Thursday, September 14, 2017

pretending TO BE our canonical ROCA

& Andronik Kotlaroff/Sofrony Musienko/Andre Erastov/Stefan Sabelnik -& priests/laity ,-Schismatics from our canonical ROCA, still ursurping our church's identity and pretending TO BE our canonical ROCA: Have 'a meeting of their bishops'

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Dan Everiss

Mon, Sep 4, 2017 at 3:15 PM

Comment: Without canonical episcopal administered Law and Order, there........ IS NO CHURCH!

These misguided and misguiding of others, wolves in sheep's clothing have NO RIGHT to do or pronounce anything!  they have done or are still doing, while labeling themselves, "Orthodox"!
And no one who is consecrated a bishop or ordained a priest, CAN just take 'his' consecration or ordination IN HIS POCKET, as if it were his private property, when he is put under ban or defrocked by his lawful bishop, when he leaves that bishop's authority....when he departs from the Orthodox Church.
In Orthodoxy, all bishops and priests and lower clergy, serve ONLY by sacred permission-SOBORNOST!  and under the blessing of their canonical and lawful ruling Orthodox bishop! Bishops especially, must be in mutual obedience WITH  their fellow bishops- which is sobornost/conciliarity.
"WHERE THE BISHOP IS, THERE IS THE CHURCH!".....that!~ is Orthodoxy.
In reality, these mixed up schimatics,  have now founded but one more, religious SECT in America, and they are trying to spread it around the world. They have zero Orthodox canonical foundation under them. So, how is that:- bringing all fragments/all rival former ROCOR splinters,  together? What sort of 'unity' is that?- "union in error"?...."The blind leading the blind and they both shall fall into the ditch"?
Just like the 1943 Stalin founded pretend-Russian Church, the KGB enslaved and staffed and run phony 'Moscow Patriarchy', [ a total octopus arm of the Kremlin Putin's world-wide political and military outreach,] they seriously disregard Orthodox Sacred Tradition and canons that do not suit them, and they make up their own new rules or their selection of certain useful canons for their church governance....which permit them to do ANYTHING THEY WISH TO!......and to manipulate and miss-apply those canons, and even Holy Scripture, and the writings of the saints also,  so as to slander and silence their critics.
They seem to imagine that they have a.... 'right' to:  disrespect, slander, and dismiss and disobey their canonical Orthodox bishop (a descendant of the Apostles), any time they have a whim to....or simply if they dislike.... his these folks here have done to Vladyka Agafangel.
Money and earthly power, and the praises of men- these are what they truly seek, not the salvation of anyone's souls. THAT IS NOT GENUINE ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY!
(It is rather, some rebellious warped version of Protestantism- but with exotic and colorful external  overlay of Orthodox rituals and icons- a PRETEND ORTHODOX CHURCH).
And anyone who stands in their way, such as our canonical and fully ORTHODOX, Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel and his brother ROCA bishops and loyal clergy and laity, they- abuse and slander,  and mock,  and falsely accuse of violating various assorted canons-which church canons they often appear to INVENT or miss-apply or over inflate- (which amounts to .... utter concocted rubbish!) and totally disregard.
And by so doing, do they really imagine that God will bless them in all the mischief that they are doing?
They must not believe in God at all, or..... they believe in some sort of a pagan version of a flawed and imperfect God,.....NOT WHAT OUR ORTHODOX RELIGION TEACHES US THAT OUR GOD IS ALL ABOUT.... Who is...blind?...Whom they can..... FOOL?, hide from?...trick?
GOD SEES ALL!- He reads hearts, ....INTENTIONS- not only lips, the empty words of insincere..... liars.
And God knows the past, the present, and the future....of each one of us, His creatures.
Rd. Daniel in Oregon



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