ROCOR/MP's priest Victor Potapov has given shelter to refugee/cast away, former OCA Metropolitan Jonah-Paffhausen (!)
Category: Life is strange!
Note: The 'Archbishop Tikhon' mentioned here, (with his pet dog), is the OCA's new Metropolitan-Elect, as yet, apparently, not formally/officially installed in that high position, but he and his beloved doggie, are already residing in their comfortable and spacious OCA Church Headquarters, on Long Island, New York.
And according to this information, cast-off refugee/homeless/money-less, former OCA Metropolitan Jonah, may be received into ROCOR/MP.... which may have a use for him (!)... as his old OCA doesn't.
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Max the Dog and Jonah
January 19, 2013
Following the OCA website these days has been an interesting pursuit. We read that Archbishop Tikhon’s dog, Max, has been made comfortable in his new surroundings: a special window perch, a run of the chancery building and a sincere effort to offer him a nice new home, a place to rest his head, a place to call home, and all the special treatment of the Primate’s favorite pet.
But what about Jonah?

While Max has the run of the Cathedral grounds, Jonah continues to be a “non-person” in the OCA. While we are told about Max’s special treatment we still wait to see if Jonah’s successor (as it were) will be a man of his word and release Jonah to the MP/ROCOR.
While Syosset is incapable of simple decency, we see that Jonah has been taken in by Protopresbyter Victor Potopov and the loving community at St John the Baptist Cathedral in Washington, DC. Because of their vision and Christian solicitude, His Beatitude is teaching a Bible study that we can follow on Youtube, even though he is in some type of internal exile. We also see that he is celebrating the Divine services there.
It would be good thing if Metropolitan Jonah was treated with the same respect that Max the dog has been given by his new neighbors. Isn’t it time to at least treat the former Primate with at least the same respect as Tikhon’s dog?
The longer the OCA dallies concerning the status of Metropolitan Jonah the more folks will question the basic decency of the OCA leadership. Hasn’t enough time passed to make a decision to let Jonah go so that he can fully minister to a Church and flock anxious to be fed by the crumbs that fall from the Master’s table? I submit it is long past time.
Max the Dog in his New Home
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