine translation, or into other modern languages.
(And yes, sadly, this machine-'English' is atrocious at many points!).
The memory of the late Metropolitan Cyprian in the 40th day commemorated in Swedish monastery
- Jul. 15th, 2013 at 3:46 PM
June 23 / July 6, 2013 in the Swedish Holy Philotheus convent (Wilberg, Grillbi, the Synod in Resistance) held a Divine Liturgy was followed by a memorial service in memory of the late Metropolitan Cyprian - Pervostoyatele Greek Old Orthodox Church, the 40th day after his death.
Led the service, Priest Stephen, nuns singing in Swedish, Greek and English.

To honor the memory of the beloved Hierarch came to the monastery and the parish of Stockholm. It is known that the Metropolitan Cyprian was once inspired the creation of Holy Philotheus monastery and later was a frequent visitor there.
( Read and see more ...Collapse )Led the service, Priest Stephen, nuns singing in Swedish, Greek and English.
To honor the memory of the beloved Hierarch came to the monastery and the parish of Stockholm. It is known that the Metropolitan Cyprian was once inspired the creation of Holy Philotheus monastery and later was a frequent visitor there.
A celebration of all the saints in Sofia, Bulgaria
- Jul. 15th, 2013 at 3:13 PM
July 14, 2013 (NS)., the Sunday of all Bulgarian saints, St. Sophia Cathedral of the Assumption was celebrated the Divine Liturgy, which was headed by Bishop Photios Triaditsky. After the Liturgy, a procession was held.

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Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul in Bulgaria
- Jul. 15th, 2013 at 3:10 PM
11-12 July 2013 (NS)., Sofia Holy Dormition Cathedral (Bulgarian Old Calendar Orthodox Church) held a solemn service in honor of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, which was headed by Bishop Photios Triaditsky.

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The new abbot Saints Cyprian and Justina in Fili (Athens, Greece) was elevated to the rank of Archimandrite.
July 1 (old style.) 2013 monk Theodosius - the new rector of the Greek monastery of Sts. Cyprian and Justina (Synod in Resistance) was ordained to the priesthood, then elevated to the rank of Archimandrite Cyprian Bishop Oreyskim. Earlier, onJune 29, the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, Fr. Theodosius was ordained a deacon.
Bishop Cyprian said in his remarks after the ordination of Archimandrite Theodosius that the latter is worthy of succession is heading up the historic monastery after all adored, the late (May 17 (old style). 2013), Metropolitan Cyprian. "Igumenstvo - this is not the power, honor and worldly glory, but duty and self-sacrifice for the sake of others in the name of Christ," - said the Bishop.
After the completion of the Divine Liturgy, the representatives of charities and all the parishioners congratulated the new Abbot of the monastery, presenting bouquets of flowers and saying a warm wishes, received, in turn, to commemorate this event, the monastery of sweetness. Then everyone was invited to a traditional AGAPIT (lunch). In the monastery brothers also presented gifts to their new rector, and assured him of their help in time of need.

July 1 (old style.) 2013 monk Theodosius - the new rector of the Greek monastery of Sts. Cyprian and Justina (Synod in Resistance) was ordained to the priesthood, then elevated to the rank of Archimandrite Cyprian Bishop Oreyskim. Earlier, onJune 29, the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, Fr. Theodosius was ordained a deacon.
Bishop Cyprian said in his remarks after the ordination of Archimandrite Theodosius that the latter is worthy of succession is heading up the historic monastery after all adored, the late (May 17 (old style). 2013), Metropolitan Cyprian. "Igumenstvo - this is not the power, honor and worldly glory, but duty and self-sacrifice for the sake of others in the name of Christ," - said the Bishop.
After the completion of the Divine Liturgy, the representatives of charities and all the parishioners congratulated the new Abbot of the monastery, presenting bouquets of flowers and saying a warm wishes, received, in turn, to commemorate this event, the monastery of sweetness. Then everyone was invited to a traditional AGAPIT (lunch). In the monastery brothers also presented gifts to their new rector, and assured him of their help in time of need.
40 days after the death of Metropolitan Cyprian
- Jul. 15th, 2013 at 12:58 PM
On Saturday, June 23 (Julian calendar.) in 2013, in the monastery of Sts. Cyprian and Justina (Fili, Greece, the Synod in Resistance) held a Divine Liturgy and memorial service to mark the 40th day of the blessed repose of Metropolitan Cyprian. Before that, there was a solemn day of training in the monastery.

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Orthodox life in Barnaul
- Jul. 14th, 2013 at 4:10 PM
shelter expelled from their own church at hozhane Ascension Parish.
According to the authorities reined in, we already live long in the atmosphere of freedom triumphant world views, attitudes and beliefs, including those of the religious feelings. But in fact, in modern Russian religious discrimination and persecution of dissidents have not disappeared instead degree with the communist regime, and only had a more sophisticated form.
History of Ascension parish in the far away Kieu 1990s., when across the country, after the failure of the authorities on the policy of atheism began to be erected right voslavnye temples. In the village of Barnaul Scientific town then formed the Orthodox community, and its funds and donations of impact was around the temple. Almost from the start of construction properties, led the congregation about. Georgy Titov, who
has successfully completed the construction work. In the middle of the village stood a beautiful temple, who became the center of spiritual education of the population, and also runs a Sunday school and a library. It would seem, Shea cover a wide path to God was laid for the congregation, with the buildings were all the conditions necessary for religious tion of life.
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Nurse Rimma Ivanova
- Jul. 14th, 2013 at 3:54 PM
Rimma Ivanova was born in Stavropol, June 15 , 1894 in the family treasurer Stavropol spiritual con sistorii, she studied at the city Olginskaya school, where was one of the best students. From a young age for her were characterized by sociability, courage and selflessness
ABILITY. At last, the eighth year of learning, such as schoolgirl Ivanov rescued drowning in a pond mal chica, throwing himself into the water in a dress and shoes, no hesitation Vai a second.
After finishing high school, Rima began working as a teacher in the County school in the village of Petrovsky Fortunatelydarnenskogo County. She wanted to continue their education in the capital, but broke out war forced her to change their plans. Rimma Ivanova returned
in his native Stavropol, where she graduated from nursing school and went to work in a hospital for the sick and wound TION soldiers, and then, despite the protests of parents, 17 January 1915 voluntarily went to the front to assist the Russian soldiers on the battlefield.
She was credited with an orderly in the 83rd Infantry Ca Murskii regiment, first as a man, by the name of Ivan Mikhailovich Ivanov, but later "naturalized" in its natural as a real name. Mo lodaya, fragile Rima selflessly rushed there,
where waiting for her help. During the bloody battles in the Carpathians she received her first award - the George Medal evsky 4th degree - for the removal from the battlefield wound tion Ensign Gavrilova. Second medal awarded to her command to save and restore the ensign Sokolova becoming damaged link. in July 1915 Ivanov briefly go on vacation to visit seriously ill father, and then will return to the front las, but, at the urging of parents, already in the 105th Orenburg Infantry Regiment, which junior militarydoctor serving her brother Wladimir. However, Vlad Ivanov Dimir failed to keep his sister in Polk tion hospital, she again went to the front, where in the first battles earned the George Cross 4th degree penalties for rescuing a wounded commander of the regiment colonel ka AA Graube.
During the entire period of stay at the front of it you are able to carry out the fire about 600 wounded soldiers and officers. 9 September 1915 the regiment took part in the Orenburg cha heavy fighting during Sventsiany German breakthrough. Rome ma, as always, was on the front line, saving the lives of those affected. During the battle at the village of Dobroslavki (north of it in the city of Pinsk Belarus) in the 10th company of killing two officers, soldiers mingled and began to retreat. Then the paramedic Rimma Ivanova has built itself a retreat ing and led a company of the attack. Led by sister cute Relief soldiers drove the enemy out of the trenches and capture a hostile position, but the Rimma in this case was fatally wounded by an explosive bullet in the thigh and skoncha las at the hands of soldiers. According to witnesses, before the death Tew she whispered, "God save Russia ..." and of cross steal surrounded by her weeping soldiers.
The regiment grieved the death of Sister Relief diya, which in a short time managed to win the sincere nyuyu love and respect for veterans. The command of the regiment, supported by the division commander, the petition gross awarding it posthumously officers Order of St. George 4-th degree. But Rima was not only to the officer, it was not even a servicewoman; therefore mu front commander, could not by themselves make a decision to award and made the appropriate report in the name of the emperor.
Already 18 September 1915 the Petrograd Telegraph Agency tion issued the following message: "In the 105th Infantry Regiment nurse Rima Mi haylovna Ivanov, despite the entreaties of the officers and lights one of the regimental doctor, worked all the time under fire, ne-
revyazyvaya wounded soldiers and officers of the tenth company. When all the officers were killed, she had gathered to himself Salt dates and threw them to the trench, which has taken, and then, wounded, died. " Decree on posthumously awarded theInstitute of heroine was published only after 3 months
On the other side of the front feat Rimma Ivanova also did not go unnoticed, but the reaction to it was distinctive. German newspapers published a protest Kaiser's chairman of the Red Cross, General Pfyulya. Recalling the Convention on the neutrality of copper medical personnel, the general said that the sisters mi Relief "is not proper to perform military exploits." protest even considered the headquarters between the national Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva, but I'm of the general did not receive support as heroic Skye nurse for the Red Cross did not have any relation. At the request of the personnel of the Orenburg nearable regiment was booked special glands nodorozhny car in which the body of the deceased patriot
September 25 was delivered to her home town. When og Romney crowds deceased was solemn but was buried with military honors in the churchyard of St. Andrew's Church. Archpriest Nicholas Simeon, with the blessing of the bishop of Stavropol, wrote
and published a pamphlet, "In memory of the heroine of the debt, the sisters of mercy Rima Mikhailovna Ivanova, "in which the idea of the need for reckoning Ivano howl to the saints of the Russian Orthodox Church. Veli cue Duke Nicholas sent to the grave of Rome we have a silver wreath entwined with the St. George ribbon.
Preserved in the State Archives of Stavropol Territory Polish newspapers of the time describe in detail whether the funeral of a heroine-countrywoman. In modern literature museum neously Stavropol kept two original photo portrait Rimma Ivanova and
pictures from her funeral. in Russia in 1915, large editions were printed posters and leaflets devoted to exploit Ivanova, and press the allies in the Entente put pictures images tal brave sister of mercy for the first half raw leading magazines. The greatestRussian artist Ilya Repin at the time wrote a car mire "In the attack with his sister," and the company "Ekstrafon" even
released a gramophone record "feat Rimma Ivanova. "

In November 1915, at the request of the military department was filmed feature film "The heroic feat Sisters of Mercy Mihajlovny Rimma Ivanova. " As soon as he came out, a major scandal broke out. Pis ma and telegrams of protest poured into the capital. Offices tsery Orenburg regiment in all seriousness going to "catch a booking agent and make him eat the film."
When he saw on the screen a nurse, who swings his sword Vai, trotted on the field in a pair of high cab bow while trying not to dishevel fashionable at Ceska, the soldiers were outraged to the limit. The film was banned, passions subsided, and then it was the turn
serious failures at the front, the excitement in the rear, and the wives schine, which was called "Russian Joan of Arc", becamegradually forgotten.
To perpetuate the memory of Rimma Ivanova places thorities established a scholarship in her name Feld sherskoy school Olginskaya girls' school and land Scoma school village Petrovsky. It was decided to establish in Stavropol monument in her honor, but it was never implemented: the Revolution broke out, then civil war ... The place of her burial razed to the ground, as the cemetery in the Andreev Skog temple was destroyed by the Bolsheviks and Komso Moltz. The name of national heroine was consigned to oblivion.
It is only in our time, the memory of the Rimma Ivanova revived. In the enclosure of the church of St. Andrew tion, which became the cathedral, set a modest headstone on the supposed burial place of. On a former Olginskaya school (now schools la boarding school for deaf children) installed memorial tion board. Recently, Stavropol and Vladikavkaz Diocese, together with the public charitable funds rate "Peace and Health" and the Union of women business communities Stavropol Prize was established "for the victims of values and compassion, "the name Rimma Ivanova.

From the book by Konstantin Filatov
Protestant family was baptized Orthodox in America
- Jul. 14th, 2013 at 3:34 PM
After that, another family was admitted to the Orthodox baptismal father, Lantzer Quiroz, a registered nurse, who has been named in honor of the doctor-disinterested Cyrus, her mother, Anna, named after the mother of the Saint Samuel the prophet, and three children. The children were baptized in honor of Uri - a warrior of the holy prophet David, the righteous Simeon and the prophetess Anna. The family was previously Protestant.
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