Monday, January 22, 2018

More Evidence of Pro-Putin Espionage in Ukraine

Informational General Sharing: Two articles: More Evidence of Pro-Putin Espionage in Ukraine, via his captive-espionage tool, his UOC-MP, etc,

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Dan Everiss

Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 3:43 PM

First article:
Deputies of "Freedom" and "National Corps" demand the seizure of  the churches of the UOC-MP (The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate)-
Автор: Интернет Собор. Author: Internetsobor. Дата публикации: Date of publication: 22 января 2018 January 22, 2018 . . Категория: Общество . Category: Society .
Congress of the National Corps in Kiev, October 14, 2017
Несколько народных депутатов от ВО "Свобода" и "Национального корпуса" направили обращение в Совет национальной безопасности и обороны, Минюст и Минкульт, в котором требуют признать деятельность УПЦ "антигосударственной".

 Several people's deputies from VO "Svoboda" and from the "National Corps" sent an appeal to the National Security and Defense Council, to the Ministry of Justice and to the Ministry of Culture, in which they demand the  official recognition of  the activities of the UOC-MP as, "anti-state".

КИЕВ, 22 янв — РИА Новости Украина. KYIV, January 22 - RIA Novosti Ukraine. Группа народных депутатов Украины направила в Совет национальной безопасности и обороны, Минюст и Минкульт обращение с требованием принять меры против деятельности Украинской православной церкви Московского патриархата.

 A group of people's deputies of Ukraine sent an appeal to the National Security and Defense Council, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Culture with a demand to take punitive measures against the activities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Читайте также: "Папа, наш храм сожгут?" Read also: "Dad, our temple will burn?" Страшная жизнь УПЦ в Запорожье The terrible life of the UOC in Zaporozhye
В документе деятельность УПЦ названа "антигосударственной".

In the document, the activities of the UOC-MP are called "anti-state".

О подаче документа сообщил народный депутат от ВО "Свобода" Андрей Ильенко.

Upon  the filing of this document, this act  was made public by the People's Deputy from the VO "Svoboda" Andrei Ilyenko.

Вместе с ним обращение подписали "свободовцы" Юрий Левченко, Михаил Головко, лидер "Национального корпуса" Андрей Билецкий, его однопартиец Олег Петренко, а также Оксана Корчинская.

Along with him, the appeal was signed by the "liberty men" Yuri Levchenko, Mikhail Golovko, the leader of the "National Corps" Andrei Biletsky, his fellow party member Oleg Petrenko, and Oksana Korchinskaya.

В обращении депутаты требуют смены названия "Украинской православной церкви Московского патриархата на Российскую православную церковь на Украине", а также определить ее статуса как иностранной церкви.

In the appeal the deputies demand the change of the legal name of the "Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate" to "The Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine", and also to determine and relabel its status, - as a foreign church.

Кроме того, депутаты отстаивают "возвращение украинским церквям святынь, незаконно присвоенных московской церковью".

 In addition, the deputies defend "the return to Ukrainian churches of their churches illegally appropriated by the Moscow church."

Читайте также: Тот самый священник из Запорожья: боюсь за семью, но поступил бы так же

Read also: That same priest from Zaporozhye: I'm afraid for my family, but I would do the same

Напомним, что ранее было возбуждено уголовное дело по совершению отдельными представителями УПЦ и православного союза "Радомир" умышленных действий, "направленных на разжигание национальной, религиозной вражды и ненависти, а также оскорбление чувств граждан в связи с их религиозными убеждениями".

It should be remembered  that a criminal case was initiated earlier for certain intentional actions committed by certain representatives of the UOC-MP and the Orthodox Union Radomir,  "aimed at inciting ethnic, religious hatred and enmity, as well as insulting the feelings of citizens in connection with their religious beliefs."

Скандал разгорелся после отказа одного из священников отпевать погибшего ребенка, крещенного в храме УПЦ Киевского патриархата.

The public scandal broke out after the recent refusal of one of the UOC-MP priests to perform the funeral service and burial prayers,  for the deceased child who had been baptized, as an infant,  in a local church of the UOC-Kyiv Patriarchate.

(Explanatory Note: The poor innocent child recently suddenly died, when a distraught person who was committing suicide, jumped from an upper-story  window in a building, then sadly landing exactly on top of the child who was peacefully walking with his mother, in the street, killing the poor innocent little boy. 

The UOC-MP clergy refused to bury the child as they do not consider the baptism of the Kiev-Patriarchate as valid, as that church body is 'in schism' ...from them,... they piously claim,  and thus the child could not be given, their.. 'canonical' UOC-MP Orthodox burial services.

This unmerciful act, has enraged many in Ukraine! and turned them against the Moscow centered MP of which the UOC-MP is but Moscow's religious/political/MILITARY puppet arm inside of  Ukraine, as the MP is also, all around the world....centers for their Kremlin foreign espionage and to foment rebellions and to use its local believers to be Fifth-Columnists/Putin's sympathizers and vocal propagandists, in foreign lands,  especially inside of  adversarial countries, as here in America. 

In the American OCA and its sister church, ROCOR/MP, one never reads nor hears of any criticisms of Putin or of his MP, BUT ONLY Pro-MP and Pro-Putin SLAVISH PRAISES!  from any of them,-only their moronic robotic defenses and excuses for Putin's aggressions, and their added, Kremlin scripted, 'party-line' propaganda criticisms of 'immoral'  and 'anti-Orthodox' America, and the 'Evil-West'. 

But bloody mass murderer V. Putin, is not ....immoral???, nor his captive Moscow Patriarchy-'church', which blesses every  single evil deed he does??? 

Even MP priests publically bless with prayers and holy water, his missals and his other war-armaments!

Do they think that they can fool God, as they fool people? GOD!...... IS NOT FOOLED OR MOCKED!)

Second article:

"Kadyrovsky in the UOC-MP  Churches":

(But yet more clear evidence of what the Stalin founded in 1943,  the uncanonical and apostate,
'Moscow Patriarchy' is really STILL TO THIS DAY!, all about- it is the religious-front,  their world-wide arm of the communist-successors  in Moscow, now lead by FSB/KGB boss,  bloody dictator 'freely  and democratically elected', Vladimir V. Putin, the butcher of Ukraine and Syria, and who is the real 'patriarch' of the American OCA and ROCOR/MP).

 It was neo-communist, worshipper of Stalin, and Lenin, Putin, not any saint or angel from heaven, that engineered that despicable 2007 're-union' of a large part of our old free diaspora ROCOR to his enslaved apostate communist-controlled Moscow Patriarchy....which bogus massive and very corrupt institution is NOT the genuine or legitimate historic Orthodox Church of Russia, which church had as its  last valid  Patriarch of All-Russia,  Holy Confessor, Patriarch TIKHON (Belavin) of Thrice Blessed Memory.

Video interview in Ukrainian, regarding this matter:


"Kadyrovtsy in the Temple": a new revealing of the assistance of the UOC MP to the anti-Ukrainian  terrorists in the Donbass, has  appeared Автор: Интернет Собор. Author: Internetsobor. Дата публикации: Date of publication: 14 января 2018 January 14, 2018 . . Категория: Общество . Category: Society .

В церквях Московского патриархата, в Святогорской лавре на Донбассе размещались террористы и боеприпасы с самого начала конфликта Украины с Россией.

In the churches of the Moscow Patriarchate, [the UOC-MP] in the Svyatogorsk Lavra in the Donbass, there were found  terrorists and ammunition stock-piled from the very beginning of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

Об этом в интервью каналу "ATR" рассказал герой Украины, генерал-майор Вооруженных сил, Игорь Гордийчук.

This was revealed in an interview carried on the "ATR" channel by the hero of Ukraine, Major-General of the Armed Forces, Igor Gordiychuk.

"В первые дни войны я попросил разрешения взять группы радиоперехвата. Мы сделали несколько радиоперехватов в Краматорске, Славянске. Где в одной из наших самых ценных святынь - Святогорской лавре - был чеченский отряд спецназа, кадыровцы", – рассказал он.

"During the first days of the war, I asked for permission to use radio intercept groups, and we made several radio interceptions in Kramatorsk, Slavyansk, where in one of our most respected  Orthodox holy places. the Svyatogorsk ['Holy Mountain'], Lavra -where we found  a Chechen special forces squad, of the Kadyrovtsy,"  he told us.

Гордийчук отметил, что подтверждения нашли с разных ракурсов.

Gordiychuk noted that the confirmation of this, was discovered from different sources.

Он принес доказательства начальству, заявив, что в пещерах больше сотни террористов, оружие, боеприпасы.

He brought that evidence to his superiors, saying that there were more than a hundred terrorists, weapons, and ammunition in the caves of that UOC-MP monastery.

"Потом все это начало подтверждаться, когда начали проверять все церкви Московского патриархата. Там оружие, боеприпасы, снаряжения, боевики, эти священники двойного назначения. Они как бы и священники, и боевики. Путинская армия", – заявил генерал-майор.

"Then all this began to be further confirmed, when all the churches of the Moscow Patriarchate [the UOC-MP] began to be searched, where weapons, ammunition, equipment, and militants, were found,  -where these 'dual-purpose-priests' reside, as it were, i.e. who are both priests and militants, at the same time,... in the Putin army", said the major general.

По словам генерал-майора, внедрение проходило заблаговременно.

According to the major-general, the introduction/stockpiling  into these UOC-MP churches, of these weapons and ammunition and combatants, took place in advance  of Putin's invasion and his stirring up of 'civil war' in Ukraine.

Гордийчук отметил, что церкви Московского патриархата для него являются ФСБшной структурой.

Gordiychuk noted that the churches of the Moscow Patriarchate [the UOC-MP]  to him, belong to the FSB's [modern successor of the KGB] structure and operations.

Он отметил, что священники в открытую говорят, что в Украине идет "гражданская война" и сами во всем признаются.

He noted that the UOC-MP priests openly proclaim that in Ukraine there is a "civil war" [which is the official Putin's propaganda excuse/pretext/provocation....  for militarily intervening in Ukraine] and they themselves admit it all.
Источник A source
Метки: украина , упц мп Tags: ukraine , upt

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