Sunday, December 24, 2023
New World Order in UN Building
Meditation Room
NWO Mural
Please cut-paste, links not activated on purpose
Lucis Trust (aka Lucifer Publishing) based and created by on the writings of Alice Bailey. She’s a disciple of, and the successor of Helena Blavatsky, the founder of theosophy which is part of the New Age movement, and Luciferian worship. Alice Bailey started Lucifer Publishing in 1920 and in 1922 changed it to Lucis Trust. Today Lucis Trust shares an address that is in the same building as the UN in NYC.
If you can bear 12 minutes of excruciating background noise, then here is a narration of a Christian interpretation:
Narration includes this:
Bailey's 10 strategies
to establish a new world order
1. Man says, “Push God out of the Schools, No reference to God then they will consider God irrelevant in day to day life”
2. Man says, “Break the traditional judeo-Christian family concept so parents can’t push excessive spiritual values to their children”
3. Man says, “remove restrictions on sex. Sex is the biggest joy and Christianity robs people of this. People must be free to enjoy it without restrictions it’s not just for married people it’s for everybody”
4. Man says, “All forms of sex should be excepted”
5. Man says, “People should be free to abort unwanted children a woman must have the right to abort an unwanted child”
6. Man says, “Every person develops soul bonds so when a soul bond wears out a person must be free to divorce. When one starts to grow one must be free to get together with that person even if they are married.”
7. Man says, “Diffuse religious radicalism. Christianity says Jesus is the only way. Diffuse this by a)silencing Christianity and b)promoting other faiths the creation of interfaith harmony.
8. Man says, “Use the media to influence mass opinion. Create mass opinion that is receptive to these values by using tv, film, the press, etc.”
9. Man says, “Debase art in all its forms corrupt music, painting, poetry and every expression of the heart and make it obscene, immoral and occultist. Debase the arts in every way possible.”
10. Man says, “Get the church to endorse every one of these nine strategies. Get the church to accept these principles and to say they’re ok then legal ground is given for these values to get foothold.”
Christian rebuttal, point by point:
Monday, December 18, 2023
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Two Ukazy: Joyful News and Shameful News
ROCOR: Archpriest Christo from France was awarded a Cross with decorations
The long-time rector of St. Nicholas Church in Lyon, France, Archpriest Hristo Petkov, was awarded the right to wear the Cross with decorations.
ROCOR: Priest Alexander Leleka banned from clergy (priesthood)
Machine Text Extractor rendering put through Google.translate:
Your unchurchism, expressed in the fact that for more than ten years you deliberately did not resort to the Sacrament of Confession and refused to attend diocesan meetings, while avoiding concelebration and even oral communication with our other priests, led you to sectarianism and complete apostasy from the Church. Despite repeated exhortations to return to the Church, you chose to unite with the New Style Renovationist organization of the OCU, which confirmed your deep internal apostasy.
Considering your actual stay outside the Church. You are prohibited from serving in the priesthood until you repent. You are prohibited from wearing a cassock and a priestly cross, as well as from performing any actions as a clergyman. If you violate this Decree, then, according to the Church Canons and Rules, you will be deprived of your rank.
Ruling Bishop of the Odessa Diocese Archbishop of Tauride and Odessa
# RE: ROCOR: Priest Alexander Leleka is banned from the priesthood and- Metropolitan Agathangel 12/16/2023 15:03
Priest Alexander Leleka was accepted into the OCU with the rank of archpriest.
Friday, December 8, 2023
MP took our land In Kazakhstan
ROCOR: In Kazakhstan, the MP took away our land
Author: Metropolitan Agafangel. Date of publication: December 08, 2023. Category: ROCOR.
On Wednesday, December 6, the Moscow Patriarchate, with the help of the Land Committee in Kazakhstan, took away from our Peter and Paul parish (rector Archpriest Gennady Subbotin) a plot of land on which the previously taken away temple is located. The court predictably ruled in favor of MP.
On the one hand, representatives of the Moscow Patriarchate are indignant that their property is being taken away from them in Ukraine, but on the other hand, they have always and everywhere done exactly the same thing - starting from abroad (Nicholas Cathedral on 98th Street in New York, Intercession Church in Ottawa - in Canada, monasteries in the Holy Land, etc.), and ending with the confiscation of property in Ukraine, not to mention the Russian Federation. Now also in Kazakhstan. Moreover, in all post-Soviet countries this arbitrariness is accompanied by strict pro-patriarchal administrative resources, which do not allow other believers to receive any property. But, it is possible to take away from them, but it is impossible from them - such is the essence of heretics and apostates and, in truth, devilish - “justice”.
More materials about the Peter and Paul Parish in Kazakhstan:
ROCOR: The persecution of MP against our parish in Kazakhstan continues
In Kazakhstan, the MP took away the temple, now it’s taking away the land
Forum 18 about our parish in Kazakhstan
ROCOR: In Kazakhstan, the MP took away our temple
ROCOR: Patronal feast day in Kazakhstan 2022
ROCOR: In Kazakhstan, the MP does not give up attempts to take temple from us
ROCOR: In Kazakhstan, the court decided to take away the property of our parish
ROCOR: Trial in Kazakhstan postponed
ROCOR: Raider seizure of property by the MP in Kazakhstan
Another attempt at raider seizure of ROCOR church (in Kazakhstan, Kustanai) by MP
MP raider seizes the ROCOR church in Kazakhstan (PHOTO, VIDEO)
Ещё материалы о Петропавловском приходе в Казахстане:
РПЦЗ: Продолжаются гонения МП на наш приход в Казахстане
В Казахстане МП отняла храм, теперь отнимает землю
Форум 18 о нашем приходе в Казахстане
РПЦЗ: В Казахстане МП отняла у нас храм
РПЦЗ: Престольный праздник в Казахстане 2022
РПЦЗ: В Казахстане МП не оставляет попыток отнять у нас храм
РПЦЗ: В Казахстане суд постановил отнять имущество нашего прихода
РПЦЗ: Судебное разбирательство в Казахстане отложено
РПЦЗ: Рейдерский захват имущества со стороны МП в Казахстане
Очередная попытка рейдерского захвата храма РПЦЗ ( в Казахстане, г. Кустанай ) функционерами МП
МП рейдерским путем захватывает храм РПЦЗ в Казахстане (ФОТО, ВИДЕО)
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Historical Interest: Prayer before battle, 1914
Prayer before battle, 1914
Author: Metropolitan Agafangel. Publication date: December 07, 2023. Category: Society.
ATTENTION! Please do not confuse Orthodox Russian soldiers
with the horde of Russian-Soviet invaders - murderers, atheists and heretics.
Reproduction is prohibited.
Compiled by Colonel I.S. Alexandrov. Ed. 4th, E.I. Fesenko in Odessa.
Moscow. Spirit. Census Com. oven allowed. Moscow, October 27, 1914
Prayer before battle.
My savior! You laid down Your life for us to save us; You commanded us to lay down our souls for our friends, for those close to us. I joyfully go to fulfill Your holy will and lay down my life for the Tsar and the Fatherland. Arm me with strength and courage to defeat our enemies, and grant me to die with firm faith and hope of eternal blissful life in Your Kingdom.
Mother of God! Keep me under Your protection. Amen.
Every warrior must firmly grasp the following general principles for battle:
1. Perish yourself, but help your comrade.
2. Climb forward, even if those in front are beaten.
3. Do not be afraid of death, no matter how difficult it may be; you'll probably beat me.
4. If it’s difficult for you, then it’s not easier for the enemy, and maybe even more difficult than yours. You only see your own difficulty, but you don’t see the enemy’s, but it’s certainly there. And therefore never despondency, but always audacity and perseverance.
5. When defending, you need to hit, and not just fight back. The best way to defend yourself is to attack yourself.
6. In battle, whoever hits harder and braver, not whoever is stronger and more skillful. Victory is not given immediately; the enemy can also be persistent; sometimes it is not possible to take it from two or three times; then we need to climb into the fourth and further until we achieve our goal.
7. More or less skilful arrangements make it easier to achieve the goal with less loss, but only make it easier; only those who decide to perish rather than not achieve their goal achieve it.
8. No matter what unexpected obstacles you encounter on the way to your goal, you need to think about how to overcome them, and not about the fact that things are bad.
9. A decent part has neither a rear nor flanks, but everywhere the front is where the enemy is from.
10. No matter how unexpectedly the enemy appears, one must not forget one thing: that he can be beaten either with a bayonet or with fire. Of the two, the choice is not difficult, but the structure is a secondary matter. If the enemy is close, always use bayonets; if further away - first fire, and then bayonets.
11. There is no situation from which it would be impossible to get out of it with honor.
12. There is no change in battle. Once you get into battle, you will remain in it until the end: there will be support, but never change.
13. While you are fighting, help the healthy; Only after beating the enemy, remember the wounded. Whoever worries about them during battle and leaves the ranks is a coward, not a compassionate person. There are always special teams to select the wounded.
14. As a boss, do not meddle in the affairs of a junior when you see that he is being handled intelligently; in battle, your own will be enough. Whoever chases after what others should do will miss his own. Every rank must have its own circle of independence and responsibility. Without recognizing the first, you remove the second. But the boss must ensure that everyone does their job, and not let them get away with it.
to the lower ranks of the Russian army about the laws and customs of land war.
1. You are fighting with enemy troops, and not with civilians. Residents of an enemy country can also be enemies, but only when you see them with weapons in their hands.
2. Do not hit an unarmed enemy asking for mercy.
3. Respect other people's faith and its temples.
4. Do not offend the peaceful inhabitants of the enemy’s land, do not spoil or take away their property, and keep your comrades from doing this. Cruelty to ordinary people only increases the number of our enemies. Remember that a soldier is a warrior of Christ and the Sovereign, and therefore must act as a Christ-loving warrior.
5. When the battle is over, feel sorry for the wounded man and try to help him as best you can, without discerning whether he is your own or the enemy. The wounded is no longer your enemy.
6. Treat the prisoner humanely and do not mock his faith; don't oppress him.
7. The collection of prisoners, and even worse, the wounded and killed, is the greatest shame for an honest soldier; Anyone tempted by such an action faces the most severe punishment, as for robbery.
8. If you are assigned to prisoners, protect them from the harassment of strangers. If a prisoner tries to escape, detain him, call for help, or, in extreme cases, use weapons.
9. Tents and houses where the wounded and sick are located are always marked with a white flag with a red cross - do not shoot or break into these places.
10. Do not touch people, even in enemy uniform, who have a white bandage with a red cross on their sleeves - they care for the sick and wounded and treat them.
11. If you see an enemy with a white flag - do not shoot at him, but send him to the authorities - this is a negotiator - an inviolable person.
Allowed by the Odessa Military Censorship. Printing house E.I. Fesenko, in Odessa.
Saturday, December 2, 2023
Our sister Varvara
Nun Philareta: Our sister Varvara...
Author: Metropolitan Agafangel. Date of publication: December 02, 2023. Category: Author's column.
Nun Varvara died on December 3, 2021 in St. Petersburg on the feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I knew her for about 20 years. It turned out that it is difficult to write about those people whose life history you know well, especially since the life of sister Varvara does not fit into a standard framework. How to write about this succinctly, briefly, highlighting the main thing so that the reader gets an idea of how her soul changed and transformed over time. I will try to cope with this difficult task.
My acquaintance with Elena Erofeeva (that was her worldly name) took place in 2003 in the village of Zhabory, Pskov region. In this village there was a community of the Church Abroad, which was cared for by Hieromonk Sophrony (Musienko). I lived in this community for 4 years, from 2003 to 2007, and Elena came to Zhabory 2 years before me.
Each person has his own path to faith. Elena's was not even and smooth. She was born in 1967 in Leningrad into the most ordinary Soviet family. Her father was a military pilot who participated in World War II. After the war, he worked in Leningrad as head of the department for combating organized crime. My mother also worked in the police. Elena was a late child; she had two older sisters and a brother.
Elena's father died suddenly when she was 5 years old, and she lost her mother at the age of 16. From that time on, a different life began for Elena. Left without a mother, she seemed to have lost her life's direction, found herself in the company of drug addicts and went down a dangerous path. All the efforts of the relatives were in vain. For seventeen years, Elena, as she herself said, “slept in a narcotic dope.” Many of her company had already passed away when a similar story happened to her. Elena was dying in the hospital from blood poisoning. The doctors were sure of the fatal outcome and told the relatives to come and say goodbye. However, contrary to predictions, a miracle happened - Elena survived.
Obviously, the shock she suffered became a turning point for Elena. She consciously decided to get rid of drugs and start a new life. It was difficult to do this in St. Petersburg, and the Lord arranged it so that Elena ended up in Zhabory, in the community of the Church Abroad.
When I met Elena, she no longer smoked, drank or injected drugs. We lived with her in the same cell. Her character was difficult: emotional, hot-tempered. Although she was kind, sympathetic and sociable by nature, her previous way of life left a strong imprint. She had an internal struggle with passions both day and night. God has spared me from such addictions. For the first time, I saw with my own eyes how a person suffers while struggling with demonic temptations. When I arrived in Zhabory, I first worked in the cattle yard, so I had to get up early. I went to bed no later than 10 o’clock, when Elena was still awake. She didn’t turn off the lights until 2 a.m., minding her own business, but that didn’t bother me. I fell asleep instantly from exhaustion. Sometimes in the middle of the night I heard moans. "Hail Mary! Hail Mary!" - Elena called to the Mother of God for help in a dream.
About 70 km from Zhabor in the village of Vyshegorod, Father Sophrony had a monastery, where he spent most of his time. He sometimes came to us to serve. The services were a consolation for us. When the priest was not there, we served in the secular rank. Deacon Alexy and charterer Sergiy led the service. Elena and I sang in the choir as best we could. I had hearing, but a weak voice. Elena has the opposite: a strong voice and insufficient hearing. Valentina Mikhailovna sang with us in the choir; she was already over seventy. She was originally from the Voronezh region, sang in church all her life, and came to the community when she was retired. When Mikhailovna heard falsehood, she winced as if she had eaten something sour. Leaning on the stick with both hands, at that moment she even squatted slightly, her eyebrows crawled downwards. She seemed to want to protect herself from the cacophony. On the choir, Elena stood next to Mikhailovna, and when she was out of tune, Mikhailovna, wincing, pointed to her ear with her index finger, and Elena fell silent.
Of course, our choir sang unprofessionally. As a nun who was visiting the community said about us: “The singing is terrible, but the services are wonderful.” However, all the choir members tried. The more difficult life was and the harsher everyday life, the greater the joy that services brought us, even if often in a secular manner.
Elena was very jealous of everything related to church services. To compensate for her lack of hearing, she decided to learn to sing. The small town of Porkhov was 20 km from our village. In Porkhov, Elena found a music teacher and began going to her for classes. A year later she sang much better.
About six months after my arrival in Zhabory, Father Sophrony blessed Elena and me to take turns working in the refectory. Because Elena lived such an unusual life, she had few practical skills. As she said to herself: “I used to think that buns grew on trees.” At first she didn’t know how to cook, but she quickly learned, and I had to do all the preparations alone, which embarrassed me. Our meal was meager; we had to economize on everything, which Elena was not used to. From time to time there were clashes between us, and we expressed to each other everything that was painful. Elena was vulnerable and very hot-tempered, but at the same time easy-going. I, in turn, began to reproach myself for demanding too much from her. “If you lived such a life, you would probably be much worse than her,” I told myself. In general, we quickly made up, and life moved on.
There was a forest around the village like a solid wall, but Elena never went to pick mushrooms, explaining that she didn’t know which mushrooms were edible. It so happened that out of the entire community (about 15 people), except for Larisa’s mother, who worked in the barnyard, and me, no one went for mushrooms, but everyone ate mushrooms. Once Elena and I had an argument about the preparations, and I said in my hearts: “You can only eat and eat! And how much work: collecting, cleaning, salting, pickling - someone has to do all this! If you don’t know how, learn! I only hear excuses from you." The conversation took place during the day. I was working in the refectory and in the midst of my worries I forgot about him. Arriving at the cell in the evening and not finding Elena there, I was not surprised. Being very sociable, Elena could sit with one of the community members talking. Then, going out to get water, at the well I met Maria, our singer, who told me that in the afternoon, at 2 o’clock, she saw Elena walking towards the forest. A terrible guess, like a shock wave, covered me. I realized that under the influence of our conversation, Elena went into the forest to pick mushrooms. One! It was already getting dark, but she was still not there. It was clear that she was lost.
Our forest was lascivious. Mother Larisa, who had lived in these places for a long time, got lost and was twice forced to spend the night in the forest. That’s why I never risked going into the forest alone. “Poor Lenka,” I thought, “where is she now? Where can I look for her? Well, why did I attack her like that.” After talking about all this with Maria, we decided to wait a little longer and then raise people to search. Of course, I really reproached myself and regretted that I spoke so harshly to Elena, but the word is not a sparrow, if it flies out, you won’t catch it. “Lord! Help! It’s already getting dark,” I thought, sitting on our porch. As a response to my thoughts, I suddenly saw Elena walking towards our house, in her hand she had a plastic bucket in which there were two mushrooms. A mountain has been lifted off my shoulders! God bless!
It turned out that she was really lost. She got lost and got lost, and then she prayed: “Lord! Bring me out!” As soon as she mentally said this, she suddenly noticed a bird flying up from a nearby tree. Elena understood this as a sign from God, went in the direction where the bird flew, and went out onto the forest road that led her to the house. Subsequently, the story with the preparations ended with Elena finally starting to help me - making jam. Mushroom business was not her thing.
At the end of June 2006, Abbess Alexandra (Chernyavskaya) came to our community. Father Sophrony brought her. Even then it was clear that in the foreseeable future there would be a union of part of the Church Abroad with the MP, and Mother decided that the monastery should leave Ishim. Abbess Alexandra was looking for a place for a monastery and came to the Pskov region for this. Father Sophrony took her around for several days, offering different options, but these places were not suitable for mother. The house in Zhabory where Elena and I lived could, at best, accommodate a few more people, but there was no room for 15 sisters. As a result, the monastery moved to Odessa in the fall of 2006.
So, for the first time in our lives, Elena and I saw the abbess and could communicate with her. I remember Elena asked my mother: “If two sisters come to you and have an argument, how will you judge them? Will you tell them who is right and who is wrong?” To this, mother replied that she would not do that, but would tell the sisters to pray until they were reconciled with each other.
Mother invited Elena and me to the monastery. This was an event of great importance for us! I knew that such an opportunity comes once in a lifetime, and I had to take advantage of it. And although it seemed to me that I was not suitable for the monastery, since I had little experience in church life, I still decided to try.
In September 2007, I left for a monastery. It was a pity to part with our community grandmothers. Our housekeeper Lidiya Grigoryevna was already ill then; she was diagnosed with cancer, and Elena looked after her. Lidia Grigorievna died in January 2008. After that, Elena came to the monastery.
Elena had a living, almost childlike, spontaneous faith, which manifested itself in simple, everyday situations. Elena told me about this incident upon arrival at the monastery.
After the death of Lydia Grigorievna, Elena went to Porkhov on business. There was only one bus service from Porkhov to Zhabor, every 3 days. If you’re late, there won’t be another flight, and Elena saw that she was late. Usually in such cases, Elena turned with prayer to the Lord, the Mother of God or the saints. And then suddenly, unexpectedly for herself, she burst out: “Grigorievna! If you please God, delay the bus! I’m late!” Imagine her surprise when she ran to the stop 10 minutes later and saw a standing bus. Elena had traveled this familiar route many times and knew that the bus always left exactly on schedule. “So, Grigorievna did please God,” Elena finished the story, smiling.
It was not easy for Elena in the monastery. She had a good relationship with her mother and sisters, but she was not used to the harsh regime. In Zhabory, Elena could get up whenever she wanted, there were days off, the opportunity to leave on business, and the monastery demanded discipline. In addition, two years before leaving for the monastery, Elena managed to become disabled, so she needed regular medical care.
In the Pskov region, every year she was given a free trip to a sanatorium, and she had benefits for the purchase of medicines. As a Russian citizen in Ukraine, she could not receive any of this. According to the rules of the monastery, it was allowed to travel once a year so that one could be absent for no more than a month. For Elena, all these conditions were difficult to fulfill, so in 2013, with the blessing of Mother Alexandra, she left for St. Petersburg.
Elena did not have her own home. In St. Petersburg she lived at the parish of the Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. The parish was located in a 1-room apartment on the 1st floor. Elena cleaned the apartment, prepared the church for services, and sang in the choir. This apartment was once converted from a janitor's room. The convenience was that the entrance to the apartment was separate, directly from the arch. However, this apartment was unsuitable for living: it was cold there. In addition, the bathroom, which required major renovation, was in a terrible state and there was no hot water. The peculiarity of this apartment was that there were no windows. There was a strange feeling in the apartment of isolation from the outside world: no windows, no neighbors. Walking into the apartment and smelling the aroma of incense, I felt like I was entering another dimension, as if in the times of the first Christians. It was impossible to imagine that there was a huge city seething outside the doors, with a metro nearby.
There was no sofa or bed in the apartment, so Elena had to sleep on a board, which she spread on stools at night. I had the opportunity to stop at the parish and spend the night with Elena. There is very little comfort, but it’s not just about everyday difficulties. Every person needs personal space so that he can at least have his own nook, if there is no possibility for a separate apartment or room. Elena did not have such a nook. She lived like a homeless wanderer and endured it without complaint, which surprised me.
Elena loved the monastery, mother and sisters very much. Every summer she tried to come to us. While in Odessa, she met new people and brought them as pilgrims to the monastery. Elena had one exceptional quality that I have not noticed in anyone else. She could speak to any person in his language, be it a child, an old man, a criminal or a museum worker. Communicating was as natural to her as breathing. Elena always easily mastered the entire space around her. For example, while in Zhabory, she traveled throughout the Pskov region, knew where what shrines, temples, and priests were. Unlike Elena, I went somewhere only on occasion with one of my friends or guests, which happened rarely. Elena could simply, unobtrusively, in a fleeting conversation, “open the eyes” of a random fellow traveler so that he would think about the meaning of life. To idle questions “Have you seen God?” Elena answered: “I saw the demon and I know how smelly and disgusting he is.” She was like a witness whom God raised up, brought to light, and with her life she testified to the power of God. Through great suffering, she came to God and led her family to faith, everyone became church people. Elena had many little godchildren. She very quickly became friends with children, who usually called her only by name, while most often a child, addressing an adult, says “uncle” or “aunt”.
Although Elena had a lot of negative experiences in her life, the Lord gave her the opportunity to later correct her mistakes, turning vice into virtue. In St. Petersburg, Elena began to care for sick people. She gave injections well, could put in an IV, learned to cope with bedsores, and give massage. Being disabled herself, Elena naturally had great physical strength, which allowed her to care for bedridden patients. An important factor for Elena was communication. She loved all her patients and spoke about them very touchingly and with humor. She tried to cheer them up, console them, and lift their spirits. 8 years passed in such labors and troubles. Caring for sick people became Elena’s life’s work. She found herself. Every person strives to establish himself in some activity. For Elena, this was necessary because, due to life circumstances, she did not have to obtain education and work experience. Her irrepressible energy finally found an outlet, and a calm confidence appeared in her that I had not observed before.
It's 2021. In the fall, Elena was diagnosed with cancer; nothing could be done. At this time, Bishop Afanasy of Vologda and Veliky Ustyug arrived from Vologda to St. Petersburg. On October 27, 2021, he tonsured Elena into monasticism with the name Varvara in honor of the sister of the cross of the Venerable Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.
When Elena lived in our monastery as a novice, she really wanted to become a monk, but circumstances did not allow her to do so. In fact, she lived in the world like a nun: she was always at the temple, cared for the seriously ill, and did not have her own corner. I remember our last telephone conversation. Physically, it was already very difficult for Sister Varvara, but we talked to her about the Jesus Prayer...
Nun Philareta
Tags: Russian Orthodox Church, nun Philareta
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Монахиня Филарета: Сестра наша Варвара...
Автор: Митрополит Агафангел. Дата публикации: 02 декабря 2023. Категория: Авторская колонка.
Инокиня Варвара скончалась 3 декабря 2021 г. в Санкт-Петербурге под праздник Введения во храм Пресвятой Богородицы. Я её знала около 20 лет. Оказалось, что трудно писать о тех людях, историю жизни которых хорошо знаешь, тем более, что жизнь сестры Варвары в стандартные рамки не помещается. Как написать об этом ёмко, кратко, выделив главное, чтобы читатель получил представление, как изменялась, как преображалась её душа с течением времени. Попытаюсь справиться с этой трудной задачей.
Знакомство моё с Еленой Ерофеевой (таково было её мирское имя) произошло в 2003 г. в деревне Жаборы Псковской области. В этой деревне находилась община Зарубежной Церкви, которую окормлял иеромонах Софроний (Мусиенко). В этой общине я прожила 4 года — с 2003 по 2007 г, а Елена приехала в Жаборы на 2 года раньше меня.
У каждого человека свой путь к вере. У Елены был он не ровный и не гладкий. Родилась она в 1967 г. в Ленинграде в самой обычной советской семье. Отец её был военным летчиком, участвовал в Второй мировой войне. После войны работал в Ленинграде начальником отдела по борьбе с организованной преступностью. Мать тоже работала в милиции. Елена была поздним ребенком, у неё были две старшие сестры и брат.
Отец Елены скоропостижно скончался, когда ей было 5 лет, а мать она потеряла в 16-летнем возрасте. С этого времени для Елены началась другая жизнь. Оставшись без матери, она как будто лишилась жизненного ориентира, попала в компанию наркоманов и пошла по опасной дорожке. Все усилия родных были напрасны. Семнадцать лет Елена, как она сама говорила, "проспала в наркотическом дурмане". Многие из её компании уже ушли из жизни, когда и с ней произошла подобная история. Елена умирала в больнице от заражения крови. Врачи были уверены в летальном исходе, сообщили родственникам, чтобы пришли проститься. Однако вопреки прогнозам произошло чудо — Елена выжила.
Очевидно, перенесенное потрясение стало для Елены поворотным пунктом. Она сознательно решила избавиться от наркотиков и начать новую жизнь. В Санкт-Петербурге сделать это было сложно, и Господь устроил так, что Елена оказалась в Жаборах, в общине Зарубежной Церкви.
Когда я познакомилась с Еленой, она уже не курила, не пила и не кололась. Мы жили с ней в одной келье. Характер у неё был непростой: эмоциональный, вспыльчивый. Хотя по натуре она была добрая, отзывчивая и общительная, но прежний образ жизни наложил сильный отпечаток. Внутренняя борьба со страстями у неё шла и днём, и ночью. Меня от подобных зависимостей Бог миловал. Впервые я воочию видела, как мучается человек, борясь с бесовскими искушениями. Приехав в Жаборы, я сначала работала на скотном дворе, поэтому приходилось рано вставать. Спать я ложилась не позже 10 часов, когда Елена ещё бодрствовала. Часов до 2-х ночи она не выключала свет, занималась своими делами, но меня это не смущало. От усталости я мгновенно засыпала. Иногда среди ночи я слышала стоны. "Богородица! Богородица!" — звала Елена во сне Божью Матерь на помощь.
Примерно в 70 км от Жабор в деревне Вышегород у отца Софрония был мужской монастырь, где он проводил большую часть времени. К нам он приезжал иногда послужить. Службы являлись для нас утешением. Когда батюшки не было, мы служили мирским чином. Дьякон Алексий и уставщик Сергий вели службу. Мы с Еленой пели на клиросе как могли. У меня был слух, но слабый голос. У Елены наоборот: сильный голос и недостаточный слух. С нами на клиросе пела Валентина Михайловна, ей было уже за семдесят. Родом она была с Воронежской области, всю жизнь пела в церкви, уже будучи на пенсии приехала в общину. Когда Михайловна слышала фальшь, она так морщилась, будто съела что-то кислое. Опираясь на палку обеими руками, она в этот момент даже чуть приседала, её брови "домиком" ползли вниз. Она, казалось, хотела защититься от неблагозвучия. На клиросе Елена стояла возле Михайловны и когда она фальшивила, Михайловна, морщась, указательным пальцем показывала на свое ухо, и Елена замолкала.
Конечно, пел наш клирос непрофессионально. Как сказала про нас гостившая в общине монахиня: "Поют ужасно, а службы прекрасные". Однако все клиросные старались. Чем труднее была жизнь и суровее будни, тем большую отраду доставляли нам службы, пусть часто и мирским чином.
Ко всему, что касалось церковной службы, Елена имела большую ревность. Чтобы восполнить недостаток слуха, она решила учиться пению. Небольшой город Порхов находился в 20 км от нашей деревни. В Порхове Елена нашла учительницу музыки и стала ездить к ней на занятия. Через год она пела уже гораздо лучше.
Примерно через полгода после моего приезда в Жаборы отец Софроний благословил нас с Еленой работать по очереди в трапезной. Поскольку Елена прожила такую необычную жизнь, практических навыков у неё было мало. Как она сама про себя говорила: "Раньше я думала, что булки на деревьях растут". Поначалу готовить она не умела, но быстро научилась, а все заготовки приходилось делать мне одной, что меня смущало. Трапеза у нас была скудная, приходилось во всём экономить, к чему Елена не привыкла. Время от времени случались между нами стычки, и мы друг другу высказывали всё наболевшее. Елена была ранимой и очень вспыльчивой, но в тоже время и отходчивой. Я же в свою очередь начинала корить себя, что требую от неё слишком много. "Если бы ты прожила подобную жизнь, то наверное была бы гораздо хуже, чем она", — говорила я себе. В общем, мы быстро мирились, и жизнь продолжалась дальше.
Вокруг деревни сплошной стеной стоял лес, но за грибами Елена никогда не ходила, объясняя, что не знает, какие грибы съедобные. Так получалось, что из всей общины (примерно 15 человек) кроме матери Ларисы, работавшей на скотном дворе, и меня, за грибами никто не ходил, а ели грибы все. Как-то раз мы с Еленой повздорили на тему заготовок, и я в сердцах произнесла: "Ты только есть и можешь! А сколько работы: собирать, чистить, солить, мариновать — всё это кто-то должен делать! Не умеешь — учись! Всё только отговорки от тебя слышу". Разговор происходил днем. Я работала в трапезной и за хлопотами забыла про него. Придя к вечеру в келью и не застав там Елену, я не удивилась. Будучи очень общительной, Елена могла за разговорами засидеться у кого-то из общинских. Затем выйдя за водой, у колодца я встретила Марию, нашу певчую, которая мне сказала, что днём, часа в 2 она видела Елену, которая шла в направлении к лесу. Страшная догадка, как ударная волна, накрыла меня. Я поняла, что под влиянием нашего разговора Елена ушла в лес за грибами. Одна! Уже темнело, а её всё не было. Было ясно, что она заблудилась.
Лес наш был блудливый. Мать Лариса, которая давно жила в этих местах, заблудившись, дважды вынуждена была проводить ночь в лесу. Поэтому одна в лес ходить я никогда не рисковала. "Бедная Ленка, — думала я, — где она сейчас? Где её искать? Ну что я так на неё напустилась". Поговорив обо всём этом с Марией, мы решили ещё немного подождать, а потом поднимать людей на поиски. Конечно, я очень корила себя и сожалела, что так сурово разговаривала с Еленой, но слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь. "Господи! Помоги! Уже темнеет", — думала я, сидя у нашего крыльца. Как ответ на мои мысли вдруг я увидела Елену, идущую к нашему дому, в руке у неё было пластиковое ведро, в котором лежали два гриба. Гора свалилась с плеч! Слава Богу!
Оказалось, что она действительно заблудилась. Плутала, плутала, а потом взмолилась: "Господи! Выведи меня!" Как только она это мысленно произнесла, вдруг заметила, как с ближайшего дерева взлетела птица. Елена поняла это как Божий знак, пошла в направлении, куда полетела птица, — и вышла на лесную дорогу, которая привела её к дому. Впоследствии история с заготовками кончилась тем, что Елена всё-таки стала мне помогать — варила варенье. Грибные дела — это была не её стихия.
В конце июня 2006 г. к нам в общину приехала игумения Александра (Чернявская). Ее привез отец Софроний. Уже тогда было понятно, что в обозримом будущем произойдет соединение части Зарубежной Церкви с МП, и матушка решила, что монастырь должен уехать из Ишима. Игумения Александра искала место для монастыря и за этим приехала в Псковскую область. Отец Софроний возил её в течение нескольких дней, предлагая разные варианты, но для матушки эти места не подходили. Дом в Жаборах, где мы жили с Еленой, в лучшем случае мог вместить ещё несколько человек, но для 15 сестер места не было. В итоге монастырь осенью 2006 г. переехал под Одессу.
Итак, в первый раз в жизни мы с Еленой видели игумению и могли с ней общаться. Помню, Елена спросила матушку: "Если к Вам придут две сестры, которые поспорили, то как Вы их рассудите? Скажете, кто прав, а кто виноват?" На это матушка ответила, что она так поступать не будет, а скажет, чтобы сестры молились до тех пор, пока не примиряться друг с другом.
Матушка пригласила нас с Еленой в монастырь. Для нас это было событие огромной важности! Я знала, что такой случай бывает раз в жизни, и надо им воспользоваться. И хотя мне казалось, что я не подхожу для монастыря, так как у меня мало опыта церковной жизни, но всё-таки я решила попробовать.
В сентябре 2007 г. я уехала в монастырь. Жалко было расставаться с нашими общинскими бабушками. Наш эконом Лидия Григорьевна тогда уже болела, у неё обнаружили рак, и Елена за ней ухаживала. Скончалась Лидия Григорьевна в январе 2008 г. После этого и Елена приехала в монастырь.
У Елены была живая, почти детская, непосредственная вера, которая проявлялась в простых, бытовых ситуациях. Об этом случае Елена мне рассказала по приезду в монастырь.
После смерти Лидии Григорьевны Елена по делам поехала в Порхов. Из Порхова до Жабор был единственный автобусный рейс часа в 3 дня. Если опоздаешь, другого рейса не будет, а Елена видела, что опаздывает. Обычно в подобных случаях Елена обращалась с молитвой к Господу, Божией Матери или святым. А тут вдруг неожиданно для себя у неё вырвалось: "Григорьевна! Если ты угодила Богу, задержи автобус! Я опаздываю!" Каково же было её удивление, когда она прибежав на остановку на 10 минут позже, увидела стоящий автобус. Елена много раз ездила этим привычным маршрутом и знала, что автобус всегда уходил точно по расписанию. "Значит, Григорьевна таки угодила Богу", — улыбаясь, закончила рассказ Елена.
В монастыре Елене было непросто. С матушкой и сестрами у неё были хорошие отношения, но она не привыкла к жесткому режиму. В Жаборах Елена могла вставать, когда хотела, там были выходные дни, возможность уезжать по делам, а монастырь требовал дисциплины. Кроме того года за два до отъезда в монастырь Елене удалось получить инвалидность, поэтому она нуждалась в регулярной медицинской помощи.
В Псковской области ей каждый год выделяли бесплатную путевку в санаторий, она имела льготы на приобретение лекарств. Как гражданка России в Украине она ничего этого получить не могла. По уставу монастыря ездить разрешалось 1 раз в году так, чтобы отсутствовать не более месяца. Для Елены все эти условия было сложно выполнить, поэтому в 2013 г она с благословения матушки Александры уехала в Санкт-Петербург.
Своего жилья у Елены не было. В Санкт-Петербурге она жила на приходе Святой преподобномученицы Великой княгини Елизаветы Феодоровны. Приход располагался в 1-комнатной квартире на 1-м этаже. Елена убиралась в квартире, готовила храм к службе, пела на клиросе. Эта квартира в своё время была переделана из дворницкой. Удобством являлось то, что вход в квартиру был отдельный, прямо из арки. Однако для жилья эта квартира являлась мало пригодной: там было холодно. Кроме того требовавшая капитального ремонта ванная находилась в жутком состоянии, и там не было горячей воды. Особенностью этой квартиры являлось то, что там отсутствовали окна. В квартире возникало странное ощущение изолированности от внешнего мира: ни окон, ни соседей. Заходя в квартиру и ощущая аромат ладана, я чувствовала, что попадаю в другое измерение, как будто во времена первых христиан. Невозможно было представить, что там, за дверями бурлит огромный город, недалеко находится метро.
Ни дивана, ни кровати в квартире не было, поэтому спать Елене приходилось на щите, которой она на ночь постилала на табуретки. Мне доводилось останавливаться на приходе и ночевать вместе с Еленой. Комфорта весьма немного, но дело не только в бытовых сложностях. Каждый человек нуждается в личном пространстве, чтобы у него был хотя бы свой закуток, если нет возможности для отдельной квартиры или комнаты. Елена такого закутка не имела. Она жила как бездомная странница и переносила это безропотно, что меня удивляло.
Елена очень любила монастырь, матушку и сестёр. Каждое лето она старалась приехать к нам. Находясь в Одессе, она знакомилась с новыми людьми и привозила их как паломников в монастырь. Было у Елены одно исключительное качество, которого я не замечала ни у кого. Она могла говорить с любым человеком на его языке, будь то ребёнок, старик, уголовник или музейный работник. Общаться для неё было также естественно, как дышать. Елена всегда легко осваивала всё пространство вокруг. Например, находясь в Жаборах, она объездила всю Псковскую область, знала, где какие святыни, храмы, батюшки. В отличие от Елены, я ездила куда-то только по случаю с кем-то из знакомых или гостей, что случалось редко. Елена могла просто, ненавязчиво в мимолётной беседе "открыть глаза" случайному попутчику, чтобы тот задумался о смысле жизни. На досужие вопросы "А Вы Бога видели?" Елена отвечала: "Я беса видела и знаю, какой он вонючий и мерзкий". Она была как свидетель, которого Бог восставил, вывел на свет, и своей жизнью она свидетельствовала о силе Божией. Через великие страдания она пришла к Богу и родных своих привела к вере, все стали церковными людьми. Много у Елены было маленьких крестников. Она очень быстро сходилась с детьми, которые обычно называли её только по имени, в то время как чаще всего ребёнок, обращаясь к взрослому, говорит "дядя" или "тетя".
Хотя в жизни Елена имела большой негативный опыт, однако Господь дал ей возможность потом исправить ошибки, обратив порок в добродетель. В Санкт-Петербурге Елена стала ухаживать за больными людьми. Она хорошо делала уколы, могла поставить капельницу, научилась справляться с пролежнями, делать массаж. Являясь сама инвалидом, Елена от природы обладала большой физической силой, что позволяло ей ухаживать за лежачими больными. Немаловажным фактором для Елены являлось общение. Она любила всех своих пациентов, очень трогательно, с юмором о них рассказывала. Она старалась их развеселить, утешить, поднять настроение. В таких трудах и хлопотах прошло 8 лет. Уход за больными людьми стал для Елены делом её жизни. Она нашла себя. Каждый человек стремится утвердиться в какой-то деятельности. Для Елены это было необходимо, поскольку в силу жизненных обстоятельств ей не пришлось получить образование и опыт работы. Её неуёмная энергия, наконец, нашла выход, и в ней появилась спокойная уверенность, которой раньше я не наблюдала.
Наступил 2021 год. Осенью у Елены обнаружили онкологическое заболевание, сделать уже ничего было нельзя. В это время из Вологды в Санкт-Петеребург приехал Епископ Вологодский и Великоустюжский Афанасий. 27 октября 2021 г. он постриг Елену в иночество с именем Варвара в честь крестовой сестры преподобномученицы Великой княгини Елизаветы Феодоровны.
Когда Елена жила у нас в монастыре как послушница, она очень хотела принять иночество, но обстоятельства не позволили это сделать. По сути дела, в миру она жила как инокиня: была всё время при храме, ухаживала за тяжёлыми больными, не имела своего угла. Мне вспоминается последний наш телефонный разговор. Физически сестре Варваре было уже очень тяжело, а говорили мы с ней о молитве Иисусовой...
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Friday, December 1, 2023
Synod Library, Table of Contents includes Prayer for Captives
ROCOR: Order of prayer for the captives
Author: Metropolitan Agafangel. Date of publication: December 01, 2023. Category: ROCOR.
In the Library section http://sinod.ruschurchabroad.org/bib0.html on the Synodal website there is a prayer for the release of prisoners. A prayer service should be served to Orthodox soldiers and civilians held captive by Russian-Soviet invaders. May God protect and save them, and grant them victory over their adversaries!
The prayer service is available at the link: http://sinod.ruschurchabroad.org/bib_mol-o-plennih.pdf
Tags: ROC, Ukraine
Synod Library http://sinod.ruschurchabroad.org/bib0.html
ROCOR Services
Remembrance Day (according to modern times)
02.06 Service of St. blessed in Christ, Ksenia, the homeless wanderer of Petrovograd.
02.07 Service of St. New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia
05.09 Service of St. Anastasius, First Hierarch of the ROCOR
06.19 Service of St. Ioann Maksimovich
07.17 Service of St. Royal Martyrs
08.10 Service of St. Anthony, First Hierarch of the ROCOR
09.25 Service of St. Vitaly, First Hierarch of the ROCOR
10.23 Service to the Optina Elders
11.01 Service of St. right John of Kronstadt
11.10 Service of St. Philaret (to find the relics)
11.21 Service to the First Hierarchs
11.21 Service of St. Philaret Voznesensky
12.10 Service of the Most Holy Theotokos before the Icon of Her, also known as the Kursk Root
12.25 Service to St. Herman, Alaskan Wonderworker
Following the rite of Orthodoxy
Prayer service for Orthodox soldiers going on campaign
Prayer service for the release of prisoners http://sinod.ruschurchabroad.org/bib_mol-o-plennih.pdf
Synodical Synodik
Liturgical texts
Litia's rites.
Rules for the Blessing of Water Prayer Service on Bright Week
Sequence of prayer singing for the conversion of the lost
Canon of the Annunciation sung on Bright Week (sheet music)
The rite of consecration of the premises for serving the Liturgy
Consequence of hours and mass for the laity
Prayer service and memorial service for the laity
The rite of replenishment of baptism, for those who have not been baptized by full immersion (recommended)
About the Catacomb Church
Belgorodskaya A.V. Hidden Russia. About the life of the Catacomb Church. (3)
Hieromonk Seraphim. About the Kharkov catacomb priest who died in 1955. (5)
Monk Zacharias. Gift of tongues. The story of the life of secret church members. Behind the story, clothed in the form of a story, the true events are hidden (6)
Monk Zechariah. Seeking Mother. (7)
Monk Zechariah. Essays on the Catacomb Church. (eleven)
It was from Me (the Lord Jesus Christ). Manuscript taken from the Catacomb Church in Russia in 1942. (1)
Letters from Catacomb Bishop A. to F.M. The letters were kept in St. Petersburg in the catacomb community of Fr. Mikhail Rozhdestvensky. The letters were typed on a typewriter and bound into a separate book. (2)
Professor Ivan Andreev. Is the Soviet Church blessed? (12)
Professor Ivan Andreev. Memories of Bishop Victor (Ostrovidov). Memories of the bishop who cared for the Catacomb Church. (9)
Professor Ivan Andreev. Notes on the catacomb church in the USSR. (8)
Professor Ivan Andreev. Catacomb services in the Solovetsky concentration camp. (10)
Saint Innocent of Irkutsk. Directions on the way to the Kingdom of Heaven. (14)
Priest Mikhail Rozhdestvensky. About the St. Petersburg catacomb priest who died in 1988. (4)
Khomyakov A.S. There is only one church. (13)