Thursday, June 7, 2018

Vladimir Tselishchev's useless response to a sane appeal from our ROCA

VERY SAD!: "ROCOR" Vladimir Tselishchev's useless response to a and sane appeal from our ROCA, - from the Synod of Archbishop Vladimir (Tselishshev): his mockery of our ROCA and Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel, -


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Dan Everiss

Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 7:19 PM

[Topic] Response to the Appeal of the Synod of Archbishop Vladimir Tselishchev

Добавлен: 6 ч. 17 мин.Added: 6 hours 17 minutes.назад Ð?втор: о. backВиктор Добров #5954 Victor Dobrov # 5954
about. Victor Dobrov avatar
Такой ответ мог быть написан либо невменяемым человеком, либо бесноватым, в лучшем случае забулдыгой-пьяницей с перепоя. Such an answer could be written either by an insane person, or demoniac, at best a drunken drunkard with drinking. Странно, что рекомый архиепископ совершенно забыл, что он сам и является настоящим ряженным клоуном, т.к. It's strange that the archbishop insisted on completely forgetting that he himself was a real clown clown. не имеет на себе канонической архиерейской хиротонии.  has no canonical hierarchical consecration. Припомните пожалуйста для себя, Владыко Агафангел, когда, кто, где и как хиротонисал этого человека.   Please remember for yourself, Vladyka Agafangel, when, who, where and how chirotonisal this person.  Лучше бы забыть вам в РПЦЗ об этой "группе" не то что надолго, а навсегда!  It would be better to forget you about this "group" in the ROCA, not for a long time, but for ever!


+1#RE: ответ на Обращение Синода архиепископа Владимира Целищева—Митрополит Агафангел07.06.2018 12:54+1#RE: response to the appeal of the Synod of Archbishop Vladimir Tselishchev  -Metropolitan Agafangel07.06.2018 12:54

Нам надо определиться, с кем можно говорить, а с кем это невозможно. We need to decide with whom we can talk, and with whom it is impossible. Жаль, но придётся надолго забыть об этой группе.  It's a pity, but we will  have to forget about this group for a long time

My informational  added comment on this: and not intended to offend any of those who still follow 'ROCOR'- Archbishop Vladimir Tselishshev, but I must speak the truth, regardless: That poor man doesn't seem to even know the truth at all, nor does he care.

And ROCA- Vladimir Tselishshev, 'ROCOR Archbishop of San Francisco',  signs at the bottom of this untrue and slanderous & rude and garbled diatribe,  addressed to our Vladyka Agafangel, together with his name:

 "The benefactor of your salvation"-!!! 😁

Many have fled him, seeing him as to some deeply serious degree,  a very disoriented & unstable power-hungry pathetic man, his uncanonical episcopal consecration at Mansonville, is  recognized by virtually no one, and he has given birth to  a number of further useless infighting  angry and mutually hate-filled schisms, among anti-MP Russian faithful, inside and outside of present Russia, AND to what good?

Church power [his] is all he cares about, just as does the Moscow Patriarchy.
He only further divides the Russian anti-MP diaspora, to the joy of the MP!

Anyone who is not slavishly loyal to him, he labels as a 'heretic' or as a 'schismatic' or anyway, non-Orthodox.

Only he is Orthodox! How is that possible?

 And sorry if I offend anyone, but I must state the facts, even if many others do not.
Reader Daniel Everiss in Oregon

Ответ на Обращение Синода архиепископа Владимира Целищева

 The "ROCOR" Vladimir Tselishchev Synod's response to: our ROCA Synod's Appeal to Archbishop Vladimir Tselishchev:

Автор: Митрополит Агафангел.Author:Metropolitan Agafangel.Дата публикации:Date of publication:07 июня 2018June 7, 2018..Категория:РПЦЗ.Category: ROCOR.
Lifetime of the product. Billet
По решению последнего Синода РПЦЗ, в адрес некоторых "осколков" было направлено "Обращение Архиерейского Синода РПЦЗ 2018 года об опасности самоизоляции" от 12/25 апреля 2018 года (размещеноздесь), с предложением начать диалог с целью "выяснения возможности преодоления церковного разделения".

According to the decision of the last ROCA Synod, some "fragments" were sent our "Appeal of the Synod of Bishops of the ROCA of 2018 on the Danger of Self-Isolation" dated 12/25 April 2018 (postedhere), with a proposal to begin a dialogue with the aim of "clarifying the possibility of overcoming the church separations" .

Сегодня получен ответ от одного из адресатов - архиепископа Владимира (Целищева).

Today our ROCA Synod, headed by our Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel (Pashkovsky),  came from one of the addressees - from ROCiE's Archbishop Vladimir (Tselishchev).

THE "ROCOR"-VLADIMIR TSELISHCHEV RESPONCE: -addressed to: Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel: 

The answer of Archbishop Vladimir (the spelling of the original is preserved)
Воистину Воскресе Христос!Truly, Christ is risen!

Ответ на Обращение от раскольников-агафангелят

The Answer to the Appeal from the [Schismatic]-Dissenters-Agafangelites:

Ваш фальшивый «синод» обвиняет в самоизоляции тех, кто следует заповеди Св. Апостола Павла: «Еретика после первого и второго вразумления отвращайся» (Тит. 3, 10).

Your false synod blames the self-isolation of those who follow the commandment of St. Paul the Apostle: "Let the heretic turn from the first and second admonition" (Titus 3, 10).

Действительно, для вашего фальшивого синода эта мудрость апостола стала опасностью, т.к.

Indeed, for your fake synod, this wisdom of the apostle has become a danger, because....

она затрудняет распространение вашей еретической идеологии.

it makes it difficult to spread your heretical ideology.

Ваше употребление нецерковного термина: «самоизоляция» показывает, что вы просто нецерковные люди, самозванцы, которые не уважают Отцов Церкви, которые не пользовались этими новоизобретенными экуменическими терминами, а для вас этого апостольского и святоотеческого наследия недостаточно, вам нужна мудрость мiра сего для соблазнения таких же как и вы нецерковных людей.

Your use of the non-ecclesiastical term: "self-isolation" shows that you are simply non-church people, impostors who do not respect the Fathers of the Church who did not use these newly invented ecumenical terms, but for you this apostolic and patristic heritage is not enough, you need the wisdom of the world to seduce those as well as you are, non-church people.

Еретики и раскольники не имеют священства, поэтому вы даже не мiряне Православной Церкви.

Heretics and schismatics do not have a priesthood, that's why you are not even laymen of the Orthodox Church.

Начало вашей лжи от богоборца Лавра Шкурлы, и накакая ваша «маргинализация» не может этого изменить.

The beginning of your lies from the God-struggler Laurus Skurla, and by chastising your "marginalization" can not change this.

Вы также и невежды, которые не понимают, что Церковь не может «разделиться» (или стать «осколками» по недавнему учению Пашковского) как утверждают все экуменисты мiра сего.

You are also ignorant, who do not understand that the Church can not "split up" (or become "fragments" according to Pashkovsky's recent teaching), as all the ecumenists of the world claim.

Ваш истинно нецерковный союз с киприанитами, с секачевцами, с «эМПэшными приходами в лоне РПЦЗ» и с лишенными сана сергианствующими еретиками (как Анастасий Суржик) показывает, что вы также не понимаете, что такое страх Божий, а своими писаниями вы можете соблазнить только тех, у которых тоже нет христианской совести, и которые также считают сергиан – Церковью (по учению Пашковского: матерью-Церковью), также как и вы.

Your truly non-ecclesiastical alliance with the Cyprianites, the Sekachevites, the "empathic parishes in the bosom of the ROCOR" and the deposed Sergianist heretics (like Anastasia Surzhik) shows that you also do not understand what the fear of God is, and you can only seduce your writings to those , who also do not have a Christian conscience, and who also consider the Sergianist Church (according to Pashkovsky's teaching: the mother-church), just like you).

Вы, выходцы из эМПэшного совка, не имеете никакого понятия о Катакомбной Церкви, в Которой всегда знали своих Первоиерархов, Епископов и священников, и для Которой вы просто – ряженые клоуны.

You, the immigrants from the empire scoop,[the diaspora?]  have no idea about the Catacomb Church, in which they always knew their First Hierarchs, bishops and priests, and for whom you are simply mummers.

Ваше «поколение» – это такие же истинные предатели Православия, как и вы, которые способны «достучаться» с ними лишь до погибели (2 Петр. 2, 1; 17), если не покаетесь во лжи, ряженом самозванстве, расколе, ереси и не обратитесь к Истинной Церкви со смирением и кротостью, а не с эМПэшной высокомерностью.

 Your "generation" is the same true traitors to Orthodoxy as you are, who are able to "reach out" to them only until death (2 Peter 2, 1, 17), if you do not repent of lying, raskozhenom imposture, schism, heresy and if you do not turn to the True Church with humility and meekness, and not with empire superciliousness.

Вот представьте себе картину: с одной стороны – одесский советский шут, выкрикивающий разную киприанскую и сергианскую ересь, и, следоваетльно, о Православии не имеющий никакого представления, но только играющий в «православие», а с другой – Блажен.

Imagine the picture: on the one hand, the .....Odessa Soviet jester[i.e. ROCA's Metropolitan Agafangel (Paskovsky)..] shouting different Cyprianite and Sergianist heresies, and, consequently, about Orthodoxy, having no idea, but only playing "Orthodoxy", and on the other - Blissful.

Митрополит Виталий, столп Православия, потомственный дворянин, аристократ духа, непрестанный делатель Иисусовой молитвы.

Metropolitan Vitaly, was the pillar of Orthodoxy, the hereditary nobleman, an aristocrat of the spirit, and an incessant doer of Jesus' prayer.

Какой нормальный и православный человек будет равнять ряженого еретического шута с настоящим Архиереем?

What normal and Orthodox person will equate a rascally heretic jester with a real Bishop?

Доброжелатель Вашего спасения,
The benefactor of your salvation,

+Архиепископ Владимир.

+ Archbishop Vladimir.
Метки:рпцзTags: рпцз


#RE: ответ на Обращение Синода архиепископа Владимира Целищева—Митрополит Агафангел07.06.2018 12:54#RE: Response to the Appeal of the Synod of Archbishop Vladimir Tselishchev-Metropolitan Agafangel07.06.2018 12:54
Нам надо определиться, с кем можно говорить, а с кем это невозможно.

We need to decide with whom we can talk, and with whom it is impossible.

 Жаль, но придётся надолго забыть об этой группе.

It's is a pity, but we will have to forget about this group for a long time.
Met. Agafangel

Our ROCA's Appeal, to which "ROCOR'  Vladimir Tselishchev is seemingly responding to:

  • Posted by rocaau at 13:42:34 in Epistles

    Христос Воскресе!
    Christ is Risen!
    Ваше Высокопреосвященство!
    Your Eminence!
    По просьбе митрополита Агафангела, РПЦЗ, пересылаю Вам, для ознакомления, "Обращение Архиерейского Синода РПЦЗ 2018 года, об опасности самоизоляции".
    At the request of Metropolitan Agathangel, ROCOR, I am sending you, for your reference, "Appeal of the Synod of Bishops of the ROCA in 2018, about the danger of self-isolation."
    Мир Вам!Peace to you!
    + Архиепископ Георгий+ Archbishop GeorgeОтвет архиепископа Владимира (орфография оригинала сохранена)

    Appeal of  The Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad 2018 on the danger of self-isolation

    The Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad 2018 on the danger of self-isolation

    Unfortunately, in our times of apostasy, the dangerous tendency of self-isolation of those considering themselves to be abiding in “true Orthodoxy”- has widely spread. Previously, starting with the Byzantine era, in the event of serious disagreements among Christians, the civil Orthodox authority could convoke Church Councils. Thanks to these Church Councils, at these councils - after carefully considering all the arguments and disagreements - they could come to a general concilliar decision which was mandatory for all. However, presently no such authority exists, and so it is impossible to counter the dispersion of Christians with the help of the state.

    On the contrary, the God-fighting authorities undertook the the exact opposite measures - making great efforts to divide the Church, with its goal being the complete annihilation of it. It was precisely in the creation of divisions that these authorities saw one of the main ways of destroying the Church. Currently, however - these divisions often occur not with the help of any authorities, but rather unfortunately proceed from within the Church itself.

    In the past, many efforts were made by the catacomb Christians to find a legitimate bishop since they were deeply Orthodox people. They understood that without a bishop there is no church. But now the world is filled with impostors, surrounded both by those who are deceived by them, and by those who became accustomed to ignorance and indifference. Depicting itself as a “little flock”, and using the following words of Christ: “I will build My Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18 KJV), and applying that exclusively to themselves and to their present state, they do not think at all about what might happen to them tomorrow.

    Tragically, the way of such groups is one - first spiritual marginalization, which eventually turns them into a sect, and then the diminishing of the group, and then ultimately its extinction. Already, we can name a few almost extinct groups from among those who considered themselves to be the “continuation” of the ROCOR. A similar situation occured with the catacomb Christians. However, they were hindered by external circumstances, and so they were not guilty of that which had happened. It is impossible to justify the contemporary “zealots” who are forever orchestrating new schisms in the Church. Modern Russian “true jurisdictions,” or those who are “standing for the truth,” are in the stage of physical extinction, and most of them do not even have the chance of producing the next generation of their followers. We appeal not to those who adhere to the most extreme views, because unfortunately, it is impossible to get through to them. We appeal to those of whom the Savior spoke: “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” (Matt. 11:15). We hope that there are still many such persons among the scattered Christians around the world.

    Like the Synod of the Greek GOC, our Synod of Bishops constantly made and makes efforts to overcome schisms. And today we call upon all those who tread their paths on the off-roads, or else those who are barely hanging on to a broken part of - as they say- “the damaged ship (the church)”, so as to enter into negotiations, with the goal of looking into the possibility of overcoming the church division. This is the only way that will allow us to jointly strengthen our Church and thus transmit the good news of salvation to many more people. Being in spiritual union with the Greek, Romanian and Bulgarian Old Calendarist Churches, this possibility is feasible. The Church does not need us, but it is we who need to stay within the bosom of the One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

    Nowadays, the only unifying force appears to be the fear of God, and the Christian conscience. Therefore, our Synod of Bishops once again calls upon all Orthodox Christians to unite around the true confession of the Orthodox faith, its lawfully ordained bishops, its living Orthodox tradition which the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia has kept, and the sacred sacraments they contain, the most important of which - is the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ. We call upon all to unite around Christ - the only Savior of the Universal Church.

    April 12/25, 2018 St. Basil the Confessor, Bishop of Para
    Chairman of the Synod of Bishops
    + Metropolitan Agafangel
    Members of the Synod:
    + Archbishop George (Secretary of the Synod)
    + Bishop Athanasius
    + Bishop Kirill
    + Bishop Gregory
    + Bishop Nikon
    + Bishop Anfim

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