Wednesday, January 24, 2018

captive MP 'church' DEMAND

& FSB/KGB V. Putin and his captive MP 'church' DEMAND! that the EU 'protect' their anti-Ukrainian/totally pro-Putin, political/espionage./military tentacle in Ukraine, the UOC-MP

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Dan Everiss

Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 12:37 PM

Note: And who is making these pathetic but pious sounding appeals? Sergei Lavrov, (!!!)  who, next to bloody mass-murderer dictator and lover of Lenin and Stalin,
-Liar V. Putin, -is perhaps THE second-biggest liar in the entire world today. Like the devil whom both he and Putin and their religious department called  the Moscow Patriarchy,  he.... as with the clergy of the MP,  never tells the truth, NEVER!

And this heart-wrenching cry for EU and UN help, amidst the ever growing stark and shocking  evidence that UOC-MP churches/monasteries and clergy are actively & physically [not only in their sermons] aiding the military work [bombs, bullets, guns, etc.] of Putin inspired civil war inside of eastern Ukraine and actively promoting Putin's immoral military invasion and seizure of Ukrainian territory.

Weapons and soldiers are being stockpiled INSIDE of many UOC-MP churches/monasteries  in Ukraine!  Even a number of the UOC-MP 'clergy' have confessed to this....even boasted of it. They are Putin's patriots.

And there is growing irrefutable! proven, evidence that many of the UOC-MP 'clergy' are ALSO Putin's KGB or direct military!

They are FSB/KGB agents, wearing priest's...or bishop's .... cassocks/vestments, which is the entire history of the 1943 Stalin founded  religious-front organization, which he named,  the 'Moscow Patriarchy', from its evil birth.

And a reminder to all those who do not know the facts: The 1943 Stalin founded pretend/false Russian Church, his 'Moscow Patriarchy' was never canonical nor valid, and so how is its surrogate in Ukraine, the UOC-MP also, 'canonical'? 

What a joke!

Neither of these communist  founded and still controlled, bogus and false 'churches' are canonical! Neither are Orthodox or part of the Holy Universal Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Church. Both are Satanic-APOSTATES!...and all who are 'in communion' with them, are also APOSTATES!... and they have to end up in Hell Eternal, and no-where else.

And that includes the two MP dependent: American OCA and Hilarion Kapral's ROCOR/MP.

To be 'in communion with'  the communist MP or with any of its surrogate 'churches' is to be in communion with the DEVIL,- pure and simple.

And how is it possible, that such souls could ever be admitted to Heaven when they die?....only by their repentance, before they die, only by repentance!

Российская федерация просит Евросоюз защитить УПЦ МП

The Russian Federation asks the European Union to protect the UOC-MP

Автор: Интернет Собор. Author: Internet Cathedral. Дата публикации: Date of publication: 24 января 2018 January 24, 2018 . . Категория: Московская Патриархия . Category: Moscow Patriarchate .
RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Россия потребовала от ЕС и ОБСЕ реакции на притеснение УПЦ в Украине

Russia demanded from the EU and the OSCE to react to the oppression of the UOC-MP in Ukraine

По словам главы российского внешнеполитического ведомства Сергея Лаврова, продолжается "попустительство захвата храмов канонической УПЦ, насилие в отношении ее клира и верующих".

According to the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov, continues "the connivance of the seizure of the churches of the canonical UOC, violence against its clergy and believers."

Глава МИД РФ Сергей Лавров заявил, что Москва требует от Европейского союза и ОБСЕ отреагировать на действия Киева по притеснению Украинской православной церкви, ответа пока нет.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov,  said that Moscow requires the European Union and the OSCE to react to Kiev's actions to oppress the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, to which demand there is no answer yet.

"Продолжается попустительство захвата храмов канонической Украинской православной церкви, насилие в отношении ее клира и верующих, не прекращаются попытки ограничить деятельность этой крупнейшей конфессии Украины, расколоть церковные общины", — сказал Лавров, выступая в среду на 26-х Международных Рождественских образовательных чтениях.

"The connivance of the seizure, uncanonically of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchy,  continues, the violence against its clergy and believers, attempts to restrict the activities of this largest confession of Ukraine, to split the church communities," Lavrov said on Wednesday at the 26th International Christmas Educational Readings.

"Мы потребовали реакции на все эти противоправные действия со стороны ОБСЕ и Совета Европы, и ООН, и потребовали конкретной реакции у Евросоюза. Пока такой реакции мы в должной мере не увидели", — отметил Лавров.

"We have demanded reaction to all of these illegal actions on the part of the OSCE and the Council of Europe, and the UN, and demanded a concrete reaction from the European Union." So far,  we have not seen such a reaction," Lavrov said.

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