***MORE MP Worldwide STEALING OF OLD ROCOR CHURCHES: This time, of The Holy Trinity Cathedral in Santiago, Chile. Report from Abbess Juliana:
From: Abbess Juliana
Subject: Sad Sharing: Santiago, Chile: ROCOR/MP Steals old ROCOR Cathedral-A Rough Report from Abbess Juliana
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2015 19:55:38 -0600
Dear Brother Daniel,
This is the photograph of the "Noble-hearted" thieves in our Holy Trinity Cathedral in Santiago, Chile,
Holanda Street, celebrating the feast of the Holy Trinity. The church was taken from us Saturday night.
As you see, they, the thieves, are not many in number!
Most of these so-called "parishioners" are ones who are with the [ROCOR/MP Bishop John,], and they openly confess, they are atheists and 'democrats', – the Mother Church does not interest them!
Today the choir director Anastasia went to get her music books, and found the "zamky" of all the doors and the gates, all changed. –
So also Father Benjamin cannot get his own vestments, given to him as gifts during his 73 years of service in church and he cannot get anything now.
The construction [building] of the Cathedral 34 years ago, is donated to them on a golden tray.
This same [ROCOR/MP Bp.. John] helped to kick me out from the Holy Land in 1997. First from Hebron then from the Mount of Olives. And in 1946 his "spiritual" ancestors the MP kicked us from Ain Karem from our Convent of the Visitation. GORNEYE, My beloved Convent where I spent my childhood. (since 1938)
Asking for prayers. I believe in miracles.
God is merciful to Father Benjamin who is 89 years old.
If they want to pray, why should they steal foreign churches? The MP has lots of money to build – I asked one of them, No answer.
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Group photo of the 'noble thieves'
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apparently of this ROCOR/MP. 'Bishop Of Caracdas and all South America', serving in newly stolen Santiago, Cathedral
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"Bp." John; serving liturgy in newly stolen Cathedral
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apparently the parish meeting where the thieves voted to take property to MP
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2015 19:31:02 -0400
Subject: Not my composition taken from other
From: Abbess Juliana
To: Reader Daniel
We are willing to love their relatives, neighbors, those who do good to us, but why and for what reason must love those who hate us, who are slandering us, who do us harm? Why do not we have to answer them the same? Why, when we hit on one cheek, we should turn the other? But it commands us to the Lord Jesus Christ.
St. Nicholas is known of his lives, not stop before to strike the cheek of the heretic, when he heard the blasphemous heresy. For this, the story goes, he was even for a while suspended from episcopal ministry. How combined gentleness that we celebrate in St. Nicholas, and this act, which is known from ecclesiastical tradition?
And it goes as follows: when it comes to defending the faith and truth, the Lord expects us to hardness, invincibility, and ability to confront heresy and false doctrine. He expects from us the ability to resist evil. This is the case when we should not substitute the left cheek, but following the example of St. Nicholas the heretic hit themselves on the cheek - right, left or both - in order to prevent the false teaching that it distributes.
The Lord calls us to aggression and to meekness. But when it comes to defending the truth, for the Protection of the righteousness of God, we must be uncompromising. We should call a spade a spade: the truth - the truth lies - lies, sin - sin, virtue - virtue. There can be no compromise.
But if someone is personally against us up to something, something evil does or says something untrue, we must exercise great patience and humility. We must learn to substitute in such cases, the left cheek when hit us right. We have to learn the whole list of virtues, which is recorded for us in the Sermon on the Mount evangelist Matthew and St. Luke is written in plain language. About these virtues we hear in the Gospel beatitudes at each Liturgy.
Looking today at the example of St. Nicholas, which we call the rule of faith and way of gentleness, a man who simultaneously was ready for the faith to put his soul at the same time revealed to the human quality of meekness, we learn these virtues. Listening to the Gospel of bliss, let us remember that the Lord has not commanded us to do a superior human capacity. These are not the kind of bliss is absolutely unattainable ideal: there were people in the history of the Church that the Gospel commandments have realized - their names we read today in the calendar.
Let us pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and about that he always helped us in this life, in our everyday needs, afflictions and diseases, especially of those who will ask him about that, he teaches us how to combine these qualities and at the same time be the rule of faith and way of gentleness. Amen. "
Ned. ir. Iulianiya
Мы готовы любить своих родственников, ближних, тех, кто нам делает добро, но почему и с какой стати должны любить тех, кто нас ненавидит, кто на нас клевещет, кто делает нам зло? Почему мы не должны ответить им тем же? Почему, когда нас ударяют в одну щеку, мы должны подставлять другую? Но так заповедует нам Господь Иисус Христос.
Святитель Николай, как известно из его жития, не остановился перед тем, чтобы ударить в щеку еретика, когда услышал богохульную ересь. За это, как говорит предание, он был даже на некоторое время отстранен от епископского служения. Как же сочетается кротость, что мы прославляем в святителе Николае, и этот поступок, о котором известно из церковного предания?
А сочетается это следующим образом: когда речь идет о защите веры, истины, Господь ожидает от нас твердости, несокрушимости и способности противостоять ереси и лжеучению. Он ожидает от нас способности противостоять злу. Это случай, когда мы должны не подставлять левую щеку, но по примеру святителя Николая сами ударить еретика в щеку – правую, левую или обе – чтобы воспрепятствовать тому лжеучению, которое он распространяет.
Господь призывает нас не к агрессии, а к кротости. Но когда дело идет о защите истины, о защите правды Божией, мы должны быть непримиримыми. Мы должны называть вещи своими именами: правду – правдой, ложь – ложью, грех – грехом, добродетель – добродетелью. Здесь не может быть никаких компромиссов.
А вот если кто-то лично против нас что-то замышляет, что-либо недоброе делает или говорит нечто несоответствующее действительности, то мы должны проявлять очень большое терпение и смирение. Мы должны учиться подставлять в таких случаях левую щеку, если ударяют нам по правой. Мы должны учиться всему списку добродетелей, который записан для нас в Нагорной проповеди евангелистом Матфеем, а евангелистом Лукой записан в равнинной речи. Об этих добродетелях мы слышим в евангельских блаженствах за каждой Литургией.
Взирая сегодня на пример святителя и чудотворца Николая, которого мы называем правилом веры и образом кротости, то есть человеком, который одновременно был готов за веру положить душу свою и в тоже время явил человеческое качество кротости, будем учиться этим добродетелям. Вслушиваясь в Евангельские блаженства, будем помнить о том, что Господь не заповедал нам ничего превосходящего человеческие возможности. Эти блаженства не являются неким абсолютно недостижимым идеалом: были люди в истории Церкви, которые эти евангельские заповеди воплотили в жизнь – их имена мы сегодня читаем в святцах.
Будем молиться святителю и чудотворцу Николаю о том, чтобы он всегда помогал нам в этой жизни, в наших житейских нуждах, в скорбях и болезнях, а наипаче будем его просить о том, чтобы он нас научал, как сочетать эти качества и быть одновременно правилом веры и образом кротости. Аминь».
Нед. иг. Iулiанiя
ReplyDeleteProtodeacon Basil Yakimov comments:
This is how the post soviet ROCA/MP bishop (of no significance) works in Chile - Where is our very esteemed elder ROCA priest (once a candidate to be a very worthy Bishop) Fr Archimandrite Benjamin?
English version
Reader Daniel comments:
Another Victory for the MP: (in Russian and English)-ROCOR/MP's Triumphant Announcement of their Grabbing the Santiago, Chile Holy Trinity Church
Russian version
Holy Trinity Church was/is not with us. They never were with anybody since the ROCOR-MP union.
But the different fragments did try to claim them. I think not having a bishop is what
made them so vulnerable to being seized by the Red Church.
ReplyDeleteIt’s quite possible that Archimandrite Benjamin was once considered as a candidate for bishop; but this must have been long ago, way before the unification with the MP. He was never considered as a candidate for bishop by Met. Agafangel or Bp. Gregory, undoubtedly because instead of joining our church he chose to be independent.
ReplyDeleteMy understanding is that we have reached out to Archimandrite Benjamin several times, but so far there has been no hopeful response from him.
ReplyDeleteIF Fr. Benjamin had joined us some time ago, our Buenos Aires flock, ALONE, could have sent a huge crowd of bodies to that cathedral, and even been made, official legal members of the voting committee of that church, and made a big stir in the Chilean press, etc.
OUR PEOPLE DOWN THERE COULD HAVE PHYSICALLY STOPPED THAT TAKEOVER! ...plus made serious legal obstacles to its MP take-over.
ReplyDeleteFr. Dcn. Basil says that when he was in Brazil he tried reasoning with Fr. Benjamin but without success, and, that had he joined us this would have not happened.
It is sad, but still I would hope that people join us for the right reasons, – for the truth, – and not necessarily for protection, even though protection can be expected as a side benefit.