Friday, October 20, 2017

1. Popes message 2. Papists capture Ukraine temples

AND-CORRECTED: 1) Pope's message, 2) Papists have begun to capture the temples of the 'Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate': (i.e. the steady march of Rome to Catholicise/Uniatise all of the Ukraine)-and what is the MP doing to stop this proce

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Dan Everiss

Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 4:17 PM

Comments: Regarding: The big blasphemous and anti-scriptural & centuries old lie, i.e. that which the fallen-away-former-church of Rome, the Papists, The Latin's Great 1054 AD Schism,  have foisted on the world:

Behold,  all you present day, 'progressive-liberal' Orthodox-Ecumenists! This is the stark sour reality, the natural bad and inedible FRUIT, of your foolishly trusting the non-Orthodox, especially the long term enemy of the Orthodox, the heretic fallen away church of Rome, in your imagined sweet-fantasies of 'Christian Unity', and 'that all may become one'.
 Yes, for sure, the Pope's church wants that 'all become one', but not as equals, and not in the pure apostolic Orthodox faith,  but rather that all must submit, bow under their pope's  feet and tyrannical rule. And their main centuries old, scriptural (mis-quote) which they claim supports their cooked-up, 'supremacy of Peter' is largely miss-based on Christ's words, in the one of the four Gospels, where Christ seemed to be speaking to the Apostle.... Peter- ('Petras', which means, 'rock'), "Thou art Peter/the rock, ...and upon this.... rock, I build my church".
However, some central facts of Church History and Patristics are conveniently ignored by Rome. We Orthodox cannot forget them.

Central is that: In interpreting all scriptures, & as regarding all doctrines, [each and every Orthodox bishop, 'rightly divides/teaches the word of truth'],  what matters, is 'The Mind.... of The Universal/Catholic  Church', - also labeled, Sacred Tradition, and that universal/catholic interpretation [called: The Father's/Patristics-their interpretations and  explanations] of this passage said:

That Christ.... was, meaning  in that and His other biblical passages and[through the working of the Holy Spirit, which act was the Foundation Day of the Church] ....was the  empowering/consecrating  of ALL HIS APOSTLES, who were all EQUAL in their apostolic authority, each sent into differing territories to preach the Good News and to establish local churches there, not only the Apostle Peter, or even at solely his  commands, [Apostle Peter nicknamed, 'The Apostle to the Jews']  plus 'the rock' which Christ meant, was: the solid faith/ the rock/firmness....  of Peter's.....CONFESSION OF HIS  FAITH.... IN CHRIST!, WHO ALONE FOUNDED HIS CHURCH UPON HIMSELF! Jesus Christ is.... THE ROCK, ...and not upon any one mere flawed mortal man, as Peter.

The Apostle Peter, as with all of the Apostles, mere mortals, were NOTHING outside of Christ. HE gave them their powers and authority. Christ was their rock and their foundation. 
Jesus Christ founded His church upon..... Peter's faith in HIMSELF, Christ is THE ROCK OF SALVATION, not....... 'on Peter'!

Apostle Peter,  together with Apostle Paul- nicknamed 'The Apostle to the Gentiles',  were BOTH,  'the honorary chairmen' of the apostles, but that was only honorary, and their opinions were not the supreme rule or the final word over the other apostles, who were all EQUAL.
Church history, though there are some arguments and debates on that specific historical matter, generally believes..... that both Peter and Paul preached at Rome, and died there.
Thus, it MAY be said, that: the Apostles Peter and Paul, (BOTH of them, EQUALLY! )  'founded the local Church of Rome' their preaching and by their shed blood there.

And too, in the chaotic earlier centuries  of the world-wide Church, there were many many local controversies of all sorts, doctrinal and church governance, etc. which at times, whoever was the then diocesan ruling bishop of the old Roman Imperial city of Rome,and this highly honored in respect as he was in the old Roman Imperial Capital of the Roman Empire,  would be asked to give his final thought, his peace-making and deciding opinion, [which was never seen as his command, or as of him  dictating to inferior local other churches or their patriarchs,  -which opinion was often accepted by those other local churches, to settle various local inter-church  disputes,...though not always.

That was SOBORNOST/CONCILIARITY in humble respect and love..... in the Holy Faith:  "Let him who would be chief of all, the servant of all" -which applies to all bishop, and indeed to the entire body of believers, -The Laos, the People of God,  in the church.
Only in the late 800 AD,  onward did there slowly and quietly begin in the shadows, the gradual process of attempting to re-create  the Roman's bishop's will, and his authority, the supreme rule over all the church, and this was always resisted, by all the churches & patriarchates, and especially by successive bishops of Rome themselves, who were mostly conservatively Orthodox in their faith. Before the Latin Great Schism of 1054, Rome produced a number of Pope-SAINTS, which we Orthodox even today, venerate as our saints. None of them taught, the later nonsense of Papal Supremacy of the Pope of Rome, etc...or that Christ founded His church upon...the apostle Peter!

But even as the eastern part of the Christian Roman Empire-Byzantium in the East,  was prospering, Old-Rome & the Christian West,  was in steady decline & disintegration and more and more attacked and invaded by barbarian hordes.

That chaotic decline of imperial public law and order, caused a natural historical reaction in the bishop of Rome's powers-[who became THE SOLE RECOGNIZED CENTER OF POWER IN THE WEST, -as the rule of the Emperor vanished into the air],  the Pope/Holy Father of Rome,  was impelled/pushed to assume the new strange role of  THE Pontifix Maximus, & the only source of unity and law and order-religious or civil or military.... in the West.

The Bishop of Rome, in reality,  became a one person replacement for the Church Authority... Combined with..... the Imperial powers.

Thus there began to be created various false documents [such as the infamous, 'False Decretals of  Peter' and others,  and ever growing expanding outrageous claims, that since: himself,  was the foundation rock of Christ's Church, and since Peter founded the Roman bishop's throne/cathedra , THEREFOR.....whoever was 'the episcopal successor of Apostle Peter'.....had UNIVERSAL and SOLE 'VICARSHIP'-ABSOLUTE CONTROL  over the entire world-wide church, the Pope of Rome was Christ's Sole 'Vicar' (divinely ordained representative)...... over all, etc.

This big papist lie, was held to and professed by schismatic Rome, & which they tried to foist upon the whole universal church for centuries, [ see the post-schism, Council of Florence, as but one later example],   for a very long time, but it was not promulgated into official Latin-Schism doctrine, till later. And even then, many in the west also rejected it.

NONE of the other local churches, before 1054 AD and indeed not even the previous centuries of popes/bishops  of Rome...not one of them! ..., EVER accepted this new bizarre heresy and concocted innovation, and we Orthodox have NEVER accepted that big Papist lie....or of their blasphemous  TWISTING and corrupting of the  fundamental meaning of Christ's words in His Holy Gospel.

To subvert Holy Scripture is a terrible sin, which the Latins ['the first protestants']  have done so easily, and which the Protestants also are very guilty of.
In our Orthodox understanding, ......which is exactly the same as was accepted in the universal and early church, all bishops, [episcopos, overseers, consecrated successors of the Apostles] whether  diocesan or regional or national, and whatever their grand titles,.... are fundamentally equal in their apostolic  spiritual powers and authority. All are called, with the term of respect: 'papas', in Greek,.... father.

And yet, that big Papist biblical and theological lie has been utilized by Rome for centuries to keep the loyalty and abject obedience of their Latin-Rite Catholics under their tyrannical rule, and also to fool the many formerly born-Orthodox, ....the various  poor confused & mislead and betrayed,  'Uniates', of various nations & races, and far flung lands, to obey Rome.

And in all of Rome's current & massive power centered ecumenist dealings: with we Orthodox, its Uniates, the Protestants and all, their only real bottom-line end goal, is THE SUBMISSION OF ALL to their phony, 'Christ's Sole Vicar on Earth, the Pope of Rome'.

And my apologies, that this short statement cannot fully touch on all of the many historical and patristic elements in this complicated historical and doctrinal matter.

"O Lord, save us from the pope of Rome, and from things that go bump in the night!"
Rd. Daniel in the thicket

First article:

The Pope consulted the "Eastern Patriarchs" - Uniates Автор: Интернет Собор вкл. Author: Internet Sobor  incl. 19 Октябрь 2017 19 October 2017 . . Опубликовано в Католицизм (Просмотров: 14) Posted in Catholicism (Views: 14)
Pictures on request of the meeting of Pope Francis Francis with the patriarchs and the supreme archbishops of the eastern
Папа – Патриархам и Верховным архиепископам: коллегиальность неразрывно связана с первенством Петра

The Pope to the (Uniate) Patriarchs and the Supreme Archbishops: collegiality is inextricably linked with the primacy of Peter

Во всех поместных Церквах должны быть достойные епископы: это служение настолько важно, что избрание кандидатов следует осуществлять в сотрудничестве с поместными Синодами.

 In all the local (Uniate) churches there must be worthy bishops: this ministry is so important that the election of candidates should be carried out in cooperation with the local Synods.

Папа обратился с таким увещанием к Патриархам и Верховным архиепископам, собравшимся в эти дни в Риме на пленарную ассамблею Конгрегации Восточных Церквей.

The pope addressed with such an admonition to the Patriarchs and the Supreme [Uniate] Archbishops gathered in Rome in those days to the plenary assembly of the Congregation of 'Eastern Churches'.

 Встреча проходит по случаю столетия основания этого департамента, а также столетия Папского Восточного института.

The meeting is held on the occasion of the centenary of the founding of this department, as well as the centenary of the Pontifical Eastern [Uniate] Institute.

Святейший Отец пожелал предстоятелям поместных Церквей восточного обряда «разделять радости и печали» верующих.

The Holy Father wished the priests of the local Churches of the Eastern Rite "to share the joys and sorrows" of believers.

Забота о Церквах проявляется также в единстве иерархов с Папой: именно епископское служение в Риме, подчеркнул Папа, является «основанием для Петрова служения, председательствующего служения любви и в любви», сказал Св. Отец и призвал иерархов высоко ценить узы, которые связывают «коллегиальность с первенством святого Петра», чтобы осуществлять «диаконское первенство», то есть быть рабом рабов Божиих.

Care for the churches is also manifested in the unity of the hierarchs with the pope: it is the episcopal ministry in Rome, the Pope emphasized, that "is the foundation for Peter's ministry, the presiding ministry of love and love," said St. Father and urged hierarchs to appreciate the ties that bind "collegiality with the primacy of St. Peter "to carry out the" deacon's primacy ", that is, to be a slave to the servants of God.
Pictures on request of the meeting of Pope Francis Francis with the patriarchs and the supreme archbishops of the eastern
Источник A source

Second article: -This steady on-going march of Rome's to  take over the entire Ukraine, and to steal all Orthodox churches and people: And does the Kremlin slave, the Stalin founded uncanonical and apostate 'Moscow Patriarchate' try to stop this?- they who are always quick to try to please the Pope and his Papist-ecumenism, and all at the orders of their true bosses, the  KGB run Putin's Kremlin, for its world domination schemes....?

In Ukraine papists began to capture the temples of the UOC-MP ("The Ukranian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate")- Автор: Интернет Собор вкл. Author: Internet Sobor incl. 18 Октябрь 2017 18 October 2017 . . Опубликовано в Католицизм (Просмотров: 59) Posted in Catholicism (Views: 59)

Ранее суд установил законность использования храма общиной УПЦ

Earlier, the court established the legality of the use of the church by the community of the UOC

В Украинской православной церкви (Московского патриархата) заявляют о захвате Благовещенского храма в Коломые представителями Украинской греко-католической церкви.

In the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate).they declare the capture of the Annunciation Cathedral in Kolomyia by representatives of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

Сообщение об этом опубликовано синодальным информационно-просветительским отделом УПЦ.

 A report on this was published by the Synodal Information and Educational Department of the UOC.

В сообщении говорится, что 17 октября 2017 года представители УГКЦ срезали замки в Свято-Благовещенском храме в Коломые, и на следующий день там прошла служба греко-католической церкви.

The report says that on October 17, 2017, representatives of the UGCC cut locks on the Holy Annunciation Church in Kolomyia, and the next day there was held there  a service of the Greek Catholic Church.

При этом ранее Ивано-Франковский окружной административный суд установил факт законности пользования религиозной общины УПЦ Благовещенским храмом, а действия сотрудников правоохранительных органов, опломбировавших здание, незаконными.

At the same time, previously the Ivano-Frankivsk District Administrative Court established the fact of the legality of the use of the religious community of the UOC by the Annunciation Church, and the actions of law enforcement officers who sealed the building were illegal.

 В связи с этим в УПЦ действия представителей УГКЦ называют незаконными и обвиняют захватчиков в пренебрежении законом.

 In this regard, in the UOC, the actions of representatives of the UGCC are called illegal and accuse the invaders of neglecting the law.

В УПЦ напоминают, что попытка захвата храма общиной УГКЦ предпринималась и ранее, а именно 4 июня, после этого здание опломбировали.

The UOC recall that the attempt to capture the temple by the UGCC community was made earlier, namely on June 4, after that the building was sealed.
Источник A source

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