Wednesday, February 21, 2018

RTOC deprived Bp. Stefan Sabelnik of his episcopal rank

A Simply, news sharing: RTOC Synod (of RTOC head, Bp. Tikhon Pasechnik)-deprived Bp. Stefan Sabelnik of his episcopal rank and imposed punishments against other clergy


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Dan Everiss

Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 4:40 PM


 My jurisdiction, -that of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, lead by our solidly Orthodox Vladyka Agafangel, firmly believes that our ROCA is the sole canonical and legitimate CONTINUATION of the valid old and free, pre-2017, ROCOR, [when the rest of the old ROCOR bishops, miss-lead by Met. Lavr Skurla,  betrayed the Orthodox Faith and apostatized to the communist-founded and still controlled, bogus Moscow Patriarchy - thus them DE FACTO, LEAVING the legitimate ROCOR, i.e. DEPARTING FROM ORTHODOXY, of which Vladyka Agafangel!  NEVER LEFT BUT STAYED IN and WITH] 

Vladyka Agafangel (Pashkovsky]-who was a fully canonical episcopal member of that pre-2007 ROCOR Synod of Bishops (and none of our 'rival' fragments -were!, supposedly, but dubiously,....  all claiming to SOLELY represent the old ROCOR!, which is impossible, were or are, -as was not, RTOC Bp. Tikhon Pasechnik)-

so thus, we must take [as I do, more and more myself, just to keep my balance and sanity] a somewhat of an outsiders' unemotional and ambivalent a distant and side-view of the predictable on-going chaos within these different warring 'fragments', which world-wide, there are now, far more than 18.... and indeed often multiplying as they create more hate-filled divisions and new schisms.  Especially inside Russia, these divisions increase all the time.

One day, their smiling clergy are gathered around the Holy Altar, and happily and lovingly serving the Divine Liturgy together, taking the Holy Communion from the same Chalice, and the next week.......  they are hurling curses against each other, calling each other, 'heretics', and 'disobedient',  and defrocking/deposing each other... and then consecrating new bishops and priests.  In actual fact, they all violate the canons, over and over.

Yet, over the long years, since 2007 our Vladyka Agafangel has put out many friendly and sincere appeals to them all, to sit down and  talk and to try to find some means for a reapproachment, A HEALING, as long as it can be  done by the canons.  Truly, though they all quote the canons [well, certain 'useful' canons] when it seems to suit their cause, they in fact do not respect any canons.... which forbid or condemn what they are doing or demanding or claiming.  To this day, with a few exceptions, they all refuse to even speak with our church.  Some have joined us under false pretenses, and then later turned on us, and even returning to the MP or to other schismatic directions.

And worse yet, now... quite surprisingly and shockingly, one of our rivals, Bp. Stefan Sabelnik, of Trenton, New Jersey, formerly made a RTOC bishop by Bp. Tikhon Pasechnik's RTOC, is in total rebellion from his founding bishop, and his Synod,  AND  has ... recently.... absurdly.... joined himself!.... to our-ROCA's 'Mt. View Schism'.... which malicious and lamebrain unjustified schism is aimed to destroy our ROCA.... only to the joy and benefit of Moscow. 

And, no doubt, the behind-the-scenes dark  hand of the KGB/FSB and the MP's agents, and their funding, are mixed up in these divisions, even provoking and inspiring and leading them.

So, I only share this particular upsetting church-political news item, because it has just come out.  It cannot be hidden.

Certainly, it is not what should inspire our more lofty Lenten spiritual meditations.... however, it is the way of this fallen world.

My own personal opinion: I no longer believe that there can be, any full or total peace and harmony, in world-wide Orthodox Church life - the 'Earthly Church' until AFTER Christ's Second Coming.  We live now in the End Times, when nothing and virtually no one is a 'normal Orthodox Christian'.

"In Thee, O Lord, have we hoped, let us not, then, be put to shame, in the age to come!~"
God Save US!

Rd. Daniel in Oregon

The Synod of the RTOC deprived Stefan Sabelnik of his episcopal rank and imposed a punishment  against other clerics Автор: Интернет Собор. Author: Internetsobor. Дата публикации: Date of publication: 20 февраля 2018 20 February 2018 . . Категория: Альтернативное Православие . Category: Alternative Православие .
Pictures on request
Очередное заседание Архиерейского Синода Русской Истинно-Православной Церкви состоялось с 19 января/ 1 февраля по 21 января/ 3 февраля 2018 г. в г. Димитрове, Московской области.

The next meeting of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian True Orthodox Church was held from January 19 / February 1 to January 21 / February 3, 2018 in Dimitrov, Moscow Region.

Архиерейским Синодом были рассмотренные следующие вопросы и приняты решения:

The RTOC Synod of Bishops considered the following issues and made decisions:

I - При рассмотрении вопроса о отношениях с Сербской Истинно-Православной Церковью было решено:
 I - When considering the issue of relations with the Serbian True Orthodox Church, it was decided:
  1. Разорвать молитвенное и евхаристическое общение с Сербской Истинно-Православной Церковью
  2. Praying prayer and eucharistic communion with the Serbian True Orthodox Church
  4. Запретить в священном служении архимандрита Евфимия (Трофимова)
  5. To forbid in the sacred service of Archimandrite Evtimiy (Trofimova)
  6. Запретить в священном служении иеромонаха Николая (Савинова),
  7.  To forbid in the sacred service of hieromonk Nicholas (Savinov),
  9. Лишить священного сана иерея Артемия Варламян
  10.  Priest Priest
  11.  Artemy Varlamyan
  12. Выпустить Обращение к епископам СИПЦ с подробной мотивацией разрыва общения .
  13. Issue an Appeal to the HICP Bishops with detailed motivation for a break in communication .
  14.   Дополнительные документы:

  15.  Additional documents:
    - Прошения Леснинского монастыря и Миссии о каноническом отпуске в СИПЦ

  16. - Applications of Lesninsky Monastery and Mission on canonical leave in HICPs

  17. - Ответ на прошения Монастыря и Миссии Архиеоейского Синода РИПЦ

  18. - Response to the requests of the Monastery and the Mission of the Archdiocese Synod of RTOC

  19. - Решение СИПЦ о приеме Леснинского монастыря

  20.  - HICP decision on the reception of the Lesninsky Monastery
II - При рассмотрении вопроса о каноническом положении почисленного на покой епископа Стефана, бывшего Трентенского и Североамериканского, было принято решение о лишении его священного сана .

 II - In considering the canonical position of Bishop Stephen, formerly of Trenten and North American, who was official retired, a decision was made to deprive him of his sacred dignity .

Дополнительные документы:

Additional documents:
- Определение Архиерейского Синода по епископу Стефану

 - Definition of the Synod of Bishops for Bishop Stefan

- Переписка епископа Стефана с благочинным Северной Америки протоиереем Иосифом Сандерленд

- Correspondence between Bishop Stephen and archpriest of North America, Archpriest Joseph Sunderland

III - При рассмотрении правил приема мирян их Московской Патриархии был установлен чин приема мирян из церквей Мирового Православия, в том числе Московской Патриархии.

III - In considering the rules for the reception of laymen from their Moscow Patriarchate, and what is the rank for reception of laity from the churches of World Orthodoxy, including the Moscow Patriarchate, was established.

Также Архиерейским Синодом были рассмотрены прошения и жалобы членов РИПЦ.

Also, the Synod of Bishops considered petitions and complaints of members of the RTOC.

Источник A source

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