Wednesday, July 27, 2016

OTHER COMMENTS: Metropolitan Agafangel Answer

PLUS OTHER COMMENTS: Metropolitan Agafangel: Answer in writing protodyakona Herman

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Dan Everiss

Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 5:29 PM

PLUS other comments:


+6 # RE: Митрополит Агафангел: Ответ на письмо протодиакона Германа — Кунгурова Татьяна 27.07.2016 16:43
Очень хорошо Митрополит ответил - в духе любви и смирения, и в то же самое время - твёрдо и доходчиво.

Вот так всегда легко разобраться, кто прав - тот, кто не впадает в озлобление, ненависть, раздражение, обидчивость, кто не лукавит.

Храни Вас Господь, Владыко!
+6 # RE: Митрополит Агафангел: Ответ на письмо протодиакона Германа — Jevgeni 27.07.2016 17:24
Вы совершенно правы, Татьяна, наш митрополит не единожды спасал РПЦЗ от раскола и сумятицы; он наш истинный проводник в Царство Небесное для всех верных ему клириков и мирян, он всегда с грешниками разговаривает в духе любви и смирения, только такой Владыко нужен нам, честь Ему и хвала, и здоровья, и сил в борьбе с супостатами!
Храни Вас Господь во все времена!
+8 # RE: Митрополит Агафангел: Ответ на письмо протодиакона Германа — Интернет Собор 27.07.2016 04:42
А как рассудить, кто прав? Соотносить поступки с канонами и Свящ. Писанием. Можно, конечно, старца назначить, и всем миром покориться его воле. Но будет ли это по православному?
+9 # RE: Митрополит Агафангел: Ответ на письмо протодиакона Германа — иеромонах Никандр 27.07.2016 07:18
Вот странно , почему то все пишут открытые письма митрополиту и указывают на ошибки , "папизм" , нарушения канонов . Но почему никто не пишет открытых писем влл. Софронию и Андронику ? Это мне непонятно.

А еще , насколько я понял наблюдая развитие этой смуты , протестующим не нужны никакие каноны , исправления ошибок , мира церковного и пр. Им нужно только одно : УДАЛИТЬ ПРЕДСТОЯТЕЛЯ . Ради этого все и затевалось . А вот если бы удалили , то тогда бы сразу наступил "тишь да гладь и мир церковный".
-6 # RE: Митрополит Агафангел: Ответ на письмо протодиакона Германа — Alex 27.07.2016 17:02
Да странно, но еще более странно что иеромонах Никандр не знает что такое монах, что такое молитвенный подвиг и отречение от мира. И почему Митрополит Агафангел попускает монахам этим заниматся
+5 # RE: Митрополит Агафангел: Ответ на письмо протодиакона Германа — Jevgeni 27.07.2016 17:07
Потому, что он пишет по- существу
# RE: Митрополит Агафангел: Ответ на письмо протодиакона Германа — иеромонах Никандр 27.07.2016 19:28
Ну хорошо хоть Вы знаете , что такое монашество , молитвенный подвиг и отречение от мира . Есть от кого поучиться.
+7 # RE: Митрополит Агафангел: Ответ на письмо протодиакона Германа — о. Валерий Леоничев 27.07.2016 07:47
Цитирую Интернет Собор:
А как рассудить, кто прав? Соотносить поступки с канонами и Свящ. Писанием. Можно, конечно, старца назначить, и всем миром покориться его воле. Но будет ли это по православному?

Старцы такие, как непререкаемые и заматаревшие представители "гуманистическо го Православия", и ея особой, "высшей" стадии - "зарубежности", имея своё особое мнение, особое от решений Синода РПЦЗ и Суда, уже сами себя, как видно, и уполномочили и назначили! Остаётся только их послушать, им внимать- отменить решения Синода и поступить, как им кажется лучшим образом(лучшим, чем "обухом-по-голо ве"-канонически м) , и все будет хорошо и безмятежно...

Кто-нибудь из старейших и ученейших членов РПЦЗ сможет сказать-ответит ь - А была ли когда в РПЦЗ демократическая традиция дьяконам забрасывать правящего архиерея и Первоиерарха "открытыми письмами", да и еще такого ультимативного тона?
-3 # RE: Митрополит Агафангел: Ответ на письмо протодиакона Германа — Jevgeni 27.07.2016 17:04
о. Валерий. а почему ваша интернет.-стран ица заблокирована в Германии? Вы ехтремист?
# RE: Митрополит Агафангел: Ответ на письмо протодиакона Германа — Алексей 27.07.2016 22:34
Скоро уже всякого честного и порядочного человека запишут в ехтремисты. Это еще Антоний Великий предсказывал

Well Joanna, I appreciate your effort with this, but this translation link/faculty  is about the worst that I have ever seen.
It is not possible for an English-only reader to decipher.
I just now sent you my better link...but it is one that does not allow me to copy/paste and email it, INTACT, to others.
MAYBE, I can convince Olson to human translate some of this.
EACH day, new facts surface about this schism.

> From:
> Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2016 15:59:19 -0700
> Subject: Metropolitan Agafangel: Answer in writing protodyakona Herman
> To:
> Metropolitan Agafangel: Answer in writing protodyakona Herman
> By Metropolitan Agafangel incl. 27 July 2016 Published in ROCA (Views: 192)
> Tahy: ROCOR, Metropolitan Agafangel
> Metropolitan Agafangel: Appeal Pervoyerarha Orthodox Church Russkaya
> foreign country
> Dear oh Lord, oh. Herman!
> Of course, unfortunately, something so neudachno skladыvaetsya here
> recently. Of course, in this largely vo wine and to me, and, otchasty
> on nashem Synod, the clergy and parishioners. Each man in the Church
> neset assume liability for their fate nee. Someone THIS fate sovsem
> nezametna and someone neset ee t vsey gravity. I vpolne that osoznayu
> you a large responsibility for our Church, kotoraja to me.
> The apostle Paul in today chytaemom MESSAGE writes: "Who Ybo IZ
> chelovekov znaet, something in the man, except the spirit
> chelovecheskoho, zhyvuscheho in Nam? Yes and Bozheho No one does not
> know, except the Spirit of God "(1 Cor 2.11). Each man znaet own way.
> This chelovecheskoe And Knowledge, Even in the amount of own way, not
> in skladыvaetsya Knowledge of God. Znaet God Only God 's Son who wants
> otkrыt "- Church with gifts and ee blahodatnыmy Svyaschennыm
> Predanyem. Therefore, for us kanonы not "bezdushnы", and as such
> neotъemlemы Church skoree, podobnы Svet vo spiritual darkness. Of
> course, we, sovremennыm people not in forces to bear in Bram s polnote
> predpysanyy, but Bram s "easy there," If the spirit of Brother эtyh
> kanonov. Yes and our Synod - led kanonov letter, and acted in the
> spirit of s. In court and then tserkovnыy - Avto rassudyt, bыly Do
> narushenы tserkovnыe foundations and opredelyt mayor sdelannыe
> liability for violations. If the same spirit and kanonov We otrytsat
> We'll stand, we shall dobrovolnыmy sleptsamy and Everybody Smozhe not
> come for Global and main. Togda, Indeed - End all.
> Anthony the Great say something bы us delal ft, ymey This Testimony in
> the holy Pysanyy. In Nam said at the same judges: "If a church is not
> poslushaet, then yes you will be on, and mыtar As yazыchnyk" (Matthew
> 18.17). Therefore we must staratsya slыshat and ponymat voice of the
> Church in the Holy kotoryya Pysanyy and sacred Predanyy (chastyu
> kotorogo javljajutsja and Saints kanonы and rules), as well as EE
> Unity.
> Solutions nasheho Synod not okonchatelnы and predpolahayut dalneyshee
> development. We must vstrechatsya and sovmestno obsuzhdat our
> slozhyvsheesya Situation and Sharing Look for Exit WAYS FROM him. The
> main thing all sides Avto ymely sincere wish Look for prymyrenye. Avto
> Results did not get in the way in sluchae As with Antonio Metropolitan
> and Evlohyem - where sovmestnoe Even prochtenye razreshytelnыh prayers
> friend of a friend not stop the Raskola, because the Metropolitan
> Eulogius, unfortunately, Too much zavysel from svoeho okruzhenyya
> stupid.
> Let us pray, God Avto pryzrel on our humility and indicated WAYS
> OUTPUT FROM sozdavshehosya position.
> + Metropolitan Agafangel
>     Tags:
>     ROCA
>     Metropolitan Agafangel
> <Back Vperёd>
> Player
> Added: Today 18:00 Author: Jevgeni # 5383
> Jevgeni Avatar
> Dopolnenye: Internet correspondence. By Vladыke yzvesten.
> Reviews on the Internet
> "Prot. Oleg Mironov yzvesten in noveyshey history topics, something in
> 2007 with Antonio dyakonom Hunynыm else and Diaeresis podobnыmy
> subektamy orhanyzoval unykalnыy pod itself in the Russian history of
> the church Raskola - TN Russo эkzarhat nekanonychnoho Lamyyskoho
> hrecheskoho sdelalsya ego and Synod vozhlavytelem - эpytropom.
> Not ish smyrytsya with the loss of power over svoym "эkzarhatom" in
> connection with the appointment Lamyyskym Synod Bishop Nektaryya эtu
> the post Olympic. Ubezhal as Raskolnikov-Greeks in ROCA Agathangel,
> Where bыl nekanonychno Accepted without hyrotesyy, therefore, on suty
> about. Oleg Mironov and not a priest, anyway - nekanonychen. In
> connection with эtym not udyvlyaet ego nыneshnyaya Activities in
> America. "
> "For the Cause Mironov will do Raskola not new.
> Mironov always dolzhen bыt and Chief Everywhere Around orhanyzuet
> itself totalytarnuyu sect. If Nuzhny Set To do this Raskola - on
> sdelaet ego. "
> "Udyvlyaet already in kotoryya once derzost" priest "Mironov AGAINST
> Metropolitan and myrolyubye the Metropolitan. Do not be in Mironova"
> krыshы "Archbishop Andronicus, on do not raspoyasalsya bы. And ow.
> Andronicus in obыchayu" us with something "molchyt, How water in the
> mouth ... has svadebnыy general, mechtayuschyy sex generalissimo. "
> "Why not bы sozvat эkstrennoe meeting of the Synod?
> Proyshodyaschee, kazhetsya, trebuet srochnыh kontrmer.
> That was the bы and can arhyereyskuyu hyrotonyyu Set: Total and then
> tired to yspravlenyya POSITION - one vmenyaemыy and loyalnыy
> Metropolitan monk!
> "So where ego is taken? S sweat, Even If and naydetsya, sъedyat ego
> there in America.
> We dadym ego is not in the offense!
> And not sъedyat ego If EMU after hyrotonyy metropolitan hand in hand
> and pohanuyu else Mettlach: Avto Bill Raskolnikov stick on the head
> and immediately won vыmetal эtu mud IZ nashej church "
> "Эtyh Only idiots can be pozhalet: s hands heat zahrebut Sovershenno
> others people.
> Metropolitan podhotavlyvaemom in Raskola will be no Andronicus and Sophron.
> Raskolnyky: Erastov, Mironov Dobronravov, Goncharov, Mark Kotlyarov
> "Arhyep. Andronicus (Kotlyarov), however. Gregory Kotlyarov, regent
> Mark Kotlyarov, Yuri Lukin (host" monastery "Mountain View) and the
> diocese secretary Dmitry Goncharov.
> Yesterday îíè already sobralys and obzvonyly clergy Avto vыyasnyt
> someone s podderzhyt.
> Okazalas not attempt dostatochno udachnoy. Look for something îíè
> ustroyat Sobranie in July.
> Business continues comrades. (6/14/16) "
> Added: Today 16:58 Author: Jevgeni # 5382
> Jevgeni Avatar
> Vladыke in chambers architect. Sofronyyu, otkrыtoe writing.
> I Neuvazhaemыy architect. Sophron in the struggle for white hood, you
> crossed all mыslennыe and nemыslennыe moralnыe boundaries and
> attitudes nashej Church vtыnuly in its bezobraznuyu karernuyu yhru and
> Archbishop Andronicus, can bыt Vы otrabatыvaete poluchennыe you ha.
> Earth from Soviet organs, razvala nashej Church In return, Or on
> volume, something is prohibited dosazhdat That was the Synod
> Pervoyerarhu, on a man deeply yntellehentnыy lychnaya zhyz klyrykov
> Emu not interesting? God grant you Avto mynovala of fate. Hrozovskoho
> IZ Pytera.Ne mohu bolshe molchat soul plachet at you raskolnykah O
> volume, something vы poteryaete road in the Kingdom of Heaven, without
> nasheho, zakonnoyzbrannoho Pervoyerarha, kotoryya proyzvel you in
> epyskopы, IZ nykoho, illiterate monk in Severro-Rusca (the worth to
> Vashem Seit) okolachyvayuscheho in the Kiev Lavra, sweat in Siberia.
> The struggle for the white hood vedetsya you long ago, but lately Vы
> aktyvyrovaly raznuzdannuyu its policy, since razboynycheho sboryscha
> Vashem in monasteries; kotorogo Vы otkrestylys here at the Synod: "My
> opyat stones in outfitting" This kstaty Your Favorite Expression,
> Virtually on vseh Synods (See archives) .Vы our Severro-Russian, but
> someone wrote for you is yours MESSAGE cathedral, although îíè
> vыhodyly Later NAMS so wisely and to good Russian language, man with 4
> klassnыm education in rasschet not beretsya, but will be Let This
> Secret polyshenelya. Vы took svoy Defenders of. Yreneya
> Klyppenshtayna, why? I confess, How to yspovedy, I do rasskazal of ego
> krymynale in Germany and something on a person razыskyvaemaya police
> in TIME that I loved and esteemed you and not to me That was the
> sekretov, Germany about A, where you bыl ward, but all zakonchylos yz-
> by Raskola in Pskov, unfortunately! Vы okazalys same blade, How and
> on. Irena, on writing, something they read in the archives in Berlin
> traitor ROCA (Mark), but for someone to admit Stasi archives
> immigrants IZ Kazakhstan? Also and are lying at Desire ubyennoho t
> Pskov priest prysoedynytsya for us on something Balo refutation ego
> Mother and sыna (not nazыvayu ego user name to sue, something on bы
> Hoteliers leave the MP. Now on Credo zachastyla with obvynenyyamy
> against Met. Agathangel Neka nun Stoyanova, I think something
> pvsevdomonahynya, later, something writes slander on Pervoyerarha not
> Can themselves allow me veruyuschaya nun, is not that something
> ubezhaly in Statistics monastery, although there you there zhenatыy
> monk, Fr. Sergei. why do you nuzhen Cathedral ROCA? Answer Prost :
> "Are you there will Orat" anaksyos "Metropolitan and there
> razvernetsya struggle Between Supporters arhyep. Andronicus and you,
> but always pobedyt Our Pervoyerarh and nыne ...! Of course, arhyep.
> Andronicus Very nice man, but doverchyvыy, God forbid emu sylы
> razobratsya c krytycheskoy obstanovkoy in our Church and otvehnut you!
> Rev Astoria: I do not want nykoho obydet, but sobralas there in the
> church Sauve kolasnaya эmyhratsyya not ymeyuschaya nykakoho
> presentation of about Orthodoxy, of canons and laws of the ROCA, mohu
> judges How bachelor theology (specially not cite prymerov IZ Apostles
> and NZ, writing prostыm
> Russian) .Ochen Hopefully, something our Vladыko and ep. Gregory
> zakroyut sovetskye partsobranyya in Astoria, razrushat there zmeynoe
> vozarytsya Nest and peace and God's grace, but Vы architect. Sophron
> will neradы this, ie. For vы sobyraetes Create else one piece ROCA and
> vtat there vohlave, but Oskolkov on TV Christ not bыvaet, Prices in
> thy Raskola vovlech and Izhevsk "Trejo bohatыrey" and perebezchykov IZ
> RYPTS-tsы (Dionysius and Yreneya) ? This has not protuhshee myaso-
> slova- My mercy-Credo). Otstuplenye here Topics: Fr. Valeriu
> Leonychevu to Detail. Valery A. Vы can not and will not ymeete right
> obsuzhdat writing about. Herman (on This Pervoyerarh there) so
> prenebrezhytelno otnosytsya LAW. Herman; on all the same with
> rozhdenyya member ROCA, historian, curator vseh laws ROCA, ward, where
> on serve samыy vernыy pervoyerarhu, there is no kolbasnыh emigrants,
> and Vladыka, and I chuvstvuem there, As at home, there Very prekrasnыe
> people and priests We obyazanы pochytat about. Herman for the creation
> of the parish, and Everybody on. Herman poydet Under no signs
> architect. Sofronyya, Nuzhny hlubokouvazhaemoho mnoy know about.
> Herman and parishioners kotorыh I like Very .; and sweat about. herman
> franzuz continue rozhdenyyu, his Rodnoy franzuzkyy language, his
> transkryptsyya in Russian not sovsem Verne, ie ego Blocked Thought
> sovsem not one Hoteliers on something vыrazyt, sohlasytest write in
> French. Language sweat translates into Russian; and sweat Vы recently
> ROCA, and Vladыko ymeet nepryyatnosty Only because of the Next Vы .:
> You know the dumplings and nykakyh discussions with me, please. I
> "Pashkovets" and ostanus and im not stыzhus says about this!
> Arch. Sophron, for God's sake, odumaytes, Ved white cowl is not worth
> that Avto ochutytsya not there, where all mechtaem We okazatsya, and
> Help the Vы Save our churches! God will Judge!
> More ...
> Player
> +2 # RE: Metropolitan Agafangel: Answer in writing protodyakona Herman
> - Kunhurova Tatiana 27.07.2016 16:43
> Very Good Metropolitan replied - in duhe love and humility, and then
> in the same TIME Most - tvёrdo and dohodchyvo.
> Here always so easy razobratsya someone right - Toth, who do not
> vpadaet in ozloblenye, hatred, Stimulation, obydchyvost someone not
> dissemble.
> Hrany you Lord Vladыko!
> +2 # RE: Metropolitan Agafangel: Answer in writing protodyakona Herman
> - Jevgeni 27.07.2016 17:24
> Vы Sovershenno pravы, Tatiana, our metropolitan edynozhdы not saved
> from ROCA Raskola and sumyatytsы; on our ystynnыy Explorer in the
> Kingdom of Heaven to vseh vernыh emu klyrykov and lay on always with
> hreshnykamy Discussions duhe in love and humility, such Vladыko Only
> nuzhen us honor and praise Emu, and health, and strength in the
> struggle with villains!
> Hrany you Lord t all Seasons!
> Efrem
> +7 # RE: Metropolitan Agafangel: Answer in writing protodyakona Herman
> - Internet Council 07.27.2016 4:42
> A rassudyt As someone right? Sootnosyt concessions with canons and
> Priest. Pysanyem. You can, of course, appoint elders, and everybody
> peace pokorytsya ego will. But Does This will be for the Orthodox?
> +8 # RE: Metropolitan Agafangel: Answer in writing protodyakona Herman
> - 27/07/2016 7:18 Nikandr HIEROMONK
> Here stranno, why then all write letters Metropolitan Open and
> ukazыvayut for mistakes, "papyzm" kanonov violations. But why No one
> writes letters otkrыtыh Co. WLL. Sofronyyu and Andronicus? This
> neponyatno me.
> And else, As far as I ponyal observable Development эtoy smutы,
> protestuyuschym not nuzhnы nykakye kanonы, yspravlenyya oshybok, world
> church and pr. Im tired Only one: DELETE Primate. And all of эtoho
> zatevalos. A SHM If bы udalyly then togda bы Immediately occurred
> "tysh so glad tserkovnыy and peace."
> -1 # RE: Metropolitan Agafangel: Answer in writing protodyakona Herman
> - Alex 27.07.2016 17:02
> Yes stranno, but something else More stranno HIEROMONK Nikandr does
> not know something of such a monk, something molytvennыy such a feat
> otrechenye from the world. And why Metropolitan Agafangel popuskaet
> monks эtym zanymatsya
> +1 # RE: Metropolitan Agafangel: Answer in writing protodyakona Herman
> - Jevgeni 27.07.2016 17:07
> Once writes something on creatures continue
> +6 # RE: Metropolitan Agafangel: Answer in writing protodyakona Herman
> - about. Valery 7/27/2016 7:47 Leonychev
> Tsytyruyu Internet Council:
>     A rassudyt As someone right? Sootnosyt concessions with canons and
> Priest. Pysanyem. You can, of course, appoint elders, and everybody
> peace pokorytsya ego will. But Does This will be for the Orthodox?
> Startsы again, As neprerekaemыe and zamatarevshye representatives
> "humanistic th Orthodoxy" and Her Particular "High society" Stage -
> "zarubezhnosty" ymeya svoё Particular opinion, Particular such
> decisions Synod of ROCOR and Court already dumplings themselves, As
> can be seen, and upolnomochyly and have appointed! Only Ostaёtsya
> poslushat s, th vnymat- cancel the Synod solutions and progress
> kazhetsya As im way better (better, than "butt-in bare ve"
> -kanonychesky m), and it will be Good and serene ...
> Does anyone IZ stareyshyh and ucheneyshyh Chlenov ROCA smozhet to say
> otvetyt-b - And When Did bыla in ROCA demokratycheskaya Tradition
> dyakonam zabrasыvat pravyascheho priest and Pervoyerarha "otkrыtыmy
> written" yes else and this ultimatum ton?
> -1 # RE: Metropolitan Agafangel: Answer in writing protodyakona Herman
> - Jevgeni 27.07.2016 17:04
> at. Valero. and why your ynternet.-countries ytsa zablokyrovana

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